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Roberto Apr 2018
I am a man with unbound depth
Who lives to love with soul
To write upon our hearts entwined
Together two made whole

Paired eyes blend one with single beat
Our hearts returned to grace
As cloudless sky’s uncounted stars
Rain down within our place

To set the field of endless hues
All colors meld to bliss
Of swirling faith’s immortal souls
Together as we kiss

Converging to one body’s dream
To liquid heat be taken
Down rapids wake in oceans depths
To finally be awaken
Poetic T Feb 2018
Contemplating the visuals that attain
my perception I see
                           harmonious interludes
caressing the weaving of the dormancy
                          of my ever static motion.

My breath like a summer breeze,
smoothly expelled
                                upon silent avenues.
Never hearing  my whispers collected
within my twinges of slumbering grace.

Wilfully I  collect on deaths doorstep,
               verses of silence entomb me.
Every night I talk to the fading stars of life,
but I eventually awaken in mornings breath.
O fast day that trembles at the sight of Moon -
when will your warm arms bend again
the night's thick armor
that shades the world of joyous muse?
It is most facetious in its illusion,
that renegade of pale indifference,
when daylight dwindles and leaves more to imagine
than can be seen with naked eye.
Beneath the gaze of Her taunting face,
people do not walk as done in light -
suddenly, trudging and stumbling are hip style.
Faces covered in guilt, remorse, fatigue -
all the things Sun can wash away with a simple,
lucid grin.
If brightest bright were set ablaze amidst the night,
would people be plucked from this false sanctuary
which darkness so convincingly provides?
Then many a Lost could be freed;
if only to see clearly through effervescent
O blessed Sun!
With your arousal, Truth and Freedom will also renew -
until again that blank stare casts its malevolent glow on
prose from a street-lit bench.
Tony Oquendo Aug 2014
Soft as a mothers glow, this star so warm and bright
from a place too far away to hold, yet warms a summers night
as evening falls to sleep it goes this stoic friend of mine
upon a new day she unfolds, hello my sweet sunshine
Poetic T Dec 2017
And so the sheep did follow
                     and fall to there knees
not knowing the truth of there
future folly.
For those before clothed the Shepard
and Fed his many needs.

While they were tossed aside
              empty vessels of false followings..
And when the knew were born
                          the shepherd smiled.

Not for the birth of new life,
            but to fed upon there insecurities
   knowing when they could walk,
they would follow his words that were
               just leading them to there inevitable ending....
Pepper Dove Nov 2017
Nestled closely to my dreams
  I build castles in air
Dancing on tops of clouds
  with my tiny feet bare
I carry on in a way of grace
  singing songs with rapture
Hands twirling in the sky
  rose petals I swiftly capture
I kiss each one
  blowing them back to the wind
My soul is too selfless
  to have harbored all of them
In the distance his eyes met mine
  with a gentle smile
My cheeks turning to a cranberry wine
  as he took my hand a while
Floating deep into the rising sun
  warm colors melt our souls
Poured into the open sea
  spiraling round and round on carousel
Until washed upon twinkling sands
  of greens and yellows
I awaken with empty hands
  and a heart that bellows.
This was the very first poem I shared on Hello Poetry back in 2015. It is still my favorite poem I've ever written, so I wanted to share with you all again :)
yellah girl Oct 2017
at first, you were two burnished
roses, so pure and bright that i
thought you were made of gold.

you were spiritual parents to me &
taught me right from wrong, and told
me that i wasn't good enough, but that
you were great enough for all of us.

you placed a dunce cap on my head,
but you painted them gold and called them
crowns, and i believed you, you coward.

you kissed my brow, sweetly, softly,
like a vampire caresses his victim's neck,
before he plunges deep & ***** the red
from their veins.

you cradled my throat in your claws
and told me that no one else was
on my level, that no one else
could get this close to you.

i told you i dreamed of becoming a
writer, you told me to burn my journals.
i told you i dreamed of becoming a
painter, you told me to trash my brushes.

i gave you the key to my secret dreams,
to my most vulnerable place, & you
swallowed it whole, like a greedy sparrow.

for 3 years, you dangled my stolen heart
in front of me, & laughed as i chased it like
the hog-tied mule that i had become.

then one day, you got lazy & you slipped
up, you fool, you left the key & my heart
on that pedestal you brazenly sit upon.

i took it back, i swallowed my heart &
unlocked my spirit, free at long last,
and saw that you were the Wizard of Oz,
hiding behind your ratty curtains.

i laughed & i cried, when i realized
what a fool i had been, how childish
i had been, to willingly give you
my life.

you were nothing but stones dipped
in glistening blood, drained from the
blind people you feast upon, you glutton.

you broke my spine & you tried to
**** my spirit, but you didn't know,
I am the Phoenix Rising, &
you will not hold me any longer.
I have been brainwashed for three years and I am finally waking up. Life is beautiful and I am meant to create.
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