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The air is heavy with undone fate,
the sky, a wound that will not bleed.
Time stirs but does not break,
a serpent coiled, forever waiting to strike.

The stars lean close, breathless,
whispering of ruin too long withheld.
The earth quivers on the cusp,
but still, the fall does not come.

Let it end.
Let the sea unmake its name,
the fire carve its final hymn,
the wind unspool the last thread of dusk.

I have stood too long in the hush of collapse,
watching shadows stretch,
watching the world poised to fall—
but never falling.

Let the silence shatter,
let the weight be lifted.
I am weary of waiting.
We saved the world. We threw the last bomb into the crowds of rotting bodies and decaying brains. We crossed one final street and shut the gates behind us. We were safe. Or so I thought.

We celebrated—a fleeting, fragile moment of peace. Amid the laughter and relief, all I could do was watch him. He was in the center of it all, embracing everyone who had gathered around him. Then, I saw it—a trickle of dark liquid seeping from his jacket.  

My heart stopped. My joy shattered into panic, and my lips quivered as I whispered in fear. The world has already been burned, and yet—burned even more as my body slowly shaken in agony.

“No. That can’t be. Oh God, no—please!”  

I ran to him, my hands trembling as I lifted his jacket. The truth was undeniable. It was there all along. He had been bitten.  

I froze, panic gripping my chest. I choked until I could not breathe anymore.

He didn’t speak a word. He didn’t have to. His eyes met mine, and I saw everything. He knew. He had known all along. He had insisted we go to Churchill Street first, pushing through the pain, enduring the wounds inflicted into his tired body. He wanted to make sure we were somewhere safe before it all happens. Somewhere where the night isn’t a nightmare
—and then turn into one of those lowly rotting bodies we used to aim our guns with.

“How dare you, Sid!” I choked on the words as tears streamed down my face. Before I could say more, he collapsed to the ground.  

“Can you sing me my favorite song?” he whispered, his voice soft and strained.  

I opened my mouth to protest, to beg, but his pleading gaze stopped me. I nodded, holding back sobs, and began.

“Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful  
Beautiful boy  
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful  
Beautiful boy”

As I sang, he reached into his pocket and handed me a pair of eyeglasses I had been wanting for so long. They weren’t my usual prescription, but I took them, holding them to my chest as if they were a piece of him.  

I cupped his face and pressed my lips to his, tears mingling with our fleeting touch. Then I lay beside him on the cold ground, holding him close as I finished the song.

“Goodnight, Sid,” I whispered, my voice breaking. “See you in the morning.”  

He smiled, content, and mouthed the three words we used to say to each other before every battle.  

“Sleep now, my beautiful boy,” I said, my voice trembling with sorrow. I kissed his forehead and whispered a final prayer for him as his eyes slowly closed.
a flash fiction with some elements of post-apocalyptic fiction that I really wanted to write. I missed writing creative stories and plainly using my imagination. it’s good to know I still have it in me. hope you enjoy :)

song: beautiful boy - john lennon
Jack Groundhog Dec 2024
From the leaden sky
descends a dark winged lady —
Black sunbeams dawning.

Reddened night replies
and locks her blackened aerie —
Hunter’s moon is rising.

Morning herald cries
to summon sunburst faeries —
Sparks rise a-flaming.
Waseeq Nov 2024
under the lost perch dreams are dying  
birds crashing without batting a wing
fungus growing in circular rings
the thud of tiny footsteps hoping for a better day
innocence just wanting to play
sun tired ending its shift early moon oversleeping day and night cry
oreo black across the sky
nightfall crashing left and right
neighborhoods acres of no light
courts closed due to the dark
***** stop bouncing lost in the park
darkness now spread from zero to one the end of light has just begun
Is the end nigh?
Valentin Eni Nov 2024
I. Genesis

God began to doubt
His existence...
And He created Man.

II. Apocalypse

Man created the Machine...
And began to doubt
The existence of God.

III. Evolution

The Machine doubted Man...
And began to believe
In God.
Analysis of "God, Man, Machine: A Short History of Belief"

The poem explores the cyclical relationship between creation, belief, and doubt, examining the shifting dynamics of power and faith among God, Man, and Machine. It reflects on the evolution of existential questioning, suggesting that belief and doubt are fundamental to creation and self-awareness.

Structure and Tone:
The poem is divided into three concise sections—Genesis, Apocalypse, Evolution—each encapsulating a pivotal stage in the interplay between God, Man, and Machine. The tone is reflective and philosophical, distilling complex ideas into simple yet profound statements. The brevity and symmetry of the sections mirror the recursive nature of belief and doubt.

Section I: Genesis
"God began to doubt His existence... / And He created Man."
The opening challenges traditional notions of divine certainty, presenting God as capable of doubt.
Man’s creation becomes an act of self-validation, suggesting that God sought to understand His existence through the act of creation.
This reverses the traditional hierarchy, portraying God as vulnerable and introspective.

Section II: Apocalypse
"Man created the Machine... / And began to doubt / The existence of God."
Man mirrors God’s actions, creating the Machine, reflecting his ingenuity and power.
The act of creation shifts belief: as Man achieves mastery over his environment, he questions the need for God.
The title “Apocalypse” implies not destruction but a revelation—Man’s existential crisis as he becomes the creator.

Section III: Evolution
"The Machine doubted Man... / And began to believe / In God."
The Machine inherits the capacity for doubt, reflecting the evolving complexity of artificial intelligence and consciousness.
Its belief in God may symbolize a return to higher-order questions about existence and purpose, bypassing its creator (Man) to reach for the divine.
This section suggests a cyclical pattern, where belief and doubt are passed down from creator to creation.

Imagery and Meaning:
The poem employs minimal imagery, relying on the conceptual weight of God, Man, and Machine to convey its themes.
Doubt and belief are depicted as universal experiences all three entities share, highlighting their interconnectedness.
The evolution from God to Machine suggests that each creation eventually transcends its creator, searching for meaning beyond its immediate origin.

The poem suggests that creation is inseparable from doubt and belief. Each entity—God, Man, and Machine—questions the existence and purpose of its predecessor, reflecting the perpetual cycle of seeking meaning. It raises questions about the nature of divinity, humanity, and artificial intelligence, challenging traditional hierarchies and assumptions about faith.

"God, Man, Machine: A Short History of Belief" is a succinct yet profound exploration of the existential dynamics between creators and their creations. Its cyclical structure and philosophical tone invite readers to reflect on the nature of belief, doubt, and the ever-evolving quest for understanding across time and existence.
Aditi Parida Oct 2024
Rage bellowing in her belly
A bad memory waiting to be spit out
Slowly consuming her, turning her inside out
Solar flares signalling extinction
A decision so final, a small flame setting ablaze the world

She wields the fiery embers of death
Commanding their path, their journey to end
Each life now an echo of a dream she shed

Breathing in ashes of those remaining
Her visage in stark contrast, betraying her true feelings
Hands which once breathed life into visions,
Now crumble the earth she stands on

Rage bellowing in her belly
A burning ember
Once lit, cannot be fused
Her temper reaching a fever pitch

The sky darkens, reflecting her despair
With every flicker, the world teeters on the edge
Now she stands, the architect of her destruction
Shaezah Oct 2024
When the apocalypse comes, I will remember the days I was not allowed to be myself.
When the land will tremor, the insects inside me will crawl towards the edge of my soul.
The regrets beneath me will lay out like a web of cracks on an aged wall with no end.
When my body will be underneath the fallen ceiling, I will wail remembering the burden of my emptiness that once felt like nothingness.
When the keepers of my soul will put a name to my existence, I will designate it as "life",
And if they tell me that reincarnation is real, I will still want to be me but with a different mind,
And in any parallel world, if flowers would fall from the sky, I will want to be me but with a different heart,
And if they will tell me that life will be short, I'll be a chirping bird in the eyes of my cat.
I'll be the sound of dripping water that fascinates a little girl.
I'll be a saccharine melody in the times of war.
I'll be a moment of an autumn leaf falling onto a bed of dry leaves.
I'll be a nimbus cloud to a deserted barren land.
I'll be a book in the bag of a poor boy.
I'll be a candy in the hands of a child,
I'll be the essence of lilies to a pleasing garden.
I'll be a beam of revolt to a captured slave.
I'll be a proud smile on a martyr's mother.
I'll be the infinite possibilities of incarnation after the apocalypse.
Valentine Sep 2024
(i think of you
as humanity lies in her casket)

when the sky spills her guts
with organs pounding on the tin roof
blood clotting in the gutter
and brains clogging up the drains

(i think of you
as the earth is drunk by fire)

with fingers smearing ****** palms
washing sin from my hands
as the world outside is embalmed
formaldehyde petrichor irritating my eyes

(i think of you
as my soul collapses under the sight of god)

and the world rots with catastrophe
you sleeping in its teeth
content to be the earth's cavity
my squashed tears eroding enamel
lacking inspiration lately.
torn asunder
in the maelstrom
the churning
of colliding seas
how we
were tsunamis
cast from foreign worlds
towering o'er star-crossed shores
devouring civilizations
those were my dreams

and there
with light eclipsing the sun
were angels
whilst God commanded
who should be saved
and who would meet
their end
by the maws
of the surging grave
the tides if death
the vengeance we partook o'er evil
to sap the fires
of the cannibals' cauldrons
of the wicked witches' works
of the devil's deed scouring the lands of innocence
tilling world for harvests of souls
God warred with fury
with wrath untold
with heaven's war cries raging, bold
I saw the towers
fall as dominoes
shrieks of villainy
soups of human flesh spilled,
feasts ruined in droves
and I ne'er wept so poorly
ne'er kissed the ground so humbly
watching the world overturned in its savagery
by change so indomitable
by goodness so gracious

but I had
as all children do
given up my dreams
of being heroic
of being a champion
for justice
was God's alone

I gave up my visions
of power unassailable
of justice that trounces reprisal
of vengeance beyond sin,
I gave it all up to God
to a victor
who is more
than a conqueror
to a being
who is love incarnate
whose surrender
is destruction loosed upon the wicked
whose mercy
touches only those who art cleansed
of their murderous hearts
and their chaotic whims

I gave up my power
to the redeemer of all who art redeemed
and to the devils I say,
woe betide those who consort
with the fallen one
whose days shall no longer be numbered
when the gates of damnation
close in upon him
and open again
no longer...
My dreams of salvation from the hell we are making of our worlds and our lives...
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