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erik lubbe Nov 2016
Angels {sigh}
These angels
More like demons
They come in
Take your heart
They take it so gently
You just let them do it
Then their hand
A hand as cold as winters snow
Crushes it
Breaks it
Shatters it
And leaves you alone
So I'm going to ask you
Angels or demons?
For the one who broke my heart
Mazen Edlibi Nov 2016
What hope I'm holding onto my silence!
My words are calling me to release their own spirit from my hope!
My eyes can't see other thing than something labeled "love"!
My breathes are looking for that smile that meant for me!
My heart beats calling her face in the dark night to spark like star in the sky!
My pulses... here with her face remembering those eyes with unspoken words!
My thoughts.... here with her silence calling the world of spirit to tell me your secrets!
My longing.... here with her unseen worries, asking angels to hold her heart gently...
To whom I love she is beloved of very many
A trap has been set to play with my sentiments
To open every lock she carries the same key
For each and every lover she carries comments

All her treasure she carries in her little palms
Interested can ****** her at will and demand
Being cool and calm she offers charity and alms
What a mockery is love and what a love bond

Man if doesn't follow verdict  is worst than dog
Dogs and ******* roam around on just streets
But lovers for their sincerity belong to angels blog
All cheats carry tricks and lovers carry heartbeats

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Ma Cherie Nov 2016
Death comes in as such a grateful
& wanting thief,
as I stare at him,
in such complete wonder
& in my utter disbelief,
my heart is hanging low,
& so heavy,
in it's endless
& painful grief,

Deep I am,
deep out in the melancholic blue
thoughts roll in again,
thoughts roll in,
as it's raining pain outside,
those thoughts roll in like thunder,
as I again,
I think of you,
a noble soul who loved us all so true,

I know you're where you need to be
out beyond the places I can see,
where you can run & play so free,

To do the things you could not do here
in fields of wheat to run with deer,
letting go,
... all earthly fears,

There's so much more that I
want to say
now that you have gone,
now that you've gone,
gone, gone,
away ,
& here on this very saddened day,

Please find peace in your brand new house,
with no more games to play
of cat and mouse,
a flickering light they came to douse,

As I try & try,
not to cry,
because it is never really is goodbye,
as again your legs can run so spry,

I know I'll see you again ,
my sweet, sweet,
sweetest friend,
this is not the beginning
& certainly not the end,
this message of prayer in folded hands,
to you, right now, I send,

As our heart you would always defend
now our hearts again must mend,

Thank you for the saving of our dear lives
& always quieting the tears that we cried
From our hands, an angel was just pried,
a tree fell silent in the forest
it fell to the floor as you died ,

I've prepared for you a mossy & earthy bed
for your eternal sleep please rest your sweet & weary head,
as living is a state of mind
and so is being dead,

As I fold my hands,
in a silent vigil & prayer,
I will always remember you,
this I can swear,
It'd be impossible to forget
a love
that was quite so rare
as your love is.

Cherie Nolan© 2016
Death is a very difficult thing. ❤
Apollo Hayden Nov 2016
You could say I kept most beliefs inside,
held them till it killed me.
What was kept did not cause suicide,
most of y'all just didnt feel me.
Yes I've entertained the possibilities of what could be wrong in this life of ours;
how generational curses could be holding us back, from stretching our life so far.
Or if there's a spiritual world surrounding us by demons, creating a fear too tough to conquer,
gaining access inside of our lives,
making us become the monsters.
These are psychological things and we can be seen as a devil; who roams, seeking whomever he may devour.
May eyes believe more than they see,
before that final hour..
May your thoughts rearrange, scaring you half to death...where you finally believe in a higher power.
Harder to explain the occurrences,
easier to understand, if you do your research and finally realize your not the only one occupying this land.
I wont be ridiculed, I'll be gone before they do.
Though many came before me, many still haven't changed their point of view.
Whether we choose not to see, we still live amongst the unseen;
angelic and demonic forces that will never leave us be.
Come out of hiding, great minds
yes, awake from your slumber.
I'm appalled at the time that wasn't taken to just sit around and wonder..
about yourself and others,
and how the souls that dwell within could be filled with heavenly light or darkened by worldly sin.
Emily Chambers Nov 2016
My hope is to find comfort in words
More kind in nature than what they have heard,
Our two little angel Timberwolves.
Their hearts were so full
And impact so great-
Just seeing them smile was a blessing-
That goodbye was not something you said,
It was "see you later,"
For a promise of seeing them again.
None of us saw it,
There was nothing we could do,
But now we play every moment in our heads
Hoping to find a way to save them.
But all I play now are the happy moments:
The ones I heard them laugh,
Saw them smile,
And had them in my presence,
Even for a moment.
All we can do now is cling to the hope of seeing them again.
All we have is each other.
We must hold on to each other,
Make them proud,
And do everything we can in the memories of them.
My school has lost two precious angels by their own hands in the last nine weeks. Please, if you need help, you can talk to me, talk to your friends, a trusted adult, or call the Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. You are never alone.
Joe Thompson Oct 2016
We are universes unborn-
you and I -
dimensions yet to be formed -
hidden here in plain sight.
Time and Space have no more consequence
Than the opinions of those
who believe they set the boundaries,
and make the rules.
If you listen
you can almost hear angels laughing.

Aaron LaLux Oct 2016
Metropolitana di San Pietro

“If the Heaven’s are as beautiful,
as they are portrayed here in these paintings,
upon the ceiling of this cathedral,
in this city known as Bologna,
then I pray I go to Heaven,
I pray Heaven’s Angelic Escorts,
descend from there Heavenly Nest,
and carry me Home upon their white wings.”,

which would be fitting since I’m in a place of worship,  
at Cattedrale Metropolitana di San Pietro in Bologna,
feeling like Saint Peter not a preacher but a leader with words,
willing to be crucified and die in the name of God,
if it will help skeptics become believers,
seCattedralee even though I believe,
that every place is a place of worship,
most people tread upon earthly desires without any respect,

and I want to vent but I won’t get into all that now,
this is not the time or place,
this is a time and a place for prayers to be sent,
and I won’t let wants get in the way of prayers,


for world peace of course because what other prayer is as important,
people have been praying for peace in a different time in this same place for centuries,
since at least 1028 A.D. people have knelt before God at this cathedral,
I doubt I’m the first poet to have His prayers echoed across these marble walls,

“Oh God,
please help those that are hurting,
please help those that are lost find their way,
please heal this conditioned hatred with unconditional love.”

80 more were just murdered,
in The Nice Massacre just today July 14th, 2016,
mowed down by a psychopath in a 20 ton cargo truck,
in acts this atrocious we are lost at who to blame,

so I’m praying praying for the murdered and their families,
I’m praying for the murderer and his family too,
because in atrocities such as this,
all involved are victims even the culprits,

at the pulpit I pray,

“Oh God,
I’m both disheartened and inspired by humanity,
I see so many wonderful creations,
and so much horrible destruction.”

I have a #1 best selling book out right now,
but I honest don’t know if it even matters,
because what good are the most healing words,
if most of those hurting don’t read them,
I’m doing the best I can,
I give away all literary profits to charity,
but when it comes to giving to charity,
you can give everything you have and it’s still not enough,

so I try and give globally and act locally,
I smile and try and be kind and considerate to everyone I meet,
but even those who are most faithful can begin to become doubtful,
when they are nice to those around them but most people respond by being mean,

I mean it’s hard to stay faithful especially when everyone heeds help,
even myself what’s wealth when it comes with doldrums,
see rich and poor are monetarily very different,
but one thing they have in common is they’re both hurting just in different ways,

so I pray,

“Oh God,
please show me a sign because all I see when I walk down this street,
is sins that are alive and striving and blessings that seem to be slowly dying,
1 smile for every 10 frowns I know because I count the faces of even those I don’t meet.”,

even I have a tear in my eye God,
but I just blame it on the cold morning winds,
it seems nothing’s changed even though I’m now famous,
it’s like I’ve got all the ammo in the world but don’t know where to aim it,

and that is why I’m praying,

“Oh God,
allow your angels to carry me Home,
upon golden wings of loving Light,
I swear to You I’m ready to go,
ready when You are there is no need to keep writing,
it all feels in vain anyways because no matter what we say people keep killing,
I mean what good is writing the signs when those that need them most don’t read them,
what good are hopeful promises that people make when those that make them don’t keep them?”,

“See even though it all feels in vain still I will continue to faithfully,
write until You take me home,
I continue to write wherever I be ,
which currently is between massive twin pillars of marvelous marble,

at this place of worship,
entitled the Cattedrale Metropolitana di San Pietro,
I write words of hope and wisdom,
in the hopes that the masses will listen,

whether at a beautiful cathedral,
or on worn streets either way I write to warn worn souls,
so hopefully You can reach the people ,
through these prayers in the form of these verses,

from ghettos and prisons to palaces and churches,
I continue to faithfully write,
as I do this very moment at this cathedral,
on this day the 15th of July 2016 A.D. in this present moment of time,

“ Oh God if the Heaven’s are as beautiful,
as they are portrayed here in these paintings,
upon the ceiling of this cathedral,
in this city known as Bologna,
then I pray I go to Heaven,
I pray Heaven’s Angelic Escorts,
descend from there Heavenly Nest,
and carry me Home upon their white wings...

∆ Aaron La Lux ∆
Please God
BE Twain Oct 2016
There is gum in this napkin
Poseidon sent Delphin
To fetch him a Sea Nymph
With whom he had children

There was no arranged marriage
No blue borrowed baggage
Just a soul set to sea
Locked fast in the steerage

A put-upon child
Chased by malady
A Mausoleum door
Opened just for the rabbitry

The epitaph read:
He missed his mother.
A lamb to the slaughter.
There was no one’s daughter.
If you pass by,
then throw in some carrots
for the angels have eyes.

It fell at long last,
Carried in by a straggler
A burial shroud for the body
Outlining his master
Robin Dunlop Oct 2016
Memories which I cannot seem
To put into chronological order.
As if someone took the movie reel,
Cut it into pieces,
and randomly put it together again.

Broken memories yet treasured.
They are all I have left.
This puzzle spread across the floor of my heart,
That I simply can't assemble.

9 years of shuffling these pieces,
and sometimes I think I've lost some of them,
Causing my heart to break even more,
As a treasured, priceless piece of me drifts away....
Just like he did....

Like smoke in the wind....
You watch it go but can't possibly catch it,
No matter how hard you try.
Breathe, Robin....
Just breathe.
For my son born into this world 5/18/07 @ 10:12 am and born into heaven @ 11:22 am. The best and worst 70 minutes of my life.
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