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Josh Jul 2017
You're just like
My cigarette
To help forget
That I am
A walking debt
A life that rightly
Belongs to death
And it may be
The reason why
I'm taking the fast route back
The smoke in my lungs
You on my mind
Both to shorten my stolen life
And "render unto caesar that which is caesar's"
Maria Imran Jul 2017
Do I cause you pain?
Good. Because it's been a long wait.
I hope it makes you sad too
samihah wildwood Jul 2017
I don't feel like
I owe you

do you know
how freeing
that is
ABeautifullMind Jun 2017
They say life is the greatest gift of all.
Don't be fooled,
life is not a gift,

It too needs to be returned to the person who gave it to us.

It is a debt that we carry,
until our life prescribes.

The satisfaction of this debt is the freedom born from death.

On the brighter side,
maybe when we return our life,
we get something back in return....

Whatever it is, it can wait.
I'm not ready to pay up...
JR Rhine May 2017
Can you smell the decaf
in coffee breath

or palpate the aesthetic in
clothes bought

the former amidst
those groaning to work
praying to caffeine gods
to jolt nerves into existence

the latter walking through shopping malls
spying the guise on mannequins
without frays and tears
mocking the Dickensian reflection.

Is the placebo
the one without the caffeine rush
and the credit card debt

or is it the one
who believes it will all
make them happier in
the end.
Steve Page Feb 2017
The morning rained.
Down in the basement he lay flattened by bad luck and worse judgement.
The morning rained.
Despair seeped under the broken sill as his drained accounts stared back blankly and forcasted worse to come.
The morning rained.
Grey skies cut off the last hint of a silver lining.
The morning rained.
And he cried floods.
sunprincess Jan 2017
"Nineteen trillion,
nine hundred
sixty three billion"
says the duke of finance

"Woa, that's a lot of dough"
says the king
"We need to cut back
on our spending"

Funny some court jesters
Had gathered around
To inspire the king's laugh
Yet, he made not a sound

Though they did bear witness
to the majestic king
signing a new decree
"Only the bare necessities"

And some of the people
were well pleased,
And some of the people
Protested in the streets
A recent article says Mr. Obama left office after adding an additional
9.3 Trillion to Our debt,
according to numbers from the treasury  department..
Will our new president surpass this amount?
Only time will tell..
Dawn Treader Jan 2017
At the apex of the Empire State Building
Beneath a resilient misty gray sky,
A perfectly dreary day to die
She's at her lowest low
In heeled shoes a mile high,
Youthful skin, but nothing behind dead hazel eyes,
Rose red lips which never spoke their mind,
A purse full of pills she'd rather leave behind
Beneath rich chocolate curls,
Helena's madness quietly unfurls
Her courage to jump, her fear of death
Weighing the outcome of future incomes
Against the agony of piling debts
She came down from her delusional high
When daddy's substitute for love called money ran bone dry
With the sky the limit, her mind is trapped
By the lie they told Helena as her life was mapped
Line by line they fed her from birth:
"A scholarly piece of paper and a lovely figure will define your worth
Choose wisely little princess, or your life will be hell on Earth"
Turning her back to the street below
Her courage to end it begins to grow
She closes her empty hazel eyes
Cranes her neck towards the sky
And whispers "Death do you hear me? No longer am I shy"
In her delusion she heeded Death's reply
"Come now dear angel, let's see you fly"
A rush of adrenaline was met with demise
Now nourishment for the maggots and the flies
Antidepressants mimicked the body of their owner,
Fractured bottles, tops open, pills strewn all over
Beautiful bones shattered against the pavement
Released she was, from her own mental enslavement
Trickling down the drain, carried by unrelenting rain
Into a New York sewer towards the darkness below,
A bright crimson flow
Quenches the thirst of a starving rat king
Entangled in thirteen tails as he lay dying
Grateful is the king to Helena's sacrifice
For he is trapped in this sewer and awaits his own demise
A glimpse he tasted from the world above
Bitter-sweet is the blood of a girl without love
I wanted to try a long story in poetic form, seemingly minor things are the difference between life and death to others.
An anarchist
let paisley
die horse
in bracket
and wither
shy of
lead then
only a
shade darker  
in purple
again here
might recount
his race
until golden
track of
mercy wane
in debt.
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