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 Aug 2017 Sandoval
I run into the melody.

the crimson sounds hug me.

i ever struck a still place.

it was a singing rose.
 Aug 2017 Sandoval
 Aug 2017 Sandoval
You are like rain
So unpredictable
So refreshing
So sometimes ruthless
So gentle
So renascent
You come and go
And come back again
And leave me invisible traces
 Aug 2017 Sandoval
 Aug 2017 Sandoval
In childhood we want
something we grow up faster
but when we are grown up
we again long for childhood.
 Aug 2017 Sandoval
It may take only a few seconds
to hurt someone that you love
but it may take a lot of years
to heal this pain.
That which heart defines
don't let go.
That which heart dictates
try to let go.
It's unfair and sore
to hold what's repressed.
It's insane and bold to burden the chest
which holds my heart's abyss.
I could never ask more from a soul
which always asked forgiveness.
Your eyes deceived you once
your dedication even averted
you from getting a glance
you felt the need to confess
but to these gods you can not pray.
Follow the sun
follow the moon
follow the stars
maybe you should have followed your heart
and if you need so desperately the taste of divine
don't put your faith in gods nor demons for there are none
but believe in angels, the angels our human spirit could be.
 Aug 2017 Sandoval
Em MacKenzie
In the bottom of her drink,
she found the undeniable truth,
that she was right to feel and think,
that she wasted most of her youth.
Looking back on those late nights,
there was real purity between both eyes,
that shone brighter than all the lights,
and held more beauty than a sunrise.

With mixed drinks and mixed feelings,
it's hard to always stay on course,
every word can set you reeling,
regardless of it's force.
Melting dilutes the flavor,
and it's potential to set you free,
with each sip you try to savor,
the things that can never be.
With mixed drinks and mixed feelings,
no it's not meant for the weaklings.

In the shadows of a smoke filled room,
she prays to whoever listens for one more chance,
it would still be fated to be met with doom,
that's just always due to circumstance.
The glass is not half empty,
and it sure as hell isn't half full,
it's contents spilt on the floor for all to see,
and her grasp neither pushed nor pulled.

With mixed drinks and mixed feelings,
it's hard to always stay on course,
and each sip meant to be healing
is dampened and ruined by remorse.
The straw will get you more drunk,
but it's not half as satisfying,
that ship sailed until it sunk,
so it was never even worth trying.
With mixed drinks and mixed feelings,
it was shown the potential hit it's ceiling.

So down your last glass, and say your last word,
'cause time goes by too fast, your confessions won't be heard.

"Will you remember me?"
she asks me so fondly,
"lately I've been forgetting,
but you're just so **** haunting."
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