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Madison Sep 2018
ryder is the worsf qoem writter ever
My bff wrote this looking over the computer so he couldn't see the keyboard very well. That's why some of the words are spelled wrong.
In all our time together
You’ve come to mean so much to me
You are my best friend
And I'll always be glad I met you
I know I can be a pain sometimes 
Just know that I mean well 
I'd probably be a mess
If i hadn't met you 
as much as I've helped you
You've helped me too
So I'll repay you by letting you
Know how great you are 
And know that I mean every word
The world is full of many people
But there is only one of you,
One perfect amazing beautiful you

©Words of a withering soul
Thanks for being there for me
Fritzi Melendez Jul 2018
end this unnecessary bickering
why does it have to be this way
i toss you a ******* bone
in return, ****** stones are thrown
bruising me
hurting me
torturing me
pummeling me deeper
in this god forsaken soil
where hell lives just underneath
waiting to embrace me.
but you don't see that, do you?
I'm dwindling to raise you up, but you say thank you by stepping on me.
Way Rest Jun 2018
We were friends
You and I
Kindred spirits
Thick as thieves
It's hard to believe
Now that you're gone

Sometimes I see your smile
I used to see it more often
I see it on your profile now
It looks better in real life

I no longer hear your voice
The voice that made me happy
The voice that annoyed me
I yearned to stuff your mouth with pie
Now, I yearn for that voice
That, I would never hear again
No matter how much I try

Since you left me
I have changed
No doubt
You have too
But you'll always be my best friend
That much is true
fm Jun 2018
i’m a step latter.
i’m kept between your fridge and the wall and barely make appearances.
you only take me out when you need to reach the cereal from the top cupboard.
you only use me when you’re in need.
i guess i can say you rely on me...
in a way.
but you won’t let anyone else use me for fear of them getting hurt.
then you’d have to shave out some money for their hospital bill to fix what i did.
so after you’ve gotten your cereal, and the box is back in place, you shove me back between your fridge and the wall.
you forget i’m there completely.
you’ll use the counter instead to hoist up and grab a bag of chips.
and when you fall from trying to get down , you’ll run back to me,
“i should’ve come to you,” you’ll say.
but i know you’ll reclimb that counter when you don’t wanna use me.
you don’t have to flatter me.
i know you’re tired of me.
you need the space between your fridge and the wall for your new step latter.
it’s a better step latter, i’ll admit.
it doesn’t wobble when it unfolds.
it’s made of strong, shiny metal as opposed to my cracked plastic.
and when i’m hiding between the tree and a trash outside, i realize you didn’t want me.
you just needed something to stand on.
my description of my toxic friendship
Bruna Barsanti May 2018
brother from another mother
from the same garden
loving each other like the moon
that once loved the sun,
not even lovers can make you feel alive like your brother
with a look that says
"even if your world breaks down I'll be the hand that will save you"
Madison May 2018
Accepts you as you are
Believes is you even when you don’t make sense
Calls you just to say hello
Drives you insane
Explains things you don’t understand
Forgives you of the mistakes you’ve made
Guarantees fun
Helps you
Is always there for you
Just wants to be with you
Keeps you close to their heart
Loves you for who you are
Makes a lot of difference in your life
Never gives up on you
Overjoyed to see you
Picks you up when you fall down
Quizzes your love for others
Raises you spirits
Supports you
Tells you the truth even when you don’t want to hear it
Understands you
Values you
Withstands you
Yells at you when you aren’t listening and
Zaps you back to the real world
mk Mar 2018
no one
can ever
replace you.

and best friends.

fun and emotional
support you were

continents away
and a couple
men later i know

it's always
going to be
me and you.
2015 is gold; 2018 here we go
DeAnn Mar 2018
You never look back

It's the first thing I noticed about you

Your past, your pain, your failures

You never look back

But I always do.
When I walk away, I look back to see if you're watching

You're not

You are focused
You are direct
You are confident in who you are, where you are

You are you

But I am me
Me, who is looking up at you, marveling to see what you will accomplish next
Me, noticing every movement you make, every sound, every hesitation
Me, noticing when your smile isn't real

So I give you mine to use
And it fits you perfectly

You fit into it and my smile becomes yours
And mine is plastic again
The mold I use to create my smiles so I can give them away to those who need them

You, whose movements are fluid as water
You, who is always trying new things
You, who excels

You are an asset to humanity
A unifier
A guide to the light within the darkness

And I watch your work
to my sister <3
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