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nance Jun 2019
i look around and have seen this all before,
we tell ourselves we discovered something new,
but we have lived this all before.
- that feeling when everything modern feels ancient, and i feel like i'm looking into the past
JT Nelson Jun 2019
I have a place
In my memory
That’s more than
Just a place

It’s a taste
A smell
A color
A feeling
A sound
And more

It’s hard to explain
But every now and then
My mind goes there
And I’m at that place

It’s only there for a moment
Not long enough to pinpoint exactly
What or where or why or when
This place is to me

But it’s definitely something
I’ve always known
Since I was a child
Probably love or family or home.
This is a true feeling that comes over me often. I feel like I can remember the times I’ve sensed it every time it slides into my senses, but as I struggle to remember exactly when, it slips away again. I’ve even self-philosophized that it’s an alternate universe variation of myself just almost touching through the time/space folds of our existences. Or it’s just some crazy deja vu.
Alicia Apr 2019
You are so like her it scares me.
That’s why I’m finding this so hard.
Stark Apr 2019
a kiss, long forgotten
turns back the time
déjà vu got your head spinning
to sweet love

a cheesecake
sliced and shared with care
graham ******* crumbles on the chin
wiped away as a melody rings clear
keys pressed softly, your hands covering mine
harmonizing----until a ******
crescendoing like a storm
Cover your eyes, my darling
it won’t hurt

but it did
seeing that same heat
from you and another
her lipstick
staining your face--
as the cold flush on my cheeks

when i emptied the bucket of your love
once full to the brim
of your
empty promises
something that's been running through my head lately
CautiousRain Mar 2019
I dreamt that I saw you
barreling towards me in a sea of people,
and with your arm extended out
to touch me, pushing past me,
and you looked back
with bewildered eyes,
scared, confused,
but not knowing;
I only recognized you when I awoke,
and I'm sure
you'd never remember who I was.
Funny how you've already forgotten me
and how funny it is that I almost did too
Hello Prolly Mar 2019
a lovely place
of lovely memories
full of young future
Jodie-Elaine Mar 2019
Walking              to             meet            fate
you walk in and you’re sat on a cushion mid
*******               out                  your                   insides.
This whole thing happened years ago.
Urban legends laugh as you say your own name
three times in the mirror
you’re                         still                            there
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