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May 2016 · 305
Sean Hunt May 2016
Someone offered Kate a gun
They don’t know her well
She wouldn’t shoot
At anyone
For a pound or two
So she’s safe
For me and you
Kate looks tough on a bike
But she wouldn’t harm a fly
She is too lady-like

Sean Hunt May 17 2016
May 2016 · 261
The Poet Factory
Sean Hunt May 2016
The Mortal Man
In Troutbeck
Is beginning to be
Poet Factory
May 2016 · 480
Dead Leaves
Sean Hunt May 2016
Dead leaves
Are gone
Life seems
It will go on

Summer has come
Time for fun
For some
But all things
That have begun
Will be

Sean Hunt  
Windermere  May 17th  2016
I noticed, today, the absence of dead leaves in my garden, for the first time in many months
May 2016 · 1.3k
Sean Hunt May 2016
Be like the spring snow
Don't be afraid
To go
May 2016 · 275
Where Is The Water
Sean Hunt May 2016
If you are a puzzle
Missing a piece
And wine
Makes the world
A fine place
Check to see
That the pool
Is not empty
Before you do
A swan dive
May 2016 · 1.1k
To Ja
Sean Hunt May 2016
My poem was a 'hit'
My friend
You imputed it
May 2016 · 333
We're Lucky
Sean Hunt May 2016
Kate's lucky
She's married
And I’m old
I’m lucky
Kate's married
And I’m old
May 2016 · 2.5k
The Most Sublime Rhyme
Sean Hunt May 2016
Things coming and going at the  same  time
is the most sublime Rhyme

Einstein and Siddhartha  knew this
many years ago
They told us something that we just don't
really want to know  

Things coming and going at the same time
Is the most sublime  Rhyme

Bits of seconds  passing by
Keep on looking them in the eye  
Be here now,  time will fly
As bits of seconds pass you by

Things coming and going at the same  time
Is the most sublime Rhyme

When the earth quakes
And shakes the ground
Beneath your feet
Slip into the crack and don't look  back
Let your heart skip a  beat

Things coming and going at the same time
Is the most sublime Rhyme

Sean Hunt  May 8 2016
from a song I wrote called 'The Crack'
May 2016 · 560
Am I A Romantic Poet
Sean Hunt May 2016
I used to call myself an A-Romantic Poet, not wanting to include myself
In the group that I thought knelt at the altar of nature on two knees, writing only about the prettiness they see.

Am I a ‘Romantic’ poet, I ask myself out loud. The jury is out.

At first I thought they only wrote about flowers and hills and things outside the mind. Someone said I was wrong, that they can write about inner inspiration and movements of mind, as long as their internal spring of feeling is strong, intense and vibrant like tremors, geysers, erupting volcanoes, hailstorms, floods, and hurricane furies; or as still as a daffodil bending in the breeze.

I think perhaps I write like an already very strong and steady wind that sometimes surprises with an even stronger gust that defies expectations, and explanations, and demands attention, like an ignored diva.

Sean Hunt  May 13  2016
First attempt at a 'Prose Poem'.  On July 7th I will be attending a monthly meeting of local poets at Wordsworth Trust in The Lakes District in Grasmere and the topic for that meeting will be Prose Poetry.  I know nothing about Prose poetry but the first sample I saw from the poet who will be leading the discussion did interest me so I thought I would try one.
May 2016 · 2.0k
Sean Hunt May 2016

No matter what it is I see
If I really want to be free
I've got to remember
It's all about me

It's all about me,
It's nothing you do
it's all about me
I'm telling you who
It's not about you

I used to think it was all about you
The things you would say and do
Now I know it’s all about me
And not about you

If my sky is grey
Or if my sky is blue
My sky's about me
And not about you

Sean Hunt   2011
Other people do not cause our suffering and our problems, it comes from our own minds.  This is very good news because we have complete freedom and responsibility.  The belief that others ARE the causes of our happiness, unhappiness is actually the most painful mistake we make.  It took me many years to learn this truth.
May 2016 · 1.2k
Prolific Tzivi
Sean Hunt May 2016
Tzivi is becoming prolific!  
Have you seen his second poem?
May 2016 · 1.2k
Sean Hunt May 2016
I think
I am a little
And very
May 2016 · 885
Sean Hunt May 2016
She's a poet
She knows it
A little lazy
May 2016 · 1.1k
She's A Poet
Sean Hunt May 2016
She has proven
She's a poet
Now she knows it
Sean Hunt May 2016
BEHOLD her, single in the field,
  Yon solitary Highland Lass!
Reaping and singing by herself;
  Stop here, or gently pass!
Alone she cuts and binds the grain,        
And sings a melancholy strain;
O listen! for the Vale profound
Is overflowing with the sound.

No Nightingale did ever chaunt
  More welcome notes to weary bands
Of travellers in some shady haunt,
  Among Arabian sands:
A voice so thrilling ne'er was heard
In spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird,
Breaking the silence of the seas
Among the farthest Hebrides.

Will no one tell me what she sings?—
  Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow
For old, unhappy, far-off things,
  And battles long ago:
Or is it some more humble lay,
Familiar matter of to-day?
Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain,
That has been, and may be again?

Whate'er the theme, the Maiden sang
  As if her song could have no ending;
I saw her singing at her work,
  And o'er the sickle bending;—
I listen'd, motionless and still;
And, as I mounted up the hill,
The music in my heart I bore,
Long after it was heard no more.

---------------------------------  This poem inspired my poem >>>
I Never Know
(Inspired by ‘Another Solitary Reaper’  by Wordsworth)

I never know if, out of sight
Another stands by in delight
Listening to my melody
Intended  just for me

If I sing in the open air
And only birds can hear me there
I wonder what response they have
I know they cannot clap

‘Tis very well they hear!
Though we can see no ears
I could be wrong but
I doubt that they enjoy our song

We think we are alone a lot
When we are not
Assumptions made are wrong
About who listens to our songs

Sean Hunt  May 11th 2016
(Inspired by ‘Another Solitary Reaper’  by Wordsworth)

I visited Wordsworth Trust in Grasmere this morning.  They have established a poetry blog and are inviting poems from the public for consideration.  They are selecting some for publication on their website.  They are specifically asking people to read 'The Solitary Reaper' by Wordsworth and write a poem inspired by his poem.  So this is my effort.  If anyone wishes to do the same you could publish the poem here and then contact Simon Davies at Wordsworth Trust by email or send a link to your poem on Hello Poetry.  I think I will try the latter.   Simon's email address is:

My idea worked well;  I copied the Hello Poetry url link and pasted it in my comment on the Wordsworth comments page.........i.e
thoughts on “Another Solitary Reaper”

Sean Hunt
11TH MAY 2016 AT 5:31 PM
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

I wrote a poem inspired by this Wordsworth poem and I uploaded it to a web poetry site (link above). What struck me about the poem was not the actual imagined idyllic experience of a surprised eavesdropping walker, listening to a well-sung song, it was for me, the non-awareness of the singer that she was being listened to and enjoyed; I found this to be the most interesting aspect of the described scene. Thank you for the encouragement to read this poem and be inspired by it Simon _/_
This is a Wordsworth Poem that inspired my poem 'I Never Know'
May 2016 · 614
I Never Know
Sean Hunt May 2016
(Inspired by ‘Another Solitary Reaper’  by Wordsworth)

I never know if, out of sight
Another stands by in delight
Listening to my melody
Intended  just for me

If I sing in the open air
And only birds can hear me there
I wonder what response they have
I know they cannot clap

‘Tis very well they hear
Though we can see no ears
I could be wrong but
I doubt they enjoy our song

We think we are alone a lot
When we are not
Assumptions made are wrong
About who listens to our songs

Sean Hunt  May 11th 2016
(Inspired by ‘Another Solitary Reaper’  by Wordsworth)

I visited Wordsworth Trust in Grasmere this morning.  They have established a poetry blog and are inviting poems from the public for consideration.  They are selecting some for publication on their website.  They are specifically asking people to read 'The Solitary Reaper' by Wordsworth and write a poem inspired by his poem.  So this is my effort.  If anyone wishes to do the same you could publish the poem here and then contact Simon Davies at Wordsworth Trust by email or send a link to your poem on Hello Poetry.  I think I will try the latter.   Simon's email address is:

My idea worked well;  I copied the Hello Poetry url link and pasted it in my comment on the Wordsworth comments page.........i.e
thoughts on “Another Solitary Reaper”

Sean Hunt
11TH MAY 2016 AT 5:31 PM
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

I wrote a poem inspired by this Wordsworth poem and I uploaded it to a web poetry site (link above). What struck me about the poem was not the actual imagined idyllic experience of a surprised eavesdropping walker, listening to a well-sung song, it was for me, the non-awareness of the singer that she was being listened to and enjoyed; I found this to be the most interesting aspect of the described scene. Thank you for the encouragement to read this poem and be inspired by it Simon _/\_
May 2016 · 670
Happy Birthday, Keith
Sean Hunt May 2016
The eleventh of May
The date of today
Was the day of the birth
On this fortunate earth
Of a poet of note
Of Keith Wilson I speak
Published, prolific
Read in the cities
Read on the beach
On tablets and towers
They love his technique
From flowers and gardens
To grief and departures
His readers rejoice and celebrate
This holy happy date

Sean Hunt  Windermere  2016
May 2016 · 519
Unwritten Rhyme
Sean Hunt May 2016
I need to stop being me
There’s somebody else
That I want to be
I spend nearly all of my time
Thinking of me
Thinking of mine
I seem to be stuck
In this unwritten rhyme
Since beginningless time

Sean Hunt  May 2016
May 2016 · 673
I’m As Old As You
Sean Hunt May 2016
I’m as old as you
You’re as old as me
We should not be
By everything
That we see

Sean Hunt
Twenty Word Poem
May 2016 · 771
The Six Sources
Sean Hunt May 2016
There are those who worship
At the altar of the ear
Who when they hear a certain note
Will shed a tear.

Some worship
Pastoral scenes
Seeing lakes and trees
They slip into a dream.

The church of haute cuisine for some
Is where they go
Every day
To kneel and pray

There are those whose smell sensation
Equates to olfactorial
And infatuation

Some hedonists wouldn’t mind
Being blind
Tactile delights forever
Would suit them fine

Though my five senses
Work quite well
I find myself mainly interested
In my mind.

Sean Hunt  May 6 2016
May 2016 · 1.3k
An Anti Aristocrat Rant
Sean Hunt May 2016
You are hidden from view
You don’t see me
I don’t see you
This makes me nervous,
You see
I know what you have done
Through history

The wars you’ve caused
The blood you’ve shed
Down so many streets
Rolling heads
Armies and power
Rows of stones
Crosses and flowers

Court jesters
And child molesters
Clowning around
Bishops and criers
Lingering liars
Towers and trials
All of the arrogant
Baying and praying
For a male child

****** horsemen
Hunting with hounds
We no longer want you

Sean Hunt  May 5  2016
An anti aristocrat rant
May 2016 · 352
All Undone
Sean Hunt May 2016
Then when we know
From whence come
Moon and Sun
All will be undone

All undone
So much fun
Picking skins off the onion
One by one

Then to fall into
The space inside
Where with two wings
We soar and fly

Sean Hunt  May 2nd 2016
May 2016 · 818
Strumalong Days
Sean Hunt May 2016
Although I had fun
Strumalong days
Are over and done

Sean Hunt May 2 2016
May 2016 · 852
Actual 'I'
Sean Hunt May 2016
One day
I will
Finally find
Actual 'I'
May 2016 · 1.1k
The Big Promise
Sean Hunt May 2016
Doesn't matter
What you do
I promise to enlighten
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
My me
And your me
Are destined for

The me that I see
And the me that you see
Are simply not
The same me


The you that you see
And the you that I see
Are as different
As a toe and a tree

Now the me that I am
Is not the me I wanted to be
I had to be this me
For mummy and daddy

And the you that you are
Is not the you, you wanted to be
You too needed to please
Mummy and daddy

You are unknowable
I am unknowable
No wonder our relationships
Are so unbearable

Sean Hunt  April 30 2016
Apr 2016 · 376
The Moon
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
I think too much about me
And things that I think that I see
If I check again, another day
I’ll find they were never there,

Psychotic illusion
Karmic confusion
Wrong view
And a bad attitude

Small problems for me
To one day overcome
When the moon is more bright
Than the sun

Sean Hunt  April 30 2016
Apr 2016 · 1.6k
Spring Snow
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
Like a Flake
Of Spring Snow
We Come
And Go
Inspired by Kate Barkes, advising me to write about 'exterior' scenes :)

Video recitation at:
Apr 2016 · 339
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
People, like rainbows
Enter our lives
They shimmer and shine
People like rainbows
Come with the sun
Then they go
Where, we don’t know

People like snow
Appear in our scene
Like a winter dream
People like snow
After their show
One day, with the sun,
Will go

People like water
Fall through our hands
Try as we may
We can’t make them stay
People like water
Vanish from sight
Just like the night

Sean Hunt  April 23 2016
Apr 2016 · 1.0k
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
The poetic presence
Of absent Kate
Is missed
Of late
Apr 2016 · 928
The Trender
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
My good friend Keith
Is trending often
Oftener than me
Apr 2016 · 246
Not Me
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
I know that
Some are
Not Me
Apr 2016 · 250
Unheard Words
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
If you only have
Ten words
They shouldn't be
Apr 2016 · 791
Not Me
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
I wouldn't be caught dead
A Ten Word Poem
Apr 2016 · 496
Tragic Magic
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
Seems like
Psychosis squared
To me
I don't see you
You don't see me
You don't see you
You don't see me
What else can it be?

So many songs are written
About this sorry state
Which always ends in tears
Sooner or later

Enjoy it while it lasts
It will only be 'true'
If it does not change
Into something new

Magic never turns into tragic

Apr 2016 · 323
Twisted View
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
I am a poet freak, no doubt
Some who read my rhymes
Pull their hair out
One at a time

A romantic poet I am not
What you see is what I’ve got
A twisted view, from me to you
At least it’s something new

Sean Hunt

April 18 2016
Apr 2016 · 313
Invitation Accepted
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
How delighted was I
To be invited
To the ‘Poet-Freaks’

Sometimes my rhyme
Goes to waste
It’s an acquired taste

Some say
When they read my verse
‘There can’t be much worse’

Well now I feel quite at home
With my fellow zanies
Who never make the ‘dailies’

Sean Hunt
Apr 2016 · 349
Rain Rain
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
Rain rain go away
Come again
Some other day
Today I want to play

Rain rain go away
But not for long or I’ll complain
So stay around
I’ll want you when my grass is brown

Rain rain
Once in a while I will delight
When my feet are warm and dry
By the firelight

I will watch you through
My windowpane in ease
As you paint
Your Three D Masterpiece

O essential element
Presenter of presents
Why do we lament so much
Your ever-present presence

Sean Hunt
April 16 2015
Original 'Rain' poem rewritten, imporoved, edited, without the commentary
Apr 2016 · 691
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
I was requested
To write a rhyme about rain
By a soldier man who lives
Almost in a lake

I thought of rain
Again and again
In time,
A rain rhyme came

From me to you,
Mr. Hill
Who lives
In 'The Lakes'

Rain rain go away
Come again
Some other day
Today I want to play

Rain rain go away
But not for long
Or I’ll complain
Stay around
I’ll want you when
My grass is brown

Rain rain stay around
My kayak doesn’t work well
On the ground

Rain rain
Once in a while
I will delight
When my feet are warm and dry
By the firelight

I will watch you through
My windowpane
In  ease
As you paint
Your Three D

O essential element
Presenter of presents
Why do we lament
So much
Your ever-present presence

Sean Hunt April 16 2015

For video recitation: see link below

Rain has always been a  principal topic of conversation here in the UK, especially in The Lakes District.  A friend said to me the other day, "Why don't you write a poem about rain?"  I don't usually write about non-abstract, or non-philosophical issues but I decided to try....Dedicated to Mr Tony Hill, a friend a musician and a true outdoorsman and adventurer.
Apr 2016 · 740
The Clinking Chain
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
Why were we together
And why did we part
Why did we ever plunge
That knife into our hearts?

Our love is not forgotten
It was deep and it was true
Somehow the link was weak
Between me and you

Since that day what was said
And what was heard
I wonder if there's anything
At all that we have learned

If we could listen to the clinking
Of the karma chain
We would know how and why
Everything has changed

Sean Hunt
Video Recitation at:
Apr 2016 · 1.0k
Female Flotsam
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
I am female flotsam
Standing still
In the eye of the storm
Seeing signs and warnings
And hearing all the mourning

What will become of
My unborn son?
What will be his fate?
To be filled with spite
And swim in a sea
Of horror and hate,
To become an inhuman bomb

And his reward?
“With one hundred virgins
He will one day wed
In the eternal church”,
Thus say his unholy

Sean Hunt  
To be fully appreciated watch the short video
This poem was inspired as part of a poetry-writing project, by a video which can be seen at:  To be fully appreciated it needs to be seen, I think
Apr 2016 · 938
The Unwritten Rhyme
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
I feel so alone
Floating in a sea
Of humanity
This mystery
Is beyond me

Where can I go?
If I slip
Out of the stream
They will know.
Our henchmen
Do not permit

I am frozen in time
Stuck in an unwritten rhyme

Sean Hunt

See video that inspired this poem at:
This poem was inspired as part of a poetry-writing project, by a video which can be seen at:  To be fully appreciated it needs to be seen, I think
Apr 2016 · 354
I Must Keep Watch
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
Today and every day
I will keep watch
For subtle movements of mind
Which slowly morph
Into ripples
In the stillness
Of the surface
Of the sea
Of my mind

Those ripples
Sometimes stay small
And subside
They may become waves
Which lick the shore
Eroding as they go

I must keep watch
Ripples may become waves
Which can one day become
Human Tsunamis

I will keep my mind

I must keep watch

Sean Hunt
Windermere April 6 2015
Apr 2016 · 293
Deep Inside
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
Deep inside
There is a place,
Where I will find
My actual mind

It's in the middle of the riddle
Of life and death
A place I will know well
When I take my last breath

All I show
Is my overcoat
It's something like
A river crossing boat

This overcoat you see
Is what I wear, it's not me
I'll leave it behind
When the death bell chimes

Sean Hunt  2015  Windermere
Apr 2016 · 325
Middle Eye
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
Rely On Your Middle Eye

Everything’s not the way it seems
Just like night and day in dreams
Rely on your middle eye

We are all like rainbows
First we come and then we go
Rely on your middle eye

If you don’t want to be a dream-seller
Or a story-teller
Rely on your middle eye

If you don’t want to beat someone’s drum
Or make sure that their bell is rung
Rely on your middle eye

If you don’t know where the road goes
Or ‘round the bend where the river flows
Rely on your middle eye

Sean Hunt    April 4 2016
Apr 2016 · 332
The Weaver
Sean Hunt Apr 2016
I think I am embedded in this tapestry
I think that every thing I see
Is outside of me

I couldn’t be more wrong
This mistaken view
Is Oh so wrong

How long will I carry on?
The habits of an addict
Are so ****** strong!

Even though I know
I grab the water as it falls
I am like a baby with a ball

I am the loom
The wool and the weaver
The giver and the receiver

Sean Hunt
Mar 2016 · 330
Mystery Revealed
Sean Hunt Mar 2016
The captain takes us down
To the engine room
He says our minds ‘will be blown’
Very very soon
The mechanisms of our minds
Dissected and revealed
By the captain of this ship
The mystery revealed

Sean Hunt  March 2016
Mar 2016 · 754
The Third Empty
Sean Hunt Mar 2016
My deep and dark subtle mind
Moves behind the scenes
Manipulating and directing every thing
Giving meaning to my every move
Now, to understand the logarithm
Keeping time, keeping rhythm
Hidden agenda, hidden theme
For my painful problematic dream

Sean   March 2016
Mar 2016 · 463
No Need To Be Blue
Sean Hunt Mar 2016
Though the paper and pen are lovers
It’s only for a short time
The paper and pen will vanish
Just like this time with my rhyme
No pasa nada
Like mother and father
We orphans
Will come and go too
Nothing is new
No need to be blue

Sean Hunt   March 2016
Mar 2016 · 728
After The Resurrection
Sean Hunt Mar 2016
What Now?

After the resurrection
After flying away
At the end of your day
What now?

What will you know?
Where will you be?
Who will you see?
Will you see me?

When you die
It's the end of you
And the end of me
Because the me that you see
Will no longer be

And when I die
It's the end of me
And the end of you
Because the you that I see
Will no longer be

But our minds will still be
Our minds will still see

Sean Hunt    Easter 2016
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