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God dips his head beneath the murky surface of war and blood searching for his children.

His children. They cry out to Him, accuse Him, have forgotten Him, need Him.

They are lost in the muck and the filth and the smog of this nation that throws the first stone; and he weeps as He plucks His children up out of the blood and the dirt and sets them down into the tower of Babel where the people shout “There is no room!” and cry out to Him, accuse Him, have forgotten Him.

This nation that shoots first and asks questions later, the nation of “not my problem,” and moving on.

He touches their heads as they fall asleep, he speaks to them and grants them dreams, and they turn away on their beds of lost memories as they struggle not to hear, not to feel… not to feel even the breathing, the heartbeat, of their lover, their partner, their other half as they reach out in their tossing and turning of nightmares of a nation that does not rest.

The nation who binds their hands in the wires of computers and keyboards, the nation that eats the apple and – in the perceived absence of their Father – raise up false books, sing of false stars, rampage, adulterize and falsify amongst each other always looking for the one, the next one, the next one, is this your card, is this your card, is this your card?

But you’ve had your own card, your own self, in your back pocket, you’ve forgotten what it looks like and now you cannot find the match.

They way worn nation that rests, God bless the rest, by swallowing drug after drug after drink after drink, only to find that rest and that peace just in time to feel the **** of the wires on their bound hands drag them back up again.

So they swallow more drugs, and more drinks, and let their minds wander and wish for their family, but when they go home they think of their labor what’s next for they must prepare, they must keep moving ever forward, never looking back.

And so let the frustration grow.

And the family ever fall.

The family, the nation, that drowns beneath the flood of a weeping God who must break His promise, for His children are lost to Him beneath the feet of so many bearing the mark of Cain.

The feet that do not rest. The feet that keep on walking past the empty forests, the old man on the street, the blind woman crying, the sick starving child sitting next to them.

And these people, these poor people, they sit and they wait and they cry out “why,” they cry out “Help”

…For their Father cannot find them in the murky, ****** water that covers this broken nation.
How many references to modern day commonalities can you find?
Why are there good things?
Why are there blessings?
And weddings?
And love?
Why is there a natural beauty that surrounds us?
In the trees,
And the sky.
In the little birds twittering in the mornings,
And the sorrowful wolves crying in the dusk.
Why are there families?
And holidays?
And friends?
Why are there walks to be taken?
And cakes to be making,
And songs to be written
And times to be smitten?
We are known as humans to dwell on the bad
But take a look around,
Life isn’t that sad.
Open your eyes to the possibilities,
Open your heart and you too will see,
The beauty hidden just out of sight.
It takes a special someone to be able to reveal,
The secrets in life that are the real deal.
Do you ever think of the future?
Do you often dream of the past?
Do you ever think of leaving me?
Do you think of us, and things yet to pass?

What goes through that head of yours?
What thoughts drive you through the day?
I bet your mind isn't always running
All along with illogical things, far away.

What do you think about me really?
What's your first thought of the day?
What concerns keeps you up at night?
What worries pester you, and how can I take them away?

What do you think about the world?
What about other ones?
How do you feel about time travel?
How far do you think our universe runs?

How do you wish to spend life?
What have you done with it so far?
Do you dream of running away from here?
Can I come with you, can we live amongst stars?

The power of a question
Truly lies in how you ask it.
So be careful about things you want to know
And more so about what you admit.
I know, I have too many questions,
I'm too curious for my own good.
Tis a result of my affections,
I simply want you understood.
Trust is important.
Relationship's foundation.
Why can't you trust me?
Stop showing
You love me
A little at a time.

Stop saying
You care
Bit by bit.

Stop keeping
Me here
For tiny pieces of time.

Because I need
All of you
Not piece by piece.

I love
All of you
Not just some parts of you.

So love all of me
All the way
All the time.

Or let all of me go
All at once
For good.
I'm not sure how this works
Out, you and me,
All twiddling thumbs and
Awkward hair twirls unsure
How to properly
Out a greeting,

"Oh hello."

And what comes after,
And what should come after.

We try our best to
Veer away from each other,
Afraid that the other would
Smell the
Rancid blue cheeses on
Our tongue,

Or the cliches displayed for all to see,
Like spinach in our teeth.

So we nod.



With chin up and hair
Tangled somewhere behind
Our ears,

And ice breakers stale
In the backs
Of our jeans pockets.

Noses crinkling in
Silent prayer as to
Never have to ask the person

"Sooo, how's the weather" or

"Sooo, how much does a polar bear weigh?"

(Enough to break the ice, by the way.)
I think I know you so well
Then there are days...
It's just... it's hard to tell
If you're with me or away
In the depths of your mind, a personal hell

You get your thoughts twisted
You think this all a joke, a game
I wish it was all more easily resisted
For you are hard to reclaim

I hold you tight with care
I tell you it's ok; I love you
But you aren't really there
You've retreated to someplace and I can't break through

Come back to me my darling
I will coax and I will reassure
But you must stop this quarreling
Our love is secure.

With us, there is no punch line
No love has ever been so real
In my will only ever shine
Come back to me my love, and your heart I will heal
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