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Stephen Jul 2020
Two hands can touch
******* can cross
Given enough time
And the right thread
Two hands can be joined

Two lips can touch
Two tongues can cross
Given enough time
And the right words
Two mouths can speak as one

Two bodies can touch
Two friends can cross arms
Given enough time
And the right weather
Two people can become one

Two lovers can touch
Two hearts can cross
Given enough time
And the right music
Two hearts can beat in sync

Two faces can touch
Two heads can cross at the neck
Given enough time
And the right surgical equipment
Two brains can even meet

But two minds can never touch
Two minds can never cross
Given all the time in the world
And the best drugs money can buy
Two minds will still remain separate
Stephen Dec 2018
Everyone is damaging
Each other
Or themselves
Hoping to catch a glimpse
Not of blood or bone or pain
But of some form of truth
A hint
As to why we are here
And what we are supposed to do

Some do so much damage
That the damage
Becomes the answer
Instead of the question
Stephen Dec 2018
Blue and yellow both want to meet
Without ever turning green.
Each expects the other to defy nature's law.
Yellow wants more yellow,
Blue wants more blue.
When green is inevitably produced,
Both are disappointed.
Everyone wants someone to complete them,
Almost no one wants to complete someone else.
But nature's law cannot be broken:
You cannot take without giving.
The only way yellow and blue can complete each other
Is by embracing the green.
Stephen Nov 2018
The universe explodes,
And reforms
Inside each of us.
There is no such thing as singular soulmates,
For we are all tiny universes
Built from the dust of the Big Bang,
Constantly retracting into each other.
Stephen Nov 2018
The world is a gaping maw of ignorance
Filled to the brim with hatred,
Unadulterated bigotry,
And millions of eyes,
Blinded mid-lobotomy,
That self-performed procedure
That protects the subject
From any sudden understandings.
Things are not as they ought to be,
But then things never were
And never will
The world is the way it is,
And those of us who couldn’t cut into our own calculating core,
Those of us who attempted the task with a torrent of tonics
Instead of hammer and shiv,
Find ourselves wandering through a wasteland of willful
Idiots and bigoted bullies.
Try as we might to open their eyes,
Open their minds,
We fail.
Their eyes are hollow shells and dust.
Their minds are awash with religious rules, rifles, ruination,
Walls, borders, fences,
Imaginary lines drawn everywhere,
Over everything,
And their brains are protected from learning anything new
Or different
By miles of scar tissue and an overabundance of barnacles.
So that leaves the rest of us,
The ones with eyes open, minds primed and wide,
Lost in a world of people who will never understand,
Never let real freedom ring,
Never erase the imaginary lines they drew themselves,
Never accept that everything they believe
Is preposterously perverse.
The more we try to spread the truth,
Attempt to put an end to the primitive procedure of self inflicted
The more they try to stomp us out,
Extinguish our flames,
Burn us to the ground.
But we continue to fight, to bleed, to die.
Sometimes because we still have hope that things can and will
Get better.
But more often than not,
We fight on because it's the only thing that keeps us
From picking up that ice-pick ourselves and becoming
Another one of the mindless masses.
Stephen Nov 2018
I don't know how to write
The words that will end the war,
So the battle rages on,
And the soldiers don't even realize,
They could have been saved,
If only I could think straight.
Stephen Nov 2018
Water and loose gravel
Tumble down mountains.
Stems, leaves, and branches
Grow toward the sun
And sway with the breeze.
Stalactites form and drip,
While stalagmites grow below.
When lava has nowhere else to go,
It bursts through the surface of the earth.
The planets spin and turn,
The stars burn and send light flying,
The ocean spits out dead things.
Objects in motion continue moving forward
Everything in nature
Follows the path of least resistance
Including mankind.
Every path was forged,
Every rail road was built,
Every highway was paved
Because it was easier than the alternative.
Every skyscraper went up,
Every paycheck went down,
Every war was fought
Because it was easier than the alternative.
Imaginary lines were drawn,
Around everyone and everything,
And we learned to believe they were real
Because it was easier than the alternative.
We followed the path of least resistance
And now everything is easy.
Being so poor that you can’t afford food is easy.
Living with disease and cancer,
Rotting from the inside out
Because you can’t afford to go to the hospital is easy.
Getting bullied, harassed, and beaten
Because you act or look different is easy.
Getting ***** without ever seeing
A shred of justice or remorse is easy.
Being gunned down by the very people
Who promised to serve and protect you is easy.
Everything in nature
Follows the path of least resistance
Including mankind.
Objects in motion
Continue moving forward
Unless they are
Compelled to change direction
By an external force.
You can be the external force that changes history.  We all can.
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