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People claim to be,
Something of dreams.
They fail to notice me,
Filling my memory's reams.

I was there, standing still,
Your presence remained, unaware;
Moving your lips, with no will,
Harsh words came out, didn't care.

You left the site,
Slamming the door.
In "café delight"
Ending our lore.

I stood there, across the door,  
Watching you leave once more.  
My flowers lay upon the ground,  
Yet you left without a sound.

You claimed to be searching,
Seeking for a lovely shard
You failed to notice me, lurking,
With Lamprocapnos in my yard.

And I remained,
Standing like a stand,
When we no longer sustained
Also when started to expand.
It's a story one didn't care about.
I narrated the plot, to an uninterested crowd.
'cause people claim to be,
Something of dreams
And fail to notice me.
Frank Cavalo Nov 2024
Another smokes
Another one rolled
Another cries
Another one consoled
Another stands where
Another one was lain
Another’s bliss becomes
Another one’s pain

But if pain is just a part of it
Why is it all that remains?
Could it be Another
Is all it takes
To make One whole again?
neth jones Sep 2024
Gordon maddens coils under the high ceilings
  solitary in his three rooms
with his cello and window sill herb box
with his art ideas  employment as a film extra
and drink   fought  at bay  daily
see also :   battling off the ghoul of his perished father
his other and waging with his ****** bead
his aging kingdom    sensitively approaching seventy
early version


off his gourd

Gordon maddens under high ceilings
solitary in his three rooms
with his cello and window sill herb box
with his art ideas
and drink at bay daily
Zywa Feb 2023
The old threshold is

not worn out, my visitors --

step right over it.
Poem "van rompuytjes (22/11/- 8:00 37.1)" - II (2013, Hans Groenewegen)

Collection "Rasping ants"
Zywa Jan 2023
The wind lashes rain

on the windowpane, so nice --

that I am inside.
Collection "Foghorn"
Shevek Appleyard Jul 2021
I keep my past close with old photos
And yawn at the present
Waking up to the time i've wasted
The pirate that fidgets
Listening to the snapping of veins
Irate frozen views
I complain that I spend my days complaining
And that nothing is changing
But I don't make myself a catalyst
Struggle to find bliss within a cage I am comfy
Constantly confused on the want to be free

Ferocious and hardwired to be inspired
Flying on the gateways of promises that dance tempting
Fermenting memories in mistakes
So slinky sad and suddenly
I've given years to hibernate
All I do is flake and harden to my fate
No eagerness to liberate my procrastinative state

I keep my journeys stretched between boredom and boundaries
Im moody till boredom outgrew me
Deaf to the tones of disappointment
That hit like stones thrown ashore
To a child that only wanted to be more
Than a heartwarming second smile
An underachiever
Stagnated believer
Prospects zero
Sullen to be unstuck
From reveries of a hero
another sad-ish one soZ
Veritia Venandi Oct 2020
Beyond the realm of reality and at the doorstep of dreams...

There's a place...

It is where you will find me...

Sleepily awake!
Life seems to be continuation of reality and dreams... Each generating each other in return... Forming a self sustaining endless drama!

N yes I dwell in between the two... Most of the times!

Thank you for reading this! ❤
Ellis Reyes Feb 2020
Home is where your dog sleeps on the couch
Or on your bed
Or wherever he wants

Home is the smell of familiar foods
On predictable days
And the sounds of familiar snores
At predictable times

Home is where you can have pizza and a cookie
For breakfast
Popcorn for lunch,
and pancakes for dinner.

Home is where you know where everything is
Tape is here,
A ladle is there,
And rain boots are in the hall closet

Home is where you hear
Familiar creaks in the floor
Slams of the door

Home is your
Bre Oct 2019
Things I miss

Once I looked at you
And you looked back
Made eye contact
Saw me.

Six years has passed
And we’re still

And you don’t see me anymore.
I miss the
Of knowing how
I fit
In your world.

I just watch.
You don’t look.
You don’t see.

But I guess I’m just too much emotionally, huh?
I don’t know how to be visible anymore.
Autmn T Aug 2019
I do not know how to not spiral. I don't know how to catch myself when I fall. I don't know how to put up my hands and make the darkness turn to light. I don't know how to sleep when tonight won't strike 12. I can wait, but then I sit. Waiting for the moon to tell me that it will be the last thing I see and it will be beautiful. But what if I cant bring myself to believe it? What if 12 never comes? What if it never leaves? What if Im stuck there? What if theres just always another 12 to wait for in the inevitable tomorrow? What if I dont make it there?
I dont know how to not dwell.
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