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Saint Jimmy Jun 2016
Picture the scene...

Emo punk kid, on a paper round.

Picture the scene, Emo punk kid is suicidal.

Picture the scene, creepy customer.

Weeks pass.

Picture the scene, it goes too far.

Emo punk kid pushes it and tells someone.

Picture the scene, police involved.

Picture the scene, emo punk kid attempts suicide.

Picture the scene emo punk kid has exams.
Emo punk kid falls asleep in his geography exam.

Emo punk kid has results day.

Geography teacher is there.

When emo punk kid gets told he should have done better, his world dies.

When he is told he should have gotten over it before the exams he gets angry.

When he gets told to move on he grabs a rope.

When emo punk kid's girlfriend left him, the rope made a noose.

When emo punk kid was told today that it doesn't matter that he was the victim of ****** abuse

Picture the scene, geography tomorrow morning, a rope and a stuck up fool.

Picture the scene, no more geography teacher. No more emo punk kid. No more girlfriend.

Picture the scene, now swap with emo punk kid and end it how you would.
another old poem of mine, also from poetfreak, but hey ive found the **one** now! and she means the world to me, this was a real event, but im over it now which is why i am sharing with you,

Edited note (August 2016) the one? Yeah, so much for her ahahahah
kain  Apr 2019
I'm So Emo
kain Apr 2019
I'm so emo
I never wash my clothes
I'm so emo
I can't even blow my nose

I'm so emo
My life's a tragedy
I'm so emo
Fringe is too long I can't see

I'm so emo
Mixing hipster with some goth
I'm so emo
Who is David Hasselhoff

I'm so emo
Twerking to Ronnie Radke
I'm so emo
My friend calls all her friends “daddy”

I'm so emo
I’ve got all three chokers on
I'm so emo
My squad’s called “Satan's spawn”

I'm so emo
I died in 2013
I'm so emo
I'm gonna cry myself to sleep
Don't ask.
Benji James May 2017
Hey somebody
pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
Yep **** it
I'm the drama queen
Always get it wrong it seems
Some say I complain too much
But I don't give zero *****
Sometimes you need a whinge
Yeah just have a little *****
Wise words from the drama king

Focus all eyes  on me,
Attention is what I need
Focus all eyes on me,
I've got something to say
Listen to what
comes out of my mouth
Maybe I'm talking
a lot of **** right now
Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need

Always underachieve
Failing everything I do
Failing them, keep failing you
Can't seem to do
Anything I set my mind too
I'm looking around
For something worth living for
Every time I find something
It escapes my grasp
Always end up back on my ***
Can't seem to get it right
No matter how hard I try
Can't appear to get it right
No matter how hard I fight

Hey somebody, pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
Yep **** it
I'm the drama queen
Always get it wrong it seems
Some say I complain too much
But I don't give zero *****
Sometimes you need a whinge
Yeah just have a little *****
Wise words from the drama king

Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need
Focus all eyes on me,
I've got something to say
Listen to what
comes out of my mouth
Maybe I'm talking
a lot of **** right now
Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need

Why does life smack you in the face
When you're circling the drain
The skies have turned to grey
You're miserable every day
Can't seem to catch a break
No matter how many Kit Kats you ate
Is this it, is this my fate
Staying up until late
Just so that I can contemplate
Every **** mistake
I've ever made

Hey somebody, pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
Yep **** it
I'm the drama queen
Always get it wrong it seems
Some say I complain too much
But I don't give zero *****
Sometimes you need a whinge
Yeah just have a little *****
Wise words from the drama king

Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need
Focus all eyes on me,
I've got something to say
Listen to what
comes out of my mouth
Maybe I'm talking
a lot of **** right now
Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need

Do you know
What it feels like
To stare at your phone
No messages coming through
Feel like nobody
even cares about you
Yep you wonder what you can do
Is there something wrong with me
Is there are reason people hate me
What is it they need to see
To see I'm worth some time
Every once in a while
Trying to hide this emotion
Behind a smile
All these sarcastic remarks
Covering scars

Hey somebody, pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
Yep **** it
I'm the drama queen
Always get it wrong it seems
Some say I complain too much
But I don't give zero *****
Sometimes you need a whinge
Yeah just have a little *****
Wise words from the drama king

Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need
Focus all eyes on me,
I've got something to say
Listen to what
comes out of my mouth
Maybe I'm talking
a lot of **** right now
Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need

Can't seem to make it pay to pay
All this debt is crushing me
And I'm losing my mind every night
To that devil inside
The one that won't let you sleep
He even haunts you in your dreams
There no escaping this reality
And all I can do
Is keep on strolling through
The best that I can
Hope that someone understands
Maybe one day
I'll find happiness again

Hey somebody, pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
Yep **** it
I'm the drama queen
Always get it wrong it seems
Some say I complain too much
But I don't give zero *****
Sometimes you need a whinge
Yeah just have a little *****
Wise words from the drama king

Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need
Focus all eyes on me,
I've got something to say
Listen to what
comes out of my mouth
Maybe I'm talking
a lot of **** right now
Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need

I want to get dramatic
Don't tell me not to get dramatic
Don't say I'm complicated
No, I'm not complicated
I'm talking straight
Hey wait, wait
Sister pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
You know I want to get Emo

©2017 Written By Benji James
JR Rhine Jun 2016
Twentysomething Emo
looks at teenage Emo
and laughs.

It was something purely aesthetic,
with brain chemicals churning
and wiry bodies yearning

under the guise of straightened bangs
and perched beanies,

skin tight black outfits
parading the dusty grounds of Warped Tour.

Twentysomething Emo is the real deal--
lamenting over high school salad days
because real life is so unsure,

college degrees and full-time jobs,
watching friends and lovers come and go in our lives.

After a long day of responsibility and groveling,
we drive home (or somewhere just as distant)
with our emo anthems blaring through the speakers.

We scream the songs back at them,
truly feeling the words for the first time.

I'm the same age as William Beckett, Adam Lazzara, and Pete Wentz
when they wrote these songs--
and though the bangs have receded
and the jeans have slackened,

I am perpetually Emo.

The unrequited love and the nearing distant future--
it's come too soon.

I hope thirtysomething Emo looks back
on my meandering twentysomething Emo
and laughs--

as he plays the melancholy tunes pouring out of the speakers
with some more of life fading away in his rearview mirror.

This town gets smaller every day.
"I got a bad feeling about this."
you say I'm emo
just because I wear black a lot.
You say I am a queer
because I give my best friend a hug, and he just happens to be a guy.
You think I cut
just because I have scars on my wrist.
Truth is,
none of the stuff you say is true.
See, emo has become a fad.
Everyone wants to have attention.
But us "real emos" will tell you that its no fun.
I can't...we can't control when we are happy and sad,
glad and mad.
Its a ****** feeling.
I do not wear black because I worship Satan,
I wear black because it fits me
I do not wear my band shirts to be cool,
I wear them because they represent who I am.
I do not listen to rock music because I have problems,
I listen to it because the screaming helps my blood flow.
I don't expect you to know what it's like to truly be
The only time you say that word,
the only time you say us
is when you make fun of us.
My hair is not long just to cover my face,
my hair is long because I like it that way.
You expect us to be like you,
but yet you rob us of our happienes.
who the **** are you to call me emo?
What do you truly know about depression.
Because your idea of depression is when you get grounded,
and my idea of depression is when I hold a blade to my neck.
You think depression is just tears,
but nope.
Its painful,
almost numbing.
This isn't even the start.
Do not call me emo,
because of what you think
because you will never know me
I won't let you get to know me
because I don't want that pain.
You are a ******,
and one of the reasons why
*I'm emo
I dress in black
I listem to screamo.
Asking alexandria and
Bmth all day
But emo tho?
I dunno.
I like black alot.
I wear it alot
And  skinny jeans  are my best friend.
People tell me I'm emo
Like it's  a bad thing.
I think being emo is a beautiful  thing.
I dont cut.
Never will
But i stand down sometimes.
Being emo  should  be a privilege.
Its not bad.
If i am emo
Than i am strong
I have a spirit not rivaled by many.
I can endure being screamed at because i prefer it in my music.
I will grow out my hair because i can
And my band t shirts will hold their own special place in my closet.
If i am emo
Than so be it
But  i will not be slandered
For who i *am
Just be you <3
Crushing Love Feb 2015
So everyone has heard the term EMO and honestly it makes me sick
That people just throw the term around as if it was a meaningless stick!

EMO isn't just for cutting, and depression, because if that was the actual meaning, everyone be that way at somepoint.


EMO isn't just for cutters, or people with really dark personalities.
I'm a Dark person, and I've yet to cut over the last year and couple months.

So the next time you go to throw the "Title"/"Label" EMO at someone, really think about what your saying.

And if someone wants to throw that at you just look and Laugh because  it's obvious they don't have a clue what they are saying.
Serious writers block right now..
Sam  Mar 2018
OG Emo
Sam Mar 2018
The word emo is used to describe someone who dresses dark and scary.
Or someone who hurts themself.
For me, it’s a word I use to describe my real emotions.
Emo = emotion
I am “emo” because I am emotional.
Sure, I joke around a lot.
I make fun of my own emotions.
I call myself emo just because I like wearing black.
But there’s a reason why I wear all that black.
I’m too afraid to be happy.
I’m don’t deserve to wear color.
I feel like I should always be grieving.
I feel like I don’t deserve happiness.
Why would I?
I always feel guilty for what happened back in the seventh grade.
I could’ve done more.
I could’ve been more useful.
That’s a lie.
I’m useless.
A terrible person.  
The point is that I am the original emo.
Not because I wear black.
But because I am emotional.
Does that make me human?
It just makes me sad.
That’s as plane as it gets.
I’m just sad.
Lizzie  Jul 2018
Lizzie Jul 2018
end of my elementary school years i had a diary.
a boy i had a crush on broke my heart and i wrote in my diary on a page somewhere in between the middle and the end about how i was
about how i wanted to cut my wrists and be sad all the time.

my parents found this diary and found this page and questioned me until i said it was all a lie and i didn't even know what emo really was.

i keep a diary online now, and i occasionally cut myself, and i wonder if my parents ever think i'm emo.

would i be able to lie and tell them i don't know what emo is? or would they look at the scars and wonder when i really found out what being emo was.
true story.

i used to keep this on private but i think i don't want it private anymore.
there came up from the projects a Brooklyn youth
holding anger in his eyes he came at a big surprise
with two turn tables with a mic he was ready for a fight
rattle his cage at such an early age all in a haze
piercing back the flames lest I rearrange the all fame game
getting better then most he was lost as a seagull was on the coast
until the day he paid a visit with the savior now he's fined tailored
thinking of a higher power its the hour of power makes him take a hot shower
the important thing he never forgot his roots now he's a loose as a caboose

see ya on the flip side squeeze out spreading his disease as busy as a bee
one hand on the mike sorry that her missed her Twisted Sister it's a brave new world
Emo B in the place to be making sweet rhymes making history
yet for Emo he again lost his way being frail he caved into the system
selling a kilo of ******* to an under cover cop now he hops
to cell block 979 today he stands in line but for the system you can kiss his fat behind
Emo still raps as in a Big Mac attack shooting out flames of gold as you suppose
then one cold morning Emo left for heaven standing in line no more he safely evened the score
although he had such a short life he was gone too soon
his memory reflected back to that late morning in June
Emo be good no doubt your still around playing your favorite song
that's my heart right their
KellzKitty  Oct 2015
KellzKitty Oct 2015
**A name
A label
A title entitled to people who are misunderstood
A name given by those who will never understand
A label made by people full of ignorance
             Nobody sees past the hair and the makes up
                     They see the scars and look away
      They hear the music and "you're satanic" is all they say
They see you wear black and the word emo is what they say to attack
A name
A label
A title entitled to people who are misunderstood
A name given by those who will never understand
A label made by people full of ignorance

— The End —