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SøułSurvivør Mar 2019
Angels come in many forms
They hold out their arms
They are there, and they care
They're like hardworking moms.

They can see & hear us
Yes, they can hear our call
They're a mighty force for good
Even though they're small!

They can be as spirits
Undetected & unseen
Or they can be as we are
They CAN be human beings!

So you'd best be kind to folks
You'd best have a care!
Entertaining angels
CAN happen unawares!

That's why I'm very careful
In what I say & do
I want to BLESS my angel...

Who HAPPENS to be YOU!!

Cathy Jarvis
A birthday present for my sister in Christ, Sharon (Not on HP). She has a ministery called Li'l Angels, and sends packages to encourage folks all over the country! I've gotten a few! She's a Christian where the rubber hits the road! Happy Birthday, Sharon!
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
Samayel the arch angel
Falling from grace
To hell
To became
The ruler of hell
We all fall from grace
Time to time.
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
As I stand
In the airport
Baggage claim
There comes
A fog
And I hear
A female voice
Am I going crazy
Then I turn around
A flight attendant was talking
About letting go
And finding joy in life
My psychic
Say she was one of the 9/11
I woke up in my room
And with new goal
To help me self.
The story of how I met my gardian angel.
Star BG Mar 2019
Winged souls harmonize
in voices divine,
as star chandlers
bring light to moment.

As angels sing to celebrate
all who wander on Earth.

Citadel is built by heartbeats mortar,
and love bricks guided by constellations
form grand monuments.

Light integrates with dark
for a parade of love to anchor
while new pyridines become reality.

And as life's carousel continues to turn
expanding self, we gracefully walk
with wind, rain, and sun at our backs.
Inspired by zebra a grand poet who dances with pen.
Salmabanu Hatim Mar 2019
For the last time I closed my eyes,
I heard your cries.
You should not have done so,
For the Angels were carrying my soul,
In musk scented cloth,
To heaven, I had earned my worth,
On earth.
But when you cried and complained to the Lord,
In mid-flight the Angels stopped,
I beseeched them to move on,
Life on Earth for me was gone.
Hereafter is peaceful,
Serene, calm and beautiful,
Neither pain nor sorrow,
Everywhere is light aglow.
I walk in the Light of Adam and Eve,
All the prophets and saints before me,
Mohamed (pbuh),Ali (a.s)and Jesus too,
Tell me mum, what on Earth I
would do,
Mum,let go of missing me pain,
I have not died in vain,
I am happy with my Lord,my salvation.
Zywa Mar 2019
Write me, you'll see
angels won't flee

pains, they endure
that is the key

Cherish our love
darling, I plea

please, you can set
both of us free

Always you'll be
Zywa for me
This a very short ghazal, each line is a trochee with an iamb

The characteristics of a ghazal are: 5 or more verses, all lines have the same metre, the end rhyme scheme is aa xa xa xa xa, and the poet's name is mentioned in the last line

Zywa (Polish) = alive, vivid

Collection “More”
Chrissy Mar 2019
I was afraid to wake up
just in case my heart gave out
when I realised the angels saved you before I could
exponential flame
tearing at the world until
all that’s left is it’s name

from the dust and gravel
arise the youth
on revolutionary wings of

only for the glorious resurgence
to become fallen angels
engulfing the world
that they had wished
to save in
Salmabanu Hatim Feb 2019
The wind whistled through the trees,
An ominous warning on her lips,
The skies were ripped apart by lightning,
The dark clouds thundered calling out my child's name,
Raindrops pelted on the window pane,
Threatening to break it.
I sat huddled in a chair,
Praying for a miracle.
My child lay on his bed barely breathing with no hope,
The doctor had left,
Now it was in the hands of Allah.
Suddenly everything seemed still,
Nature had quietened,
The candle stopped flickering.
I saw a large,dark silhouette  leaving the doorway,
It was saying,"My mistake, your child has long to live."
My son woke up with a smile,
"Mum,I was with the Angels,
It was beautiful there,
But they brought me back,
I was needed here to be with you."
I jumped up and hugged him tightly, tears streaming down my eyes,
What a miracle,
Allah had listened to my prayers.
Timur Shamatov Feb 2019
Angel grabbing, pulling at my soul
Yet, unbeknownst to her, I sold it years ago
With everything I say and
With everything I do
I try to be so right but
All I want to do is wrong
Slowly evanescing into flames of red
Into misty, hazy shades of blue
Descending into Hell
Forbidden from ascending into bliss
Cause why would I want to go up to Heaven
When everyone I know is going down to Devil’s Paradise
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