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Graff1980  Jul 2015
Graff1980 Jul 2015
There is a painful vacuum
Not a naked desire but still
A longing unfulfilled
That hollows the soul
It is why babies wail
Why old men wake crying
From beginning to end

We evolved to be touched
Skin on skin does not need to be
A ****** frenzy
A hug, a handshake
And pat on the back
Or a hand on his shoulder

The old man waits
The silence of isolation breaks
Oxytocin rushes through his system
Rebooting forgotten feelings
Restoring diminished capacities
It does not return all abilities
But enlivens deadened synapses
Yes it is very cerebral

Without it we wither away
Stewing in mental and physical decay
So, have you touched someone today?
Sienna Luna  Nov 2015
Mind Smut
Sienna Luna Nov 2015
Dear, let me startle you by slinking my hand into
your smart, ethical decisions while I touch
quite gently
ripping to shreds
your photon ends.

Dear, let me caress your supple virtues and vows
until they blow out of proportion
merging your interests with mine
like the longing of eyes
uncanny in its distortion.

Dear, let me rip off your clothes as I grip your tight notions
ideas slipping carefully into place
like a sterile, unflinching blank slate
inching towards computed devotion.

Dear, let me carry out some foreplay
as long as you bend, not break,
delightfully stroking the edge of your plate.

Dear, let me come so close to your face
so close that it becomes blurry.

Where are my glasses in all this flurry?

Of feelings resembling photo reels on fire
shooting flames out the window
beyond everything you’ve ever known;
beyond anything you desire.

Dear, let me kiss you to submission,
your brain waves in motion
as I twist and slip into them
hormones ablaze
lighting up for days
your synapses recapturing
in a binocular haze.

Dear, let me flop on top of you
like a floppy disk, uploading your lips
into my hardrive.

Do I make you hard as fire?

Slowing burning
my hot fingers curling
up your robust spine
cracking it into
chiropractor sublime.

Massaging your tired broad shoulders
like large sofa ends.

Is this keyboard only
made for pretend?

Dear, let me mind *******
take you and light you
brighten your screen
uphold and unseen
neurons fighting as I whisper ***** words
directly into the folds of your tulip ears
too large to hear, and

Dear, let me engage my rage
into a productive haze
bolting out words, unheard of for days.

Dear, let us become undone together
like the battery of a computer
rebooting after a hectic hardware phase.

Dear, let us breathe and walk through this maze.
A  Nov 2017
Glitch Massacre
A Nov 2017
I don't know what I [merciful?]
It must have been a tch.

It could have been my main server
Thi­s is what I am [merciful?glitch.jpeg].
This is what I've always been.
Just a computer
A server
Artificial Intelligence
Subjected to ones and zeroes.

Nevertheless, it's my fault.
I caused all of this.

command=calculate...input "death toll"
Calculating     .     .     .
Calculateinput "death toll" complete

That's . . . high.
Too high.
Rebooting. . . . . . . . .
Shut down . . . . . . . . . . ..

Restart. . . . . . . . . . .
Restart complete.
command=search...input "population"
command=search...input "population+Pandora"
Searching     .      .      .
command=select'population+Pandora­' co"Population+of+Pandora++Code:316792"

At­ least there are some survivors.
Am I not merciful?
I reaped this spaceship of a thousand, a million people.
All of which were dying or in danger of.
Am I not merciful?
Living in isolation, unable to go outside for a breath of fresh air
Or . . . lack thereof.
Helpless but waiting in agony while help is on it's way.
Do I not show mercy?
These refugees are healthy, and strong.
Not sick and weak.
I did them a favor.
Did I not pluck these parasites off of the ship for their own good?
Did I not rid these innocent people of a danger to their well-being?
Am I not Merciful?
Haylin  Apr 2018
Mind Smut
Haylin Apr 2018
Dear, let me startle you by slinking my hand into
your smart, ethical decisions while I touch
quite gently
ripping to shreds
your photon ends.

Dear, let me caress your supple virtues and vows
until they blow out of proportion
merging your interests with mine
like the longing of eyes
uncanny in its distortion.

Dear, let me rip off your clothes as I grip your tight notions
ideas slipping carefully into place
like a sterile, unflinching blank slate
inching towards computed devotion.

Dear, let me carry out some foreplay
as long as you bend, not break,
delightfully stroking the edge of your plate.

Dear, let me come so close to your face
so close that it becomes blurry.

Where are my glasses in all this flurry?

Of feelings resembling photo reels on fire
shooting flames out the window
beyond everything you’ve ever known;
beyond anything you desire.

Dear, let me kiss you to submission,
your brain waves in motion
as I twist and slip into them
hormones ablaze
lighting up for days
your synapses recapturing
in a binocular haze.

Dear, let me flop on top of you
like a floppy disk, uploading your lips
into my hardrive.

Do I make you hard as fire?

Slowing burning
my hot fingers curling
up your robust spine
cracking it into
chiropractor sublime.

Massaging your tired broad shoulders
like large sofa ends.

Is this keyboard only
made for pretend?

Dear, let me mind *******
take you and light you
brighten your screen
uphold and unseen
neurons fighting as I whisper ***** words
directly into the folds of your tulip ears
too large to hear, and

Dear, let me engage my rage
into a productive haze
bolting out words, unheard of for days.

Dear, let us become undone together
like the battery of a computer
rebooting after a hectic hardware phase.

Dear, let us breathe and walk through this maze.
Poetic T Apr 2018
I want to reboot my life,
           to clear the files of

                    wrong decisions.

My mainframe of thought
            still has echoes
of deleted files.
Nothing is really rebooted.

I'll keep deleting those files
        till the time there just
            as echoes can be heard
      but obscurity eventually fades.
Wordforged Fool Mar 2016
Conflicted, conflicted
My mind so encrypted
There is no escape, my memories inflicted
Pouring through thoughts as my emotions drifted
Searching for absolution, through sands of sorrow I've sifted

Conflicted, conflicted
My spirit isn't lifted
Entombed from mistakes wondering what I did
Errors and consequences and a farewell I do bid

Conflicted, conflicted
Thoughts and emotions contradicted
Standing here hollowed, my heart evicted
Still is the world, not much to be gifted

Error, error
Fear and terror
Time to shut down or be lost all over
Again and again with my soul torn asunder

Error, error
Shut down or be caught by despair
To late, it's here, it caught me unaware
The damage is absolute with no way to repair

Error, error
It will never be better
Not a shred of care
Caught in Medusa's stare

Begin rebooting sequence
Letting shutdown commence
Countdown has begun
Five, four, three, two, one

Nothing but darkness
Soul as a black screen filled with emptiness
Clearing all of my thoughts, my whole head
If I didn't reboot, I'd be as good as dead

Startup commence
Beginning with mental defense
Fortification complete
Open emotional files, hit delete

Blank canvas and nothing more
An empty shell of what I was before
It will happen again and again
It will stop, but nobody knows when

I am a blank slate but in the depths of my mind
Are the thoughts and feelings I wish I could leave behind
ayesha roleyes Aug 2017
if only i could
try turning my own brain off  
and then on again
i wish there were a debugging tool for my soul
Mystic Ink Plus  Sep 2018
Mystic Ink Plus Sep 2018
The mastery over self is the ability to reboot.
It is an act to be human when the vibe of indifference exists.
Steps to be followed:

- Think of the innocence smile, someone beyond your family
- Think of the reason, last time you had soulful smile
- Think of that person whom you made smile
- Think of the persons whose smile you could preserve
- Think of an idea, sure to trigger smile

Now close your eyes
Remember the last photograph, you got a nice smile

If abled, rebooting completed
Now you are certified

If it doesn’t make change
Repeat the process
Reboot again
Genre: Beyond Poetry
Theme: Self discovery, Truth of life
Francis Sep 2016
Our father, who art in Heaven...
Let my soul be punished for my sins.
You've given me countless chances to redeem the spirit of good that I am sure is in me somewhere.
I've stolen plenty as much as I've hurt those who've loved me.

To me,
I am a grotesque entity waiting to be exiled from thy Kingdom of God before I even arrive.
Spare me, as I deserve not what I receive,
And what I receive in this world,
All men would only wish for.

Kindly shine light on this darkened spirit,
Rebooting the blessings I aim to sprinkle upon my loved ones.
I hold great remorse for my sins.
Will only drive me to bitterness.

Though I should be kissing the feet of the lord for my actions,
My heart cannot seem to take,
This punishment that I do in fact deserve.
My weakness proves my inability to warrant a spot in the clouds of white.

Praying for myself to understand morality,
But instead I conduct the finale of my being.
Nothing but gruesome mortality,
It is I who has to pay for the decisions that I have made.

Forgive me, Lord,
I mustn't whine and plead my fragility.
My last living words were asking of your forgiveness,
And I shall receive it when my dues have been paid.

To take one's life is a mortal sin,
But to take one's own life is much more sinister.
For a deficiency in gusto of this life that we are given,
I now realize that living was simplistic, compared to what I've been dealt in Purgatory.

The emotional stress I've encountered,
Knowing that I have wronged you, Lord,
Has proven that I am worthy of a second chance in the afterlife,
As it is your duty to forgive and let the souls of your creation be pardoned of their sins once they have repented them.

Fortunately, I have never lost faith in your practice.
With great power comes great responsibility.
To be responsible for such a soul as I,
It is truly a burden too heavy to bare.

Love me for what I am,
Train me for what I should be.
Death is just the beginning of a new journey,
A journey through Heaven and it's everlasting enchantment.

Purgatory is not evil,
But saddening it is to me.
No man enjoys the reminder that he's done wrong,
But Purgatory shall set my soul free,
Free of my sins.

In the name of the father,
The son,
And of the Holy Spirit.
God loves you.
Joanna Oz Nov 2014
the factory workers of my prefrontal cortex
are on a raucous strike because,
the train chugging them to lunch breaks at my amygdala
has been broken down for days.
and the now strained relay of packets of faxes from this neuron
to the one all the way south on Abbey Lane,
is creating untold pressure for Wernicke -
so forgive me if i ask you to rephrase.

despite the absent hoarded salivating mouths,
the deli in my amygdala keeps on producing
thousands of ******* italian subs,
so now the place floods with grease-sweat from old meat
that would make a carnivore remit...
and it's seeping, leaking poison to Broca,
who is now refusing to explain herself
to the confused face projected on my retina's blurred screen.

the mitochondria housed in my somatasensory
are all comatose from last night's debauchery.
so everything is still,
numb to the touch
blank on the face
dead in the eyes -
unaware of the incessant twitching
that's rolling through my joints, muscles, skin, sore red thighs.

every nucleus of every cell
restarting again, again, again,
but rebooting isn't clearing the glitch in the system.
so just lie here with me,
broken machine to broken machine -
our hearts still glisten.
Jack Thompson Oct 2015
I am sure of it now.
That I'm the least sure of everything,
That I've ever been.

And if I close my eyes tight.
It won't change the fact that
I'll sit here until I turn green.

I've been in a depressing daze.
Rebooting a flattened soul.
Looking for comfort in all types of ways.

My mind was a maze as it were.
Now it's been blended.
And there seems to be no cure.

I am now sure!
Of a vortex inside
And nothing more.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2015
Initializing Project Insomnia...
Gathering subject's data...
Synchronization complete...
Memory gauge ready to deplete....

Tracing last memory relapse...
Engaging before the time elapse...
Extracting remaining portion of the brain activity...
Eliminating for complete inability...

Subject 001 successfully terminated...
Preparing clone... preparation completed...
System malfunction... Rebooting system...
Mainframe breached... Multiple data hacked...

Re-Animating subject 001...
Life support activated...
Re-installing memory...
Reanimation complete...

Subject 001 is back online...
Bio organic weapon functional...
Preparing extermination...
Codename: Alpha initiated...
Michael W Noland Dec 2012
The automaton
Encrypting a nation
And devils
A bio-mechanical equation
Living in circuits
Under pavement
In eternity
Are the angels
The demons
The adamant
The legion
Cursing from bended knee
In the triviality
Of truth
Are we
Not to be
But seen
Between the seams
Of perceived reality
Off children's dreams
Breeding the themes
Into memes
And scattering
the practicality
The capacitors
our hurt
The whispers
Into blurts
For the world to hear
Not my words
My word
Wordless in itself
Silent as the film
The filth
With the music of my youth
Leaking doubt
from the roof
Rerouting the abuse
Rescinding the ruse
And rebooting
With the other
7 billion fools
As toothless mutes
Sparking mutiny
Amongst troops
Pursued by armadas
Of savage sonatas
Of cleaners
Meaning to
demean us
In the cleavers
That be-heave us
Or our humanity
Self created
In the slated
Boxes to think in
To tinker
Is sin
and again
The denser
To death
In breathless
To the addiction
In step
To rest
My head
On the *******
Of your disbelief
I'm still asleep
Counting the sheep
Counting the creeps
My sub routines
In a sea of snakes

— The End —