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A touch of love makes beauty to glow
In alluring youth a girl is free to glow
Love is what one takes to the extreme
Beauty needs love just a plea to glow
When I meet with you my heart solace
This is what my love makes me to glow
A chance to glance changes a scenario
This is all what makes just she to glow
A beggar is just in need of charity to get
Few pennies make this needy to glow
Real beauty one makes ready to take all
Real love makes one just truly to glow
Pain and pleasure go just side by side
For real life one has real agony to glow
Mehr you have to burn candle of blood
If you want to make blind alley to glow

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan Mehr
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Poetic T Sep 2016
Whisper your intent into a jar and seal it with wax,
burying it under a bed of thorns that will bleed words into form.

Then as they fall in silence those words decay in form,
but words last as long as they are heard and so every year
a new flower will once again scribe them in to form.
Ready for the time when they will speak in fallen descent.

They whisper in beauty but their  true meaning of what was
spoken is shown in decay, where the truth of sealed intent
shows its worth.
Alice Baker Jul 2016
Breathe deeply, stand tall,
For gravity only pulls
When you come back down to earth.
Sorry I've been gone for so long, I'be hit a bit of a word wall and I can't bring myself to write.
Viseract Jun 2016
Go on, press record
Lift your phone to bloodshed
Lift your phone to the sound of hatred
Of bloodlust laid on a foundation
That was never really stable to begin with

Go on, film those frames
As you watch me beat the **** out of
All those who made me feel like ****
The final gunslinger, taking his stand
Draws his pistols, hipfiring
And in his stance, thumb through belt loop
Hat down over his eyes
Ashamed of his instant reaction,
His ability to **** and inability to remain emotionless

Go on, press record
Put it on Facebook
Let everyone know what you really are:
A cowardly bystander
I hate this sort of thing with a passion..
Trupoetry Jun 2016
From the moment I opened you up
I knew you were all bottled up
Took off your cap
Didn't have to tell you to relax
You knew what I was there to do
Provide a little piece of paradise for you
but in the center of your stomach lived a thunder
Nothing frightening considering it wasn't paired with lighting
but it made me wonder
Who forgot to tell you that you're great
You believe it anyway, now,  so it may be too late
To tell you in so many ways
Its fate
That the ones who starve at first
Soon feed the masses with their worth
Destined for beautiful tragedies since birth
No accidents can happen
This path to reality isn't magic
Its fathomed long before we start
There is death in the depths of our hearts
There is life in the corners of our souls
There is beauty in the compilation of both stories when told
Truth speaks to seek what lies cannot tell
Fear is the reason most things fail
So I guess I was afraid to love you
The same way I was afraid to lose you
Most days I am afraid I'll choose you
Over me
Guy Furniture May 2016
I just wanted to let you know,
That I want us to last forever,
I want to make those lists we said we were going to make,
But I don't want to just have fun making the lists with you,
I want to have fun doing every single thing on every single list,
I want to continue our little game of musical tag,
Where we send each other songs to listen to,
But each song has meaning,
And each song represents our feelings,
Towards one another,
Like when you sent me that one song ;)
But of course only you would get that hint,
I want to ask you about the significance in each song,
And I want you to ask me why I chose that song,
I want us to stay together,
Every hardship,
Every fight,
Every moment,
Every year,
Every second...
Of our lives,
I want to love you,
And I want you to love me,
I want to be there for you,
And for you to be there for me,
Just me,
And you,
I want to fight,
For you,
For me,
For us,
I want to create new memories,
With you,
And remember those memories throughout our lives,
I want to be the couple who makes it,
Never get divorced,
Never have to remarry,
Never have to forget,
About one another,
Because I love you,
And I want to be with you,
And I know it gets hard,
Things get rough,
But we can make it,
I'll be there for you,
And you'll be there for me,
Despite all odds,
We can do it,
Because after all,
We're perfect together,
For each other,

For us
Viseract May 2016
I've met a few weird people in my days
But honestly
Trust me
You take the cake

I told you I had a thing for you
Yet it didn't faze you at all
Here I was, trying to surprise
And ending up a fool!

We say ****** things
Like it's just casual talk
Oh how the others stare
At us when we walk!

I love how you simply don't care
No matter what we say
This is something I admire
And I really hope you stay

SwiftDreamer Mar 2016
All the pictures..on it.. and stuf-
"M o v i e"n g on.
nickfly27 Mar 2016
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