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Steve Page Mar 8
Curiosity over Certainty
breeds Questions
that have Validity.

(Thanks to Ted Lasso
and Richard P. Feynman.)
I get curious when I hear the same short quote from numerous people. Like 'doubt is not to be feared but welcomed'.  After reading more of Feynmans thoughts, I realise I agreed: an honest life breeds curiosity.  Questions are an honest response to the complexities of the world.  We need curious leaders.
Solutions to the challenges of living in community require open, honest and curious conversation.
That's what marks my conversations with God anyhow.
Man Feb 15
You slipped up,
You ****** up,
Creating that trap
Made for our attention;
The inter-net.
You can't help but gloat
That the cards are stacked,
But I've got your ticket.
simmer Jan 29
Wondrous, curious, in awe
Everything is new and exciting
Oh what it is like to have a faith
A faith without fighting

Questions on questions wanting to know more
The deeper they look, the more they long to explore
Lord please let this faith
Child like faith
Repeatedly be restored

Vulnerable and okay being so
Guard down, knowing my problems are not my own
For I have someone greater than I to fight my battles
And through every storm a hand to hold

Without a deeper thought help me to love, learn and obey
Lord my greatest ask is to forever restore my childlike faith
Sia Harms Jan 23
My ankles were sore
From standing on my
Trying to ascertain
The words in your eyes.
There were none
For me;
You were guarded,
Your gaze obstinate as
You looked straight
Never wavering or
Crouching down to let
Me see into your
When will my ankles give out?
Reece Dec 2024
How powerful and distinguished they can be,
But, when in the hands of the enemy,
Become slimy, coarse, static and sloppy.
The old saying goes:
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
I believe that’s not the truth,
And that words can leave bruises,
Break hearts, and leave scars,
Corrode and erode,
Till there’s nothing but calamity.

How quick one is to insult another,
With not a thought on the consequences of speech.
Is it purely ignorance?
Or a lack of decency?
Morality’s gone out the window,
Only hatred remains,
Or at least that’s all it seems,
Few eyes in the overwhelming hurricane.
What happened to kindness?
What happened to peace on earth?
It seems to me, everywhere you look,
A new conflict has emerged.

Language can be so beautiful,
When presented to people who are good.
Not the ones who say the same crude words,
Over and over,
I won’t spell them out,
For they’re repulsive.
Have they little shame?
Or perhaps they don’t care?
Who they cut with their words,
As they fly through the air.
It’s sad when to insult seems standard,
And being kind is an extraordinary phenomenon.
It makes me wonder,
What planet am I living on?

My favorite,
Which means I hate it,
Is when people say a certain two words.
“**** yourself…”
How could they be so cruel!?
To wish the end of someone else’s life!
They say it so thoughtlessly,
Without a care in their ignorant, daft minds!
But they’re joking so that makes it okay!?
I think they forget that a joke is supposed to be funny!
What’s funny about wishing for somebody to die?
What sociopathic, narcissistic person,
Thinks that’s funny?
What if who they said it to was suffering?
What if what they said,
Confirmed every sickening, tragic thought,
In their head?
What if that following night,
They took the *****’s advice,
And didn’t show up at school the next day?
Would they feel ashamed?
Or would they even cry?
At the fact that their words,
Caused someone to die?

I’m not saying I’m perfect,
Farthest from it.
But I am careful to choose my words,
Before they leave my head.
Let me tell you a few truths.
Not every opinion you have needs to be shared.
Not every thought you have needs to be said.
Not every observation about someone else needs to be uttered.
Not every harsh comment needs to be spoken.
Some things are best left unsaid.
Sometimes it’s best to just stay silent.
Sometimes it’s best to remain quiet.
Because your words are weapons,
Your words are swords.
Wield them wisely,
Or are you unworthy?
To use this language,
So complex and enigmatic.

Can mean the difference between life and death,
Joy and chaos,
Love and hate,
Words carry a lot of weight.
Think about what you say,
Before those thoughts escape your brain,
The last thing we need,
Is more hate in this life.
jonathan Nov 2024
sometimes I think
not that often sadly

and rarely I blink
rather quick and madly

questions overflowing
is it not wonderful

answers mindblowing
barely fittin' this skull

still so much to learn
reading every book

wisdom I have to earn
and I know I'll be shook

by all the things the world has to offer
much to observe and much to know

but too much choice can make me suffer
so I don't pick anything and dim my glow
might be my weakest one, yet I can't get myself to change it at all. would love to hear some criticism, maybe someone else knows what could be bothering me..
Jeremy Betts May 2024
If I were to ask you
Why are you doing this?
What would your answer be?
What exactly would you say to me?
I'm curious
Would it mirror other hard questions
That I have been forced to ask
Forcing me to watch you get furious
Leaving me reeling, feeling like the fool
Because I took this serious

Blissful Nobody Mar 2024
Emotions and fears,
Rainbows and shadows,
Facts or just thoughts,
Curious about everything,
It's a state of being,
Not very reactive,
But very observing ,
Can sit and stare,
From the eyes corner,
Or look deep into your soul,
Into your farthest goal.

What you seek here,
Has made your being,
Untethered you came,
Tamed you became,
Boundless inside still,
Your thoughts unhinged,
Are of a curious nature,
To know them all,
Is this souls rapture.
maria Feb 2024
In the blink of an eye,
our life is gone.
We live the days,
pretending they don't run out.

Death promises us one thing.
It is a final justice.
We beg, and we ask,
and in the end, it delivers.

Fair or not fair,
there's equality in death.
To postpone or meet halfway,
the grave is patient.
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