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Xander King Sep 2014
I see you in the Fall
The red leaves whipping in the wind like your hair flowing behind you.
The chaotic movement connect to something
I see you in the fall.
The wind screaming in my ear
like you when the schizophrenia kicked in
but beautiful
in a broken sort of way.
I see you in the fall.
Like the flowers that bend towards the slightest glimmer of sunlight
just as you would hold onto any ray of hope that came your way
like it was the last time you'd see it
I see you in the fall
as the trees show their branches
it leaves falling like your hair did
despite it's baldness
I saw you in the fall.
But now it's winter and like the leaves on the trees
You are gone.
This poem is to my mom who died of cancer, fall was her favorite season, and is now mine too.
Take my hand, as we walk this terrain.
To the place where upon a branch a woman was hanged.
For stealing grain to make bread, ensuring that her children fed.
Look upwards, crane your head, a woman killed for baking bread.
Now, take my hand and look overland, where grains of sand make up this barren land. From barren life hanging in a tree, to barren sand eroded by sea, come to me. Come away child.
Let's build a sand castle and forget the fear in grains and sand.
02:03 BST
Just Melz Sep 2014
The next time you hold in your hands,
The tiniest little grains of sand
Think of how precious the smallest things can be
Like diamonds, or newborn babies feet.
Then think of the world as a grain of sand
Tiny, precious, and in someone else's hands
If we're lucky, they'll lay us gently back on the beach.
If not, by tomorrow we'll be within the tides reach.
Tryst Sep 2014
Rita heard the doorbell go
She put aside her favorite book
And ran outside to take a look,
But at the door, well wouldn't you know
She didn't find a thing!

She went inside and sat down
And then it went again,
The doorbell chimed, the door bell rang,
She ran outside and looked around
But once again in vain!

Rita felt so very cross,
"I've had enough!" she said!
Instead of rushing back inside
She looked for somewhere she could hide
And found a patch of comfy moss
And made herself a bed!

It wasn't long when Rita heard
And there upon a fluttered wing,
A hummingbird began to sing,
Such beauty in his trilling words
That Rita joined the song!

When the chimes came to an end,
The hummingbird looked glum;
He gave the bell a mighty clang,
The door bell rang, and then he sang!
And Rita laughed at her new friend,
She'd never had such fun!

Smiling still, she went indoors
To read the next few lines;
Short-lived was her tranquility,
And solitude was not to be!
She giggled as he played once more
Those humming door bell chimes!
For the Joe Cole "TRANQUILITY and SOLITUDE" challenge.
Tryst Aug 2014
Rita bustled busily,
To decorate each room
With jack-o'-lanterns, giggling ghouls,
And grinning ghosts with dribbled drools,
And moonlight glimmered spookily
On ghastly painted tombs;

She went to fetch her costume
And hoped it wouldn't itch;
She grabbed a strange and pointed hat,
An odd shaped broom, a stuffed black cat,
And in the mirror of her room
She turned into a witch!

A sudden tap-tap-tapping
Came from her green front door;
She opened it excitedly,
A-wondering who it might be
And then she started clapping
And dancing on the floor!

Her good friend Fox was outside,
He wore a long black cape;
With plastic fangs, he danced about,
But when he sang his fangs fell out!
They laughed so hard, then went inside
And had a slice of cake!
For Joe Cole's "MAGIC" challenge.

Originally inspired by Joe Cole's "Freedom" challenge, the story of Rita continues!
Tryst Aug 2014
Rita was a battery hen
And every day was bleak;
For her, life's stage was just a cage,
And meagre corn her only wage,
But things all changed for Rita when
She learned that she could speak.

She overheard the farmer say
"That cage is getting weak,
That's not just dust, but flakes of rust
And if the hens gave one quick ******
They'd all be free to run away
And we'd be up the creek!"

She waited till the dark of night,
Then pushed into the gaps;
The bars were old, the bars were cold,
It seemed as though the bars would hold,
But Rita shoved with all her might
And felt the cage collapse!

She ran right out the farmyard
In the moonlight, dim and pale;
No more is known of where she's flown,
I hope she found a lovely home,
Perhaps she'll send a greeting card
To tell of her next tale!
For Joe Cole's "Freedom" challenge
Running my fingers
Through your too long hair.

Finding out you don't care how much
I want to touch you, that's rare.

Sliding along, every inch of your smooth skin
Mouth tingling, thinking, not knowing where to begin

Being touched, from head to toe
Licking my lips, wondering where you'll go

Staring into your eyes, knowing there's nothing between us
Leaning back moaning, feeling all the love and lust

Knowing that all you want is me too
That's my freedom, simply having you.
Tryst Aug 2014
I'm just a lonely little leaf
So small, so insignificant
But in my dreams, I hold belief
That I could be magnificent

My skin would gleam of emerald green
To ward off snow and beckon spring
My fettered branch would welcome teems
Of chorus birds to dance and sing

My life would know such happy times
As wild winds lift me up for laughs
To flutter onto railway lines
And halt the trains upon their tracks

Yet in the morning, when I wake
From slumbered dreams, I find relief
In knowing god made no mistake
With me, his lonely little leaf
Shaded Lamp Aug 2014
Quivering here in the end of summer breeze
Tinged at the edges and speckled with decay
Drinking in the iridescent evening suns rays
Autumn is but a few blustery storms away
Retirement has not quite caught up with me
Winter is thankfully still 1.5 seasons at bay
But when my time comes, I'll happily fall
For when mother nature calls we all must obey
It is the taking part that counts (right?)
Just Melz Aug 2014
They grow.
Some on trees so tall
Some on bushes,  
So very small.

They fall.
Such a long way to the ground
Fluttering and floating all the way down.

They all die.
Such a pity how a beauty growing up high
Lives such a short life only to die.

They're remembered.*
When you think back to the beautiful summer,
You remember the colors covering the trees
Just think how dull the forest would be
Without all those *Leaves
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