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Sara Jun 2018
She washes her hands in egg whites,
picking out stray shell pieces.
Sitting as still as the morning- quiet,
while the kettle sets itself a-steaming.
She hears that same Chinese flute
drifting down the hallway,
slipping universal truths
under each hotel room doorway.
She looks to the rain in the hills
like sorrowful sailor's wife;
a day could be time for a dream fulfiled
or the time that the rivers run dry.
I honestly have no idea why this took such a turn, I think I must be hungry
JW  Jan 2014
Choose Your Destiny
JW Jan 2014
They were happy
For the first time in their lives
A window of joy
An instance of hope
She was so beautiful
A baby girl
But happiness is a kind of sorrow in itself
Nothing in life is free
The mother was bleeding
Her life slowly ebbing away,
slipping through her fingers
she paid for her daughter’s life
with her own
they could have saved her
she could have raised her child
but there was no blood

He had lived this far
only by a miracle
all those years of chemotherapy
slowly decaying his body
his spirit, willing
his flesh, so weak
since birth
his own body killing itself
leaukimia had taken its toll
they said he had lived too long
that he was a fighter
eight years old
but he needed the transfusion
to live eight more
he could have lived longer
he could have had
his first date
his first dance
his first kiss
he could have walked down the aisle
with the love of his life
he could have known life, love and happiness
before he knew death
he could have known the joy of bringing up his children
of watching his grand children grow
but now he can’t
he sits in a hospital bed , surrounded by those who love him
awaiting his fate
for there was no blood

an unborn baby
getting ready to enter this world
this beautiful world
not knowing how much
sorrow his coming brings
his mother sheds tears
though not of joy
it was either him or her
a mother forced to decide
the life of her child
or that of herself
but there was a slim chance
he could survive
they had to operate
she agreed.
The operation
A success
The baby was saved
....well almost saved
they tried every corner
looking, searching
hospitals, dispensaries
they even appealed to schools
but they got the same answer
his whole life ahead of him
now lay behind him
he was six months old
prematurely born
pre maturely dying
he could have lived
but there was no blood

They were to wed in two weeks
Exchange vows
Walk down the aisle
Sound familiar
But war came up
He went to fight for his country
To keep her safe
She remained
Praying each day for his return
Then they brought back his body
Mortar fire, shrapnel
had shredded his flesh beyond hope
They had to amputate his leg
He bled to death
They could have saved him
She walks down the aisle
But as a widow not a bride
A dirge instead of the wedding march
Haunts her steps
She carries lilies instead of roses
Black-clad instead of white.
The brightes of days turned to
a night as dark as midnight’s face
the vows she would have said
had been fulfiled
till death did them part.
He could have been by her side
Kissing her
Watching as she threw the bouqet
Watching as their first child learned to walk, ride a bicycle
As their first child got married
They could have sp[ent the rest of their lives
Together as they ought to have been
But there was no blood

We preach water and drink wine
we excpect to be saved
when we refuse to save others
we take on the role of executioner
executioner of the innocent
i’m afraid, it will hurt, i don’t have enough
i can’t do it, i’m too old
We **** the innocent with our decision
We **** our future, our hope, our dreams
We **** those we love

You say none of these apply to you
Then Let me dash your dream world
Your fantasy, your bubble that you call life
Let me dash them on the jagged teeth of reality

Your brother lies dying in an ambulance
A knife sticking out of his heart
He has been mugged
Your father lies, dying, after a heart bypass operation
His only chance of life becoming one of the many for death.
Your mother lies sick in a hospital bed
Anaemic and slowly slipping away
Age caught up with  her
Your sister lies in a clinic
An accident cut a major blood vessel
She is losing her life
You could have saved them all
But you didn’t
Maybe you still  can
Or maybe its too late
Did i forget to mention
You lie in the bed next to your mother
Wishing, hoping, praying for life
Weak from a car crash
You have lost the very blood you refused to give
The very blood you wish could save the lives of your loved ones
The doctor walks in
Clip board in hand.
What do you think he will say.

What will your ending be.
You may
Choose your destiny
Or choose your death
But remember,
Greater love hath no man
Than to lay down his life for a friend
How much more if it were a stranger.
A kitchy poem i wrote to psych up students for an upcoming blood drive at a former uni i attended 10 years ago. interesting how styles change
Àŧùl Jan 2013
Enter Zeus disguised as Amphitryon

O Alcmene!
O Most Beautiful!
So Comes The Victorious,
Your Eyes Like Aphrodite's,
Tell Me A Story Of Longing And,
These Relieve Me Of My Tiresome State,
As I Avenged Your Brothers From The Enemies.

Enter Alcmene

O Amphitryon!
O Most Strengthy!
Here Comes The Victorious,
You Fulfiled My Hearty Wish,
I Longed For Your Masculine Body And,
These Strong Arms I Longed For In My Lonesome State,
As Today You Avenged My Brothers From The Treacherous Enemies.

Enter Zeus disguised as Amphitryon and Alcmene as herself

O My Love!
O My Winner!
Today I Enter Your Citadel,
My Battering Ram Head Craves.
Aaahh... My Winner It Feels So Great,
To Have My Citadel Breached By Your Ram Head.
As Zeus Reaches ****** After 3 Days, *Hercules Is Born.
Olympian Mythology Inspired Poem
© Atul Kaushal
Once in my Universe
All the things were

I was Created
By God's Will
Forth intact

Fulfiled with an innocent fleur
I Created Playful
Bountiful Place

All the joys and sorrows
Were Missed

There was The

There was a light laughter
Of ignorance
Of hardly recognizible indifference
Of not knowing Poles are Axed
Of vague rememberance
Which is          Arctica
Which is          Antarctica
And how to go there                                  Magic W. . . .
Yet I had a technicue to reach a central core of Divinity
Yet I've heard about Shangrila and
Yaks portruding with knited chimes
With wide reasonable heads watching
Extremly enchanting Dragons floating
Effortelessly alluring to the beholder's
By The Cloud
By The Thunder
By Resonance
By Imagination
       Coming True
  The Child
Butterflies were landing on my arms
And I was a Mighty Director
Of my Dreamland  Dying
With every second
Not knowing
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetess Dreaming
Daksh Jun 2021
Metaphors; nested, unconncected.

High order entaglements due to a damaged brain.

Fulfiled, Afraid, confused, dreams make you petrified.

Ask yourself those questions.

Conceptualised, formulated and executed
in a damaged brain.

Tremendous courage and steady blood flow through my veins
clamp your fists and hold on tightly

I will make it through sane
on both my feet
even if I have to strain.

If its you who love me, I shall dream of you
and write about you,
from a damaged brain.
Jake McPherson May 2013
Your standing at a cross roads
And you dont no which way to go
To the left is a road you've never known
To the right is the life youve lived and grown
As the rain pours down along your face
Your confused on which choice to make
Your scared of change and risk
You always belive youll fail the test
Even though your stronger than most
You dont belive you have anythin to boast
A predictiable stable life is what you want,
Descions and stress give you haunt
A fulfiled life is all you want,
My Wandering woman just follow your heart,
Dont worry what others think, its about what you want
Let nature be your guide and show you the way,
Choose a path and dont ever stray
Follow the sun the moon and stars,
Theyll always stay bright for you,
Just look to the sky whenever your blue,
Take a deep breathe and let it all flow out,
Before you make a descions no matter what about,
While your at the crossroads wanderer,
Always remember not to ponder,
Follow your gut and nothin but,
Dont let outside fears take control,
Your demons are no match for your heart,
Even though they may never let go,
Fight through them all with courage and wit,
Think on your toes and never sit,
Youll get through this wandering woman,
Never doubt what you are doing.
Never let your smile go dim,
It will brighten up any room,
Keep your eyes open wide
They are as blue as the sky,
Tread your gorgous soul onward dear,
There is nothing for you to fear.
As you stand at the crossroads before you
Remember these words i said to you,
If you choose the road you dont know
Or the one that youve grown accustom too
Just make sure that youll be happy first,
Happiness is your primary first.
Everything else can wait,
And i myself can always wait,
Ill wait until your seas have calmed,
Until it is safe to climb a shore,
Until your storm has subsided,
And you can no longer deny it.
Never the less ill always be by your side,
And for you ill hang up my pride.
You'll always have a place in my heart,
You always have right from the start.
Life: "There are days when we are open to beauty."

Some of them are not.
Life is a marvelous
Cat playing with
It's pray.
With us.
For us?

Sometimes I love
To be taken
By it's sweet surprises.

Me thinks: "Taboos are there to remain intact!"
To the law
Of Attraction

We dance as infatuated
Dervishes dressed in trousers
Flowing forth. Toward each other's all pervading
Persistent exoplanets orbiting 'ur private passions: :  
Knowing it' self, its potency
Penetrating our thoughts

Mighty male:
Satisfy You?"

I'm such
An obsolete
Amethyst, good for lucky charms and ready made domesticated potions.

Imploded desires rise and fall
Within the invisible canopy
Of our dreams and glances
Watch us!
They rise and fall


Elated Chalices
Rise and fall
Like legends      

Legends love to be loved
In silence
Of our hearts
Heard and ingrained
Deep within our souls.

In this modest mode I pretend to be    
Bemused by little things tossing  
And turning me around  
Just to forget
your presence    
And to remember        
Your immortal spirit.              

I yearn for you!

Surpressed passion is all I have;
And blue heaven arched upon
Spellbound portals. Sheer
Kan devour my hide in
Seek in the shade.

Of the first creative act
Blows the raven away
Along scented mahogany
At the modest shelter
Of our habitual insanity of
Sparks and stars
Bursting into
Flames. . .our
Suppressed desires. . .


Tagore: "Where the mind is without fear
and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has
not been broken up
into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out
from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches
its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of
reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert
sand of dead habit
Where the mind is
forward by thee
Into ever-widening
thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom,
my Father, let my country awake."
Tempestuous angels shape
Inner angels
Laid as
design of one lovely lovely
being who once saw heavens
and a hand of God there
partially enjoying
This sacred intimacy of
Organic Puffy
lambs repose to mortem ipsum
measuring meandres of butterflies
in my mind tummy's mimicry of moral
cathegories only to those who perceived
something as such
Body is a body yet we think
distinctive difference
when subject or a predicat
are in mind~ heart~thoughts
and particularity:
proportions to Antecedens to Consequetias  
lovely etapes of young yet
real old life
on a bycicle
of wrath and wonders
Neverland aware of It-Self
by cosmic serpent   wave pattern  anouncing it's
cycle of pointing nowhere else el Elysium dispersing
the mirrors reflection just to Gather it together
in a cusp of life's elixir sweet and sour
to humans only not to immortal vine
veins where salmon jumps
willingly to open
grizzlys lust for
knowing their
love debt pays
off as in-carnation
shape­ Shifts streams of consciousness
Emerging as
A fabulous
Omnipresent finger of Faith
fulfiled with alive clouds
Heartfelt colourful Cedar essences
and a spectrum of sharp larch tree leaves
tender transient orchestra nature of many faces
passsing by as facets of magnolias pollen
the insight
sounds were Revealed as
Music Divine
Rainbow wariors drawn over the horizon
of the known Universe to love the primordial
Void Emanating Odes of Big Bangs
A bow of light's harphiscord
Protective Madam
Madonna Prima et Ultima
Palpitations of Pondering Pieta
Of Our World
Swayed in hands
of swines we revrewinding our wake-up walk
dissolving black wars of unconsciousness to bow to Beauty
Embraced we approach
as affirmative pat on a back
Graceful caress on womanly cheek,
bare *******, bodies by bones rattlled
touched marching peacefully
toward the seats of an old caffe
where lotus flowers grow
within beautiful little lake
within the core of a
Lovely capital city Our city of dreams
There is a park
on our
there is
o' de naturel
library under
the tree crowns
free leisure for kids
on the swings and slides
over there where our love
was heading
the wheel
of fortune
never stand above their nails
but were using softest sandals
to touch firm grasp of grasses and white
♥ mon amour ♥
Imagined by
Impeccable space
love Poet

ln  Sep 2014
ln Sep 2014
One day I was sitting by a tree,
By the park filled with laughter
Of a child, of a mum, of a dad, of a brother.

A leaf fell to the ground
And I thought " What a pretty leaf "
As I was thinking if I should pick it up,
An old lady who was about 70 years of age walked pass and said,
" What is this garbage doing here? Doesn't anyone clean the park? "
She then picked the leaf and and straight into the bin it went.

She walked away and I began thinking.
It was obvious then,
We're all humans and fortunately, gifted with a pair of eyes.
And unfortunately, we see things with our very own pair of eyes.
Thus, forming a contradiction of opinions.

You can't force upon your opinion upon someone else,
Nor should you only believe in your opinion.
Someone else may be right sometimes, at the same time,
You may be too.

Here comes point number two.
Because we see things differently,
What I think is beauty, may seem to you as unfascinating.
What I think is normal, may seem out of the box to you.
What I think isn't attractive, may be the world to you.

But that is okay,
Opinions were meant to be heard.
Thoughts were meant to be listened to.
Hopes were meant to be fulfiled,
And feelings were meant to be felt.

*Unless you've got nothing nice to say,
Then you keep your mouth shut.
uzzi obinna Aug 2016
Come on let us explore this life,
Let us take a tour to her cities,
Let us watch her still waters,
And unveil her hidden mystries;

Let us ride on her wings,
And drown in her magnificence,
Lets be hypnotised by her grandeur,
And be mindful of her essence;

Do not close your ears to her voice,
Nor turn a blind eye to her tears,
Be willing to learn of her wisdom,
Abuse not the length of her years;

Come let us beautify her with colours,
Adorn her with aromatic flowers,
Let us preserve her oasis, lakes,
And explore her infinite powers;

Let us go with her to lands of plenty,
And make her beautiful for our children,
Lets embrace her always with a warm heart,
You never know how much good that'll be building;

She seeks for our appreciation of her,
And the protection of her children,
In Europe, africa, the americas, and middle east,
Please enough of their executioning;

So lets take hold of her passionately,
And value those in whom she dwells,
walk through her boulevard of fulfiled dreams,
And always drink from her fresh wells.
Life is sacred
I steam, i blow, i toot
Chuckling, huffing, puffing
Fire inside me
Hot as burning coal
Over parallel rails, i ride
Through dark tunnels, i ride
Under ramping bridges, i ride
I steam, i blow, i toot
Carrying generations inside me
Trusted with delivery
Fulfiling my natural responsibility
Failure brings devastating outcome
Satisfact of service is the only reward
Time is not a factor than the destination
Fire burning inside me
Heat supply like burning coal
Energy is not a matter
Heat is what i thrive by
Delivering masses to the masses is my nature
Operations fulfiled by the nature of the steam train
Michaela Grignon May 2020
my feet are ******* *****
a little bit of mud
a little bit of sand
a little bit of grass
I’m soaking them
in the sea of Tranquility

one box is from Portugal
one firm box from France
it’s just clinking
last two left

guardians of the boat
are having a break
sweat running down
of their faces
eyes hypnotized
and the wind
is like a paradise
of their grey hair

I’m slowly reading
a book by Bukowski
and I can see
you got so alone at times
that it just makes sense
and three times yeah

secretely I’m watching
those saint guardians
drying their sweating foreheads
calloused hands
you can’t bet anymore

the sun is falling back
into a furiously quiet nothigness
of the Universe
and innocent souls of the guardians
are forgotten in irritant darkness

the first half of boxes goes to the shops
the next one
they are gonna drink
and early in the morning
the night is fulfiled
with a ***** daylight

— The End —