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Apr 2014 · 722
Food for thought
Renae Apr 2014
Do you feed your mind
everything you believe?
Or do you believe everything
you feed your mind?
What do you read and study?
Apr 2014 · 534
Renae Apr 2014
Dull meaningless verbal abuse tries to strike me down, to put me in a box where the the other lifeless followers go blind
Apr 2014 · 651
My feelings 10w
Renae Apr 2014
I don't want you
I only want who you were
Apr 2014 · 605
Renae Apr 2014
Stronger than waves crashing
Stronger than stone
Stronger than the stars that light
up the sky
Cataclysmic volcanic energy
is your might
Your strength to lead us
just as strong
As was your strength to decide
to willingly give
up your human existence
Providing us
Hope for everlasting life
Today was Nissan 14, the day Jesus died
Apr 2014 · 250
Says you
Renae Apr 2014
You say you know me
oh so well
you say you know
what I want, how I think?
You say you know
about my dreams?
About my hopes my fears
about my fantasies?
Says you you say says you
Walk in my footsteps
then tell me true
It's not what says you
Apr 2014 · 570
Renae Apr 2014
Lift up the earth's crust
Open up the sea
It's easy to overlook the obvious
happening to you and me
Honestly could you say it will never end?
Honestly stop and think
There's too many wrongs to make this right
We're tipping on the brink
You may say it's always the way it's been
Curious as that may seem
I know it's just a matter of when
In all honesty
Apr 2014 · 179
Beyond over
Renae Apr 2014
.....and done
with the never-ending game of
who's the better one
through with never knowing
through with endless doubt
we've been beyond over
I want out
Apr 2014 · 4.3k
Silence (10w)
Renae Apr 2014
.      my best friend
                   never speaks to me at all
Apr 2014 · 417
Renae Apr 2014
When you cannot understand
              When nothing makes sense
.            .             Everything's upside down
        Feels like you're stuck on the fence
.                      Just remember
.               .                      one thing is true
.            It most likely has nothing
.                 .                     to do with you
Apr 2014 · 465
I mean.....
Renae Apr 2014
And I suppose you are all mine.......

I mean...... since you seem to always be there for me......

I imagine you have no time to play..........

I mean...... to play the field, or find another
smile, another love, another flower to pick

To give......

I mean....... for anyone who looks your way,
who loves your charm, your kiss, your touch
.                                         .........only me.......
I don't really know what I mean anyway
Mar 2014 · 277
Important expressions
Renae Mar 2014
It's amazing to me
how one small expression  
changes my whole world
Instantly walls fall down
I am back in a place of yesterday
When life was predictable
You were mine and I was
fearless........ of anything
Your important expressions
make my tears flow
Mar 2014 · 761
Bad to worse
Renae Mar 2014
Remember when good prevailed
The hero always won & there were
Happy endings?
Well I guess that wasn't real enough
not alot has changed since gladiator days
The innocent are still sacrificed
Fed to the lions so to speak
Or since ***** and Gomorrah
Only difference is now it's televised
As though this entertainment is okay
To desensitize is the goal
And the result?
Children killing parents
Parents killing children
People without love
Mar 2014 · 271
Young at heart
Renae Mar 2014
I tapped my toe
while the little man sang
Frank Sinatra's words,
they go something this way
"For it's hard you will find
to be narrow of mind
if you're young at heart"

As I pondered those words
I felt a little absurd
many must feel
I have an elderly heart
With the heart being center
of any decision
I feel that creates
way too much derision
Often we regret that part
Nobody wants to admit it
Yet we finally get it  
stumble and tumble
when life falls apart
All because
we followed the advice
When you are among
the very young at heart

So never forget
to take your brain with you
not just words in songs
Keep your head on straight
consequences continue
things sometimes go wrong
Remember your virtues
I know all you really wanted
was to follow your heart
Mar 2014 · 284
A tragic truth
Renae Mar 2014
It's too bad you treat me so poorly
I might have even taken you back
Now that you've shown your true colors
I couldn't imagine that downfall

Trying desperately to be something I'm not
All for what?
For your disdain
Perhaps your dismissal
Somehow I don't
feel so sorry for her
Mar 2014 · 548
Renae Mar 2014
Careful now
Sleepy souls in
stardust dreams
Awaiting to wake
a top the staircase
Pillows scatter about
toes peek out
As I enjoy
my steamy cup a Joe
On this crisp
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Renae Mar 2014
For the sunrise and the rain
despite the storms, come as they may
For the pbj giggles and grins
For legs that have the chance to tire out
For the sweet aroma of cinnamon and vanilla
in the wee morning hours
For the sights and sounds all around me
For white peaks against a bright blue sky
For inspiring sunsets closing out the day
For full yellow moons or Cheshire cat grin slivers
With a blanket of stars surrounding
Mar 2014 · 436
I will be happy
Renae Mar 2014
Soon there will be nothing left of this
soon all your games will have come to an end

*And I'll be happy
then I will smile
I will never think of what
you did to me
after awhile
I will forget about everything
I'll live my life abundantly
Then everyone will finally see
Me the way I want to be
and I will be happy
Mar 2014 · 225
I smile a sigh
Renae Mar 2014
Gently placing thoughts in my head
ever so carefully
They claim I will pick up the pieces
I smile a sigh  
I want for all of their fantasies of me
I glance at the floor
My pieces are everywhere and so many
I think impossible
And then I hear his voice and see him
In my dreams
As I fall back on the floor again & again
I smile a sigh
Shake my head and close my eyes
They gently place
These thoughts of fantasy and bliss
All I see is him
Mar 2014 · 446
Phone calls
Renae Mar 2014
He called tonight
my heart still beats a little faster
when he asks to speak to me
when that happens

I keep my cool
deep down I know
it's just a game
So I play along

He asks about me
like he's really interested
And I indulge him I'm sure
I am glad to spill it all

It almost feels like yesterday
only half of me floats
while the other half
is stuck to the floor
Mar 2014 · 187
Saved the worst for last
Renae Mar 2014
Opening my eyes to
I'm not the one for you
I remember your words
all too well
I tried to forget the day you threw me
Or broke everything
We weren't what I dreamed
She was your tower
I could never measure up
A thousand times I'd been the brunt
before you walked in
You didn't seem to mind
so we saved the worst for last
Loosing all respect for each other
we stopped remembering we were only imperfect
or that we needed this thing they call love
I finally accepted knowing with time gone by
if we couldn't forgive and forget
since we are only human
life would never be kind....&
together we'd never survive.
Mar 2014 · 933
Renae Mar 2014
Testing testing testing
Do you know trichology?
Its oh so tricky you see
It's the trickiest thing to me
I can't seem to decipher between
pityriasis and pediculosis
Trichcatilosis it's all so  noxious
Hypertrochosis is an overgrowth process
If you knew what was happening to me
You'd be like "see ya wouldn't wanna be ya"
Because the effects on me of trichology  
is causing me alopecia
I am very nervous about my trichology test tomorrow in cosmetology school
Mar 2014 · 287
Another day (10 w)
Renae Mar 2014
Another dollar
another choice, another chance
what's on your agenda?
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Renae Mar 2014
The bigger they are the harder they fall
That's what they say
and who could get bigger
than movie pictures
It all could be so nice
The influence could've been grand
Instead glorification of lust
Disgusting portrayal of what is
Real life stories told as it really happened
This is glorified
Hoarding, glorified
Prostitution, glorified
Drugs, glorified
Mob gangsters, glorified
Violence and gore, family favorites
Give and give to those who don't care
Clean up their mess
So they can do it again and again
Crying in self pity
Golden globes & Oscars go to the most degrading
Most disturbing images there are
Thoughts after watching yet another disturbing movie I should have walked away from.
Mar 2014 · 452
Renae Mar 2014
That's what you wanted
When you decided from the start
was the method
When you sabotaged my heart
Mar 2014 · 383
Before I drift
Renae Mar 2014
One before I drift
pushing away from the dock
I reach over to set the alarm clock
lying back again in my little canoe
floating in ripples of soft calm
gliding and sliding away
into peaceful thoughts
tucking in tight
I bid you all
sweet dreams and goodnight
Goodnight poetry
Mar 2014 · 188
Renae Mar 2014
Your words
"I never want to hurt you"
sting terribly
10 w
Mar 2014 · 195
What if
Renae Mar 2014
If I closed my eyes and clenched my fists
Crossed my fingers and bit my lip
said a prayer & made a wish
If I made my wish with interesting words
Or if those words were a song I could sing
A song I could sing to you
Would you sing along or sway with me?
Would that song melt your heart enough
make you want to live again
Would it make you want to stay home
pick up a hobby that makes your hands happy
to save your laugh from dying
or your eyes from crying
Would it bring you back to us?
If it would I would do it
Mar 2014 · 257
Renae Mar 2014
Dreams are funny things
I had a dream last night
After all this time gone by
My head against your heartbeat
Your arms around me
Our smiles like they used to be
It was so real
Dreams are such funny things
Mar 2014 · 314
Renae Mar 2014
Violent dance
Back and forth friction
Motion glowing bright orange
You'll burn me if I touch you
Mar 2014 · 189
Renae Mar 2014
I want to love you
I wish we were free
But I get this funny feeling
it's much too temporary
Mar 2014 · 273
I read
Renae Mar 2014
Of sadness and confusion
of dreams and hope
Of illusion
I read writings of pure honesty
in those stories
I see the ruins of you and me
Mar 2014 · 222
I write
Renae Mar 2014
Scribbling in a hurry about
some freak inspiration
on a whim of excitement!
Let me get my pen
On a napkin
On an envelope in the car
I write of love and loss and anger
Emotional storms
Of you and me and God
Of what might have been and what could be
but mostly I write to heal me
Mar 2014 · 324
Ignorance is bliss
Renae Mar 2014
They say ignorance is bliss
and bliss it must be
ignorance is just so easy
Mar 2014 · 174
There he goes again
Renae Mar 2014
Right when my senses tell me to try
Just when I'm feeling forgiving
I'm having those good dreams
And fantasies
Just when I'm thinking it's time
Right when I want to tell him......
There he goes again
square one and worlds apart
Feb 2014 · 2.5k
Renae Feb 2014
When it all seems too much
it's all we can do to keep going
still waking to repeat the same ol' same

When the finish line seems too far to see
& the light at the end of the tunnel seems dim

Nothing excites, knees give way
under the heavy loads we bear

Steady as we go in a forward motion
backing a slowly dying progression
we continue the only way we know how
with endurance
Feb 2014 · 604
Renae Feb 2014
If I were
a perfect hourglass
your prized and polished trophy
then would you hold me
high up for all to see?
Probably you would
I would be shiny and beautiful
sitting alone on your shelf
collecting dust
until it was time
to show me off again
Feb 2014 · 197
Everyone says
Renae Feb 2014
Everyone says it's been too long
Everyone says I should have known
Everyone says I'm so young
it's just crazy to hold on
Everyone says I should move on now
try to find someone else

Everyone needs to know
My heart is not made of stone
I've never had to move on
I've never known love before
Everyone says I'm crazy
It's obvious he doesn't love me
Everyone says these things
yet none feel my feelings
Feb 2014 · 437
Nissan 14
Renae Feb 2014
At twilight
At dusk
At sunset
That very moment in time was set
Twas Nissan 14
when his glory was seen
and will remain
til time indefinite
Feb 2014 · 579
Treading (10 word)
Renae Feb 2014
Head above water
                     just enough
.                            to keep from drowning completely
Feb 2014 · 469
Renae Feb 2014
Hate filled words crash  
into innocent ears
bruising the core of a once strong soul
Unruly hypocrisy
breaking the young mind
Confusion resides in every corner
Hands of fury
abusing headship
abusing privilege
Feb 2014 · 443
It was you
Renae Feb 2014
It was you from the very first moment
You who caught my eye
You who took my hand
Who told me I was better
Who made me feel beautiful
It was you
You who took me to places I'd never seen
Who made me care
Who cared about me
It was you
You who made me cry
Who shattered my heart
Who dropped my hand
Who stopped caring
It was you who never talked
You who walked away
You who let go of me
It was you
Feb 2014 · 528
holding on
Renae Feb 2014
Like breath will leave my lungs
As if life support would fail me but
This one rooted truth is all that remains
desolate beside the scatter of debris
After the wake of a wicked storm
Feb 2014 · 555
This too shall pass
Renae Feb 2014
Stay straight while you keep your head up
This too shall pass
Stumbling blocks on the road try to trip you up
Just try to remember where your at
What's important? Where are you going?
In this life nothing lasts
So stay straight while you keep your head up
This too shall pass
Feb 2014 · 860
Renae Feb 2014
Everybody's saying
"The world's about to change
but don't worry about a thang"
Stop and think about that.
Change is rapid
It's already happened
ever since world war one
It's been a downhill run
Its a good time to know
which side you're on
Don't get stuck in a trench
You'll never get out
Don't be wishy-washy
You'll end up in doubt
It has to come to an end
Somehow someway
Makes you think about
how you're living
Your life today
Feb 2014 · 966
Renae Feb 2014
A captivating set of brown laughing eyes caress my soul with happiness
Slim limbs dangle around my neck like the most beautiful necklace I will ever wear.
Here's to wishing 10 lasted longer than one year
For my son who just turned 10
Feb 2014 · 261
One short call a day
Renae Feb 2014
Just one short call is all it takes
Just one short call a day
To say I just wanted you to know I love you
One short call to let someone know
nothing is more important
That you have five minutes a day to spare
For someone so special
they will always deserve
just one short call a day
Nothing should be more important than your family
Feb 2014 · 934
Renae Feb 2014
Since money is all you want
Money is all you'll see
If money is all you love
then money is what you'll be
Money money money money
Money does not love you honey
Cause love cannot be bought
What happens when the money is gone
You'll be all alone and lost
Just remember you chose money
So money is what you got
You cannot buy your children's love and respect they will only feel entitled or like they owe you, it will never be from the heart.
Feb 2014 · 301
When he kisses me
Renae Feb 2014
It's overwhelming
in an instant I get weak
when he kisses me
I get lost in forever
he is where I want to be

I see the aurora borealis
I feel alive I feel intense
this what I go through
when I feel his kiss

I cannot think
I cannot speak
I am putty in his hands
I couldn't fight this
if I wanted
I never stood a chance

People will talk
let them say what they'll say
I've decided to be what you wanted
I may never be the same
Everything has changed
I will always be wanted

So here we are in this moment
make me what you may
with this kiss here's my wish
That you will always stay
Feb 2014 · 693
Imperfect judges
Renae Feb 2014
I am not impressed darling
I am not impressed at all
with your high horse decisions
or the way you're keeping score
with your love of divisions
you set yourself up on the throne
to judge with imperfection
what you believe to be your own
Feb 2014 · 440
Renae Feb 2014
they come and go
creeping up on me
light caressing
fingertips grace
every inch
breath in my ear
oil on bodies
candle lit
lavender scent
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