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Hunger Feb 2019
Anything I would do for you,
Everything is something i would do too,
Cause in the end all i want is you and me,
Together and free
Hunger Feb 2019
A minute seems like nothing when i am with you,
I believe with all my heart you feel the same too,
When i go home that night,
I could face any trouble or fight,
Seeing your smile makes me feel alive,
Being near you causes me to strive,
With your love on my heart all of my days,
I hope my love also effects you in the best of ways.

Dedicated to "The Other Half Of My Heart"
Thank you for your smiles. :D  
Hunger Feb 2019
I have a chance to see you again,
i have a chance to see my best friend,
I have a chance to see the girl to whom my heart belongs,
The girl to which my heart sings nothing but the finest songs,
I have a chance to see her beautiful face,
To be within range of her undying kindness and grace,
Love for you is all i need,
You were the greatest of God's creations indeed.
More Love For You <3 ~ Crow, The Other Half Of Your Heart
uselace Jan 2019
Ebony wings flapping,
It streaks across the sky
Free as a bird.
K Balachandran Jan 2019
An albino crow,
On a fogless winter morn!
Nature spells wrong!
Azulverde Dec 2018
Nice to meet you.
- No, nice to meet you.
- Who invited you?
- The Crow.
- And you?
- My boss.
- Hmmm...
- Why?
- I was just wondering if,
by any chance,
you knew how to hunt rabbits.
- No, but I know how to follow orders
and shut up.
- Well, good for you!
I'll rather be black and fear the light,
then blue and having nothing to do.
- What?
- I was just talking about colors.
What is your favorite color?
- Grey.
- I thought so...
- Why?
- Because you're wearing pants.
- !?
You are not making any sense!
- I  know.

Goodnight said the bird of pray
before disappearing behind the shiny yellow curtain.
Single crow
Beach crow
Channel- marker
Among waves
As breeze ruffles
Your feathers
SR Nirmal Kumar Nov 2018
Walks barefoot
Crow on a live wire
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