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SWebster Nov 2019
It’s not big this crow of mine.
Head cocked, observing time.
Perfectly sized to sit upon my windowsill,
Reminding me that dread and fear are a bitter pill.
It calls to me
Stopping me.
I can’t hide and I can’t pretend,
It sees me, watches me my friend.
Waiting and lurking till the end.
Yuri Saad Nov 2019
There is a young crow,
soaring with a flock of pigeons,
flying from its sorrows,
far away from its prison.

There is a young crow,
No boundaries to fly,
yet he wanders in silence,
across the gloomy sky,
for his pigeons,
they die.

There is a young crow,
flying low, feeling unsure,
astonished and in disbelief,
left alone and insecure,
Becauseause he never wanted,
To leave.
This is for people battling with insecurities and anxiety. Let's keep flying low to be back up again, one small step at a time.
J J Oct 2019
A crow kissing skeleton skull
   And pecking dirt in the process.

Lace my ashes with flower seeds
   So that I may live a little longer.

I'd love to feel the rain
  Drip down my veins once again,
And make-believe the strid formed
    Will never dissapear. But

The dead don't get to decide that much
Crow bleeding sunny black eyes, sing a song
As we

         Cross into morning. Crow, that maps my skin
          In sanskrit, please go a little softer. It's not
          That I never expected to die, it's just that I
           Never pictured it so sudden; and it's still

So long to go until I'm found...
Crow, would you be so kind as
To keep me company until then?
Mark Toney Oct 2019
The rooster's crow warns me that dawn has come
My sleepy eyes resist my need to rise
I blindly reach for her but she is gone
Then hear a sound that much to my surprise
Reveals she hasn't left but still is near
The sound then ever closer she appears!
One last embrace and kiss before she leaves
Declare undying love to last the years
Such declaration mitigates our fears
As varied shades of love each one perceives
10/19/2019 - Poetry form:  Aubade - An aubade is a morning love song (as opposed to a serenade, which is in the evening), or a song or poem about lovers separating at dawn. It has also been defined as "a song or instrumental composition concerning, accompanying, or evoking daybreak". (Wikipedia) - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
Seán Mac Falls Jul 2019
I see myself in you—
With a spike we two spoke out,
Vagaries of wind, verisimilitudes
And the moon gives us her light.

Black bird, black robed Druid,
We both are spinning round
The hills draped in psalms
Of the oak and windy leaves.

Your words, I hear, go unsaid,
My utterings babble, ring in a rill,
Cold and cascading to mosses,
Bleeding from a lone escarpment.
It's been a hell week
I've been through alotta ****
seems that happiness is the one I can't seek
Must've been better to jump of a cliff

Depressed? Nah that ****'s low
I'm not depressed, I'm just a lonely crow
I've got nothing to express nor to show
I'm dead inside and i really want to let go

How can somebody become this numb tho
My life's a mess and a big shitshow
I knew it, I should've ended it days ago
But somehow here I am, cyring on my pillow

I'm turning into a dramaqueen, jeez
Forgive me, but i can only express myself through this
C'mon stars just grant my wish
I just want to be happy like everyone is
- January 2019
Mind Matterer Mar 2019
Standing there,
on the cold, damp sand
in the open air.

Hearing the gush of the waves
Crash against the rocks
and roll onto the shore
-Gently kissing your feet.
The Coldness is overpowered
by the emotions and relief within.

The light finally begins to rise,
The skies grow a blissful blue-
in contrast to the regular, deeply darkened grey;
mirroring the colour within your mind.

Feeling your hair ****** forward
along with the black crow-
The long residing and awaiting crow.

The final release,
Resulting in the return of
light, tranquility, and peace.

The final release
of this Dead Weight
-constantly on your shoulder,
Weighing down on your chest,
and fluttering throughout your mind.


The final release
freeing you from this
Godawful, hell of a disease.
David Hutton Mar 2019
The deceased piling up in battle,
Enough blood to fill more than one barrel.
Crows pillage the scene,
Nibbling on their cuisine.
From a distance you can hear them cackle.
Inspired by Vasily Vereshchagin's "The Apotheosis of War" painting.
Bonk Bonk Sir Feb 2019
Sharp talons clutch the weight of a thousand words.
Black feathers carry the pain of a thousand scars.
A small head filled with dangerous thoughts,
Burdened with haunting visions whirling through a twisted mind.
Weighed down by the realization of never being the same
And the forced unawareness to try and stop the aftermath,
A distinct sound spreads throughout the empty home.
The clear sword had made its first hit to an unsuspecting victim,
Breaking hollow bones.
A cool breeze brushes against white hair,
An old hinge screams as the splintered door opens,
And black feathers, now tinted red, are strewn across the entryway.
The door closes, a feeble hand pressing the cold latch.
Perpetual screeches echo through an empty hall
As the wounded struggles with itself,
Casting itself from wall to wall,
Coating white walls in claret tinted paint,
Praying to a god it no longer believes in,
Slumping onto the icy tiles.
Cloudy cerulean eyes, like icebergs,
Meet small black ones, that shift from obsidian to coal.
Sable wings become scarlet soaked.
As the faint sound of breathing desists,
And the room is enveloped in a deafening silence.
All that is left is a lifeless form,
covered in the blood that spreads from beneath it.
And as the deep carmine seeps into the porous grout,
A quiet voice hums a happy tune.
Hunger Feb 2019
The Kat was always the better side,
The crow was always her place to hide,
The Kat had a heart of Shattered Glass,
The Crows heart was quite the lifeless mass,
But every time their paths cross,
Off their hearts they pull the moss,
And surface the love the knew they had,
Together smiling and feeling glad.
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