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Mane Omsy Sep 2017
The little itches in my brain
Could no longer hold on to
But, I see future, calculating
Whether to rise now or later
Last time I messed up, fell
This time to seize the chance
So as to never slip or trip
To change my pace and stance
Survive the waves that hit

I will let you know as I'm ready
My dear, I said, when I'm ready
Stop stalking this beast in me
It hurts, barks or roars sometime
It even eats the flesh straight
And never returns your heart
So stay away, I'll let you know
When it calms down, as I tame it
Manuel Black Sep 2017
The night is dark, and full of terrors
So much dark days
Even the lights seem to struggle.
I heard there is a beast now lurking around
Even lovers don't seem to cuddle.
Plenteous scarcity of good
Amidst the abundance of evil.

Some heard:
"Thou shalt not do evil."
Others only need a Simon,
to let em know:
"That there is no beast in these shadows
It's only the King of the Flies perching around
Atop a filthy desire to create evil among their kind.

Alas, they'd better know tho'
That that incarnate resides in us all
We'd better Recognize!
Muse: The Lord Of The Flies by William Golding
Tahirih Manoo Aug 2017
A dragon spits a flame
Out flies your name
It Alone brings shame
You've Failed again at its game
The beast, hard to tame
Sees you all as one in the same
Legs limp and your grip lame
In distress, dearest dame
One Strike, it never misses it aim.

2:07 am . Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Elise Jackson Aug 2017
the silence becomes the loudest in the middle of the night when safety is no longer an option.

it becomes the enemy when you're trying to sleep, push everything away to get some peace.

it's the thing that turns you from blue to red in the blink of an eye.

turning you into a whole new mechanism.

an animated, drooling, beast of rage.

you can try to claw your way out, but there's always something in the way of getting rid of the revolting, wet, anger that boils in the cavity of your sternum.
'Imagine A Brave New World.
Where all tyranny rests
inside a crypt named "Constitution,"
and Communism becomes America's ideal.'

S ocially

Oh brave new world,
such a strange old place...
huckster's abound
for the sleeping *a
Graff1980 Aug 2017
Of course the pig squeals.
Yes, monsters make appeals,
pleading for humanity
whenever they feel
threaten by the lesser degrees
of the insanity
that they instigated
in our society.

However, my sympathy
is less engaged
for those who lie,
displaying false outrage
while the bombs that are made
our directed by them
to blow up innocent men
women, and children.

I long to be a good person,
but how much does my
saintly status cost?
Does it cross
some sick line
when I find
that I harbor patience
and mercy in my mind
for the vicious kind
who have slaughtered
and impoverished
millions more?
Raven Quill Aug 2017
And once you apologise for nothing
You shall be the beast of all burden
Read what you wrote weeks later
Behold, the burdensome beast
Nadia DeLevea Jul 2017
Like a statue I stand,
I cannot be broken.
Sharp as a blade,
I have not misspoken.

I'm already there,
All desire awoken.
Quick as lightning,
Furry bright and smok'n.

One step ahead,
I'm the whole **** ocean.
I'll get in your head babe,
So let that **** soak in.

Sweats like a boss,
That's why I get chosen.
I am the machine,
Don't need your **** token.

Confident words,
Each one that I've spoken,
Fierce as a lioness,
I can't be heartbroken.
Beauty is a Beast™  By Nadia DeLevea
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