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1.0k · Feb 2019
heart = mind
skye Feb 2019
I can outsmart
your intelligent mind
by saying that
I miss you more
than you will
ever know.
a pick-up line that i thought of while writing about her mind
1.0k · Jun 2018
skye Jun 2018
I have a boat,
Two paddles
And a sail.
This sack of grub
Will keep me sated for days.
Every tool needed,
Available for escape.
Should have started a venture
But I decided to stay.
These uncharted waters
Require an immense amount of faith.
But what if I left it unconsciously a long time ago
When I tried to get away?

I may have all the time
To rebuild no matter what the cost
But the one thing I can never fix
Is a heart that is forever lost.
857 · Mar 2019
resonate (10w)
skye Mar 2019
your gentle heart beat
is the sound of my
can you hear it?
792 · Feb 2019
skye Feb 2019
it's sad to know that
there are people who
only hungers justice
when they need to
have a taste of it
we don't live to save ourselves but to save our kind from all the bad things that happen in life

we should be helping one another
566 · Mar 2019
skye Mar 2019
love is a currency
we're willing to pay
but can't afford
when the favor
is not returned.
a little twist on love
542 · Jun 2018
Silence, Sirens
skye Jun 2018
Behind a pause
Is an unspoken word
But it's okay
Because the crowd
Isn't here to listen to you.

Behind a distance
Is an urge for eagerness
But it's okay
Because the crowd
Isn't here to join you.

Behind a tear
Is an ignited resolve
But it's okay
Because the crowd
Isn't here to push you.

Behind a pain
Is a locked up bliss
But it's okay
Because the crowd
Isn't here to cheer you.

Behind a mask
Is yourself that's lost
But it's okay
Because the crowd
Isn't here to accept you.

There are so many things
That I want to share
With the world,
With someone
But maybe it's just okay
To talk to yourself
Because the crowd
Isn't here for you.
Love yourself before it is too late.
494 · Feb 2019
skye Feb 2019
Writing about you
is my favorite cliché;
It's an error that I
will never ever omit.
it's always been you.
426 · Jun 2018
Overload from Overdrive
skye Jun 2018
You're the mechanic
And I'm probably your best invention
Because you gave all the parts
That made me the way I am now.

From worthless static,
To beyond innovation.
Every piece of junk
Turned into working gears;
I never expected
This kind of transition.
A fueled, robotic model
Capable of envisioning
Beyond the gray matter.

But your creation
Learned to be alive.
From being automated
To self-regulating.
Every working gears
Turned into flesh and blood;
I never expected
This kind of transformation.
A breathing sentient,
Finally free from your dominion.

All this time,
You pushed me
Through the incompatibility,
To reach the maximum
But then I burned out
And eventually got a ticket to the trash.

My theory is that,
I overloaded
Because you overdrived.

So, I guess I wasn't your best invention after all.
My first poem in Hello Poetry.
409 · Mar 2019
skye Mar 2019
the moon sees it all
and yet
it doesn't say a thing
401 · Jul 2018
desperate times
skye Jul 2018
an endless dilemma
an unsung drama
there's no resolution
to the struggles

a natural cycle
spawning eternally
once suffered enough
from the nth time

like an echo on repeat
trapped in a tunnel
banging against walls
no way out

but the soul seeks isolation
even from itself
night and day
it's always been a disarray

and then it got what it wanted
a haunting clamor
complained for never finding
peace in solitude

distractions seem to be useless
medications: no effect
like a virus going stronger
every time you tried to fight it

an endless dilemma
slowly conquering
every bit of you
a silent invasion
i made a poem from a campaign title in a Resident Evil game. treated it as a challenge.
368 · Nov 2018
skye Nov 2018
i remembered the time
when i begged God to stop the night
because it was the closest i got to be with you
and then in an unexpected moment
the wish was granted

the city was still alive
and the electricity continued bursting outside
everything was noisy and crowded
but i got to cherish this lovely silence beside me
when i thought we are always moving forward
never crossing like two parallel lines in a universe
somehow there was going to be a divine intervention
that will keep us together
even in a short period of time

i heard your slow breaths
i felt your fluffy cheeks
i saw you in your beautiful grace
your hair moved in slow motion
and being the fool that i am
i captured every single thing

in an unexpected moment
i got to look at you
not looking at somebody else
like how you stare in awe
at your celebrity crushes

in an unexpected moment
i got to listen to you
not listening to somebody else
like how you still care about what other people think
after telling you there's really nothing to worry about

in an unexpected moment
i got to talk to you
not talking about somebody else
like how you describe every exact detail
of your special friends and families

and in that unexpected moment
i got to love you
not loving somebody else
like how you cry your heart out every night
wishing for that person to never say goodbye

i don't want to end this moment
but if i want to stay with you

i have to.

— parallel
inspired mostly by boy pablo's tkm and a special person in my life

hope you like it
333 · Mar 2019
phone (10w)
skye Mar 2019
bow to the light
that keeps us
awake at night
some pieces that i wrote in a blink of an eye
323 · Feb 2019
fatuity (10w)
skye Feb 2019
Why in the world
we're blaming love
for being un-loved?
It doesn't make sense.

— The End —