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B Feb 27
Wading through the waters of the past
You know this feeling will not last
But the rain just won't cease to pour
This life is known to be just a bore
Filling up your past with water
Gone with the flood is your poor old daughter
Raveging through cities and towns
Stand up on your roof so you won't drown
But in that tall wall of destruction
Is a body in need of reconstruction
Begging you to jump into it
Tell your mother you’ll be back in a bit
Back with a new friend that she doesn’t like
After the flood strike
You’ve changed beyond recognition
Kalliope Nov 2024
A ghost or a shell
I never can tell
When I look in the mirror
And everything's weird
The smile I miss
Now a thin line so crisp
The glaze in my eyes
Since the glow died
This skin isn't mine
This body feels like a crime
I don't recognize what I see
I just want to feel like me
Holding onto the past
But wanting to be new
How long does this transition last
I'm ready to shed this shade of blue
It’s hard to know
What a life will mean
Mid sentence

Choices made
Driven by the times

It’s no game
But someone loses
Every time

And so we love
To show the other
We’re the same

In the end
You tried your best
So did I
Who knows how history will recall this time? We cowrite this story in real time, set out with intention.  Everyone knows that life ends with death. Still we wait with bated breath, hands shaking with trepidation over how it all ends.
Melissa Starr Oct 2024
I am bubbling, as the soup I stir on the stove
Quick with anger, only I know dwells
Quick with the tempered fury of a wrinkled brow
Quiet the damper, let the billows out
Dam is flooded, I'm what's left.
Who is today when fury quickens
In mind, or conquered day by day
Simmering still, the soup is ready
I lay still the doubts of today
Making soup
Melissa Starr Oct 2024
Looking onward,
Sun sets the sky gold
Golden highlights on ember stones
As iron turns to molten lava blue
As the sun settles on the rise
Rose colored stones darken
Green brush lit a fire in the changing leaves
Soon it sets dark
Set the embers aside
To turn to fire again in the morn
Sleep now child
It will all be answered
I love the fall. And campfires.
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I've moved so far through time
But to you I'm still the same
Does years of changing and healing
Only return back to insult and main?

I've found myself, I've grown, I've seen it all, but
Sour-filled hearts are all you've exchanged
And I'll return it with my white and pink lily
I'm telling you all, I swear I've changed
this is my 90th poem, written on 4/9/24
Emery Feine Sep 2024
Sometimes, I believe I am a star
Glowing bright, yet so far
Or maybe I am the whole galaxy
Every planet you know is simply me

Sometimes I believe I am the shade
I depend on the sun, yet hide from it, afraid
But on other days, I am the sun
I am the most deserving of fun

But sometimes I am a tree
My branches covering everything I see
And I know no matter how much my branches twist and twirl
I'm really only a teenage girl.
this is my 61st poem, written on 12/3/23.
Ghxstcxt Aug 2024
Hyper fixated
my mind keeps on racing
with entwined and abrasive
slights to my native ways and my nature
always finding a way to
sabotage and engrain a
sense of imminent danger
along with the worst ways to
mend and to gauge
making positive changes
on how I appear to myself in my brain
I'm hyper fixated
My mind keeps on racing...
Bansi Adroja Jun 2024
You were my entire night sky
Now I drive home in the dark without looking up

The songs that reminded me of you still play on the radio
But I don't think of that summer in the city when I hear them anymore

I fell in love again
And I want to tell you I hate it because it's not the same
It never could be

Seasons change and so did we
I'm better now in some ways but without you feels worse

And I wonder if you feel the same
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