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Thomas Conlan Nov 2015
The girl with the golden hair
Lives her life with love in her stare
Breathes in air, exhales affection
St Valentines picture perfect perfection
Playful, pretty, plenty of heart
Had me pinned from the start
Call it fate, call it luck
I figure her head's got her stuck
In a world where she can't see
The reality of what she could be

The girl with the sea blue gaze
Will have you drown in her for days
Every blink, another splash
A moment gone within a flash
This life in view seems timely
But her river runs quite kindly
Pleasantly lost in pleasure's drift
Basking in her beauty's gift
If those eyes could see what mine do
They'd be captured in amazement too
a world set in black and white
And she's my sole sense of sight

Maybe these eyes are out of hue
But there's one thing to say that's true
Life has changed because of you
My favourite shades of gold and blue
Martin Narrod Oct 2015
This bold mahogany dawn never retires
Buckets of roses unfold along the slopes of this graphite mountain
Smoke stirs from the cave wall paintings
Where wild horses lead the feral battles of yesterday

The most vulnerable humans could ever be is now
With four eyes and four arms open.
She might be as wet as a blonde Swedish shark- no matter.

The best and worst of life comes from the sacred triangle
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
It’s just that I always thought I would find the one who loves me. 
And I did.
But still I feel myself getting use to living with that blonde hair girl in the mirror.
Cave Man Jun 2015
Panama city is
Where I saw you

In a surf shop
Working your hour

Me an my grandpa walked in
Looking for directions

For the restroom....

Out of all the girls in the shop
He walks up to you

Your amazing beautiful light blues eyes
Are what caught me

With your amazing blonde hair
I thought

Then my grandpa asked

Where's the bathroom?

You answered with by
Five guys

When you spoke I felt
The universe grab me

Your voice took me on a
Psychedelic trip

Your voice the music in my

I will never forget that
German Accent

E Copeland Jun 2015
Chin up, says the blonde haired boy, you shouldn't look so sad.
Your mom and daddy love you, life can't be that bad.
Chin up, says the blonde haired boy, you shouldn't look so blue.
You're pretty as a picture. More girls should look like you.
Chin up, says the blonde haired boy, I like you when you smile.
I know the distance seems so great, but we are worth every mile.
Chin up, says the blonde haired boy, the time is passing fast.
Just a few more weeks and you'll be home, in my arms at last.
Chin up, says the blonde haired boy, you go your way and I'll go mine.
I'm sorry that it didn't work out, these things happen all the time.
Chin up, says the blonde haired boy, you shouldn't look so sad.
LS May 2015
Perfection found its way
Into her eyes and eyelashes
Her hair and her eyebrows
The curve of her lips when we kiss
It found its way
Into her flawless smooth tan skin
And into her hand
When she squeezes mine
Thomas Tinkler Apr 2015
How funny is it
That to be blonde
Mean a myriad of things

One who is blonde is
But never boring

Blonde is thought to be a mark of perfection
Strong Nordo-centricism
Stronger white supremacy

Are there not a brunette with the same attributes
Are there not matronly persons with red hair
Or black
Or pink
Or no hair at all

Why does such arbitration continually define us
Mere colors shape who we are
Far more
Than a more fair method

Who decided this
How do we fix it
Do we
Poetic T Jun 2014
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your
hair, as her golden locks came slithering
down, a secret hidden.

Razor wire underneath, as it wrapped
around. Controlled from above, it cut
and shredded poor Flyn surrounded by
blonde blades, a smile from above.

A look of fear as her hair twisted tighter,
a thousand cuts, tortured by the girl in
the tower.

Never was it to keep love out, because all
that love has been a mirage of beauty,
hidden was her sin. She preferred to unleash
pain and death to those who thought she
was a prisoner within.

The girl in the tower not as fair as the tale
had once said. Hidden from those that she
wishes to do harm, the bushes fed by the
blood and bodies buried in shallow graves

She was beauty that hid a darkness within,
her hair of blonde hiding death within,
nourished by the blood of those lacerated,
with the blades within.

Rapunzel, Rapunzel in a tower so high, to
keep you hidden from the world, for inside
the beauty is a secret, that is locked in this
tower, forever hidden protecting those from
the fairy tale lie.
Bobbie Bachelor Dec 2014
I just lay my head down sometimes
It just becomes too much
To deal with

It's like
I can't feel whole
Like something important is missing
I'm just left with this

I don't know anymore
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