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Skyler Ruen Jul 2020
The prince of the
A land whose up is down
Had a hammering heart
A noise that won’t quiet

Shunned and despised by
the rest
He clawed endlessly at
his chest
Until his heart gave its
Last beat
And he slept forever in
Achick Jul 2020
I am the lady with a purple fingernail
I can be your safe haven if you want me too
I will fight your battle along side with you
If you’re  not ready to fight that’s okay too
I promise to encourage you
I promise I will never leave you
You can say anything to me
The good
The bad
The ugly
It doesn’t matter
I’m here for you
You don’t have to be beaten and bruised for me to encourage you
No matter what,  I’ll open my heart to you
I can be your pillar of strength
Or your silent ear
You don’t have to trust me right away
But I’ll always believe you
If you see me on your journey
Don’t be afraid to show me your true feelings
I will accept you for who you are
Scars and all
We can count them one by one
Or sit in silence and wait for your voice
I promise to be gentle and patient
I swear to you, I will always be in your corner
It’s a lonely and cold world out there
I swear, you don’t have to go through this alone.
This is my vow to you
If you need me I’ll always be here for you
No strings attached
Just me and you

I will fight for you
I would die for you
You may not know it
But I already love you
If you need me, I’m here just inbox me here or on facebook
Zack Ripley Jun 2020
these days, shining a light
In the darkness
Is harder than it sounds.
But don't give up.
There are still people
Looking to be found
TyeniWrites May 2020
Every morning, the sun reminds me
Just like it
I can always rise again
I may fall but I will not stay down
My days may be dull
But everyday I will rise
Until one day I will shine bright
Just like the sun
jules May 2020
to the brave warriors
who reach deep within
their souls
turning darkness into
something beautiful
and whole

to the emotional empaths
who feel things
speaking their truth
wildly embracing

to the poets
who self-doubt
fearing they’re
not worthy:
the world would
not be the same
without your journey
jules May 2020
embrace the demons
that lurk beneath
the shadows of your mind
and turn them into
beautiful rhymes

your mind is poetic
and so is your soul
never stop writing
turn your darkness into
something beautiful and whole
Yashri May 2020
The cracking of your bones,
sounds you hear when you crouch.
Trying to protect yourself from whom?
Your spine can bend
and extend
no further, protruding out
ready to snap, you twist and you moan and you groan
when will this stop?

You feel as frail as a bird
One that has fallen after its very first flight

The cracks are what you hear
when hope is lost.
You feel like your weakening will
can weaken
no further.

just stop.

Listen here
Don’t listen to yourself breaking
Don’t slip through these cracks
Standing up is now your cause
Hope is not lost
So sit up and straighten your back

The more you crouch, the more it hurts
That corner you’re attached to is not your solace
or quiet place
you crouch there, only in the cold embrace
of your crumpled shirt

Corners don’t shelter you from your fears;
they cage you in with them.
They widen and stretch the cracks on your skin
Allowing pain and judgement to seep in
Cracks are gateways letting the water in…
Water that dampens your flame, your fire
and Hope
a precious thing

You’re hidden yet left wide open
Stuck in purgatory
This liminal hell
You hear the tolling of your own death knell

Are these cracks the
pain before your rebirth
the shedding and flaking
of your skin
which will leave you behind, a rejuvenated being?

You decide if these cracks will only exist
as a reminiscence of the passing pains
or will your thoughts dictate
that these cracks originate
from the epicentre of who you are?

Will you let this cancer-like spreading of the cracks continue?
Or will you stand up and straighten your back
To close up the cracks
and save you from You
This poem is an inner dialouge. It is about facing your fears and getting back up after. Feeling like a failure makes you vulnerable and afraid and it cracks open a pandora's box filled with self-loathing and doubt. The poem is about acknowledging the pain and facing it.
Leah Apr 2020
A lot of people been praying on my downfall and are ready to see me give up and fail in life.
You see the more you pray on my downfall the less success you'll have on your end because of the jealousy and hate you have for me...
But during the process I know that I'll be coming across people that don't want to see me succeed and be happy.
This journey I'm about to take is not going to be easy but I'm not giving up. FreemindedLee_
Rizza Allia Apr 2020
All things will pass away
The pain, bitterness will fade away
As the darkness passed and when the sun shines to bring light again. 🌻
There is hope. Declare, this too shall pass.
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