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Feb 2014 · 824
happiness is
Renae Feb 2014
Mischievous smiles

against golden sunset hues

orange, reds and blues

Pranks in tow

carefree laughter that follows.

Bright eyes, lizards, snails and slingshots.

Campfire sing-a-longs  

through the moist light air

under a blanket of stars

sleeping in tents

with the days dusty hair

Cozy long john sleepers


curled up in sleeping bag dreams.
Feb 2014 · 592
Game on
Renae Feb 2014
Games are made for players
& those who know me
know, I am no gamer
Still if I must play along
I intend to come out strong
So don't make this too difficult
in the end we all lose
lose everything
But this is what you choose
Feb 2014 · 811
Money tree
Renae Feb 2014
I never thought
   you were a tree at all, much less a money tree
.   I saw you as my partner is all, someone to balance me
     Guess you didn't need me as much as I needed you
.   So now you interrupt me constantly, you love to make me blue, to crush and hurt and call me greedy to make me feel like I'm just needy to make me feel so incomplete So insignificant, So indiscreet. As though I somehow have a choice, as though I even had a voice
You cut me off  without a chance and leave me nothing but second hands, I scrimp and scrape
and gather together to afford gas in my
car & food on the table
yet in your revenge
To conquer me
to make me as
small as I can be
You toss some
pocket change
my way then
turn your back
  on me & tell
  everyone I must
  think you're
my money tree
Feb 2014 · 4.1k
I shouldn't even care
Renae Feb 2014
I shouldn't even care anymore
If gravity triumphs
I shouldn't even care
that my legs turn to forests
or colors no longer grace my face
I no longer eat bits & pieces
& I shouldn't even care
Feb 2014 · 588
Renae Feb 2014
Nothing says
"I don't care about you"  
louder than assumption
Nothing hurt worse than
"I don't care about you"
When he assumed
my feelings weren't for him
Feb 2014 · 2.8k
Renae Feb 2014
Unreasonably rebellious
Sarcasms at its worst
Selfish inhibition
an angry look with angry words
stuck in a fantasy
Of infatuation uncontrolled
lock your mind away
from this meaningless world
this little sanctuary
where you'll always be loved
turn your back on everything
for what you believe is love
My 15 year old daughter turned ice cold after I spent the whole day pampering her for her winter formal, she turned sour because I told her I had different plans than she anticipated for Superbowl Sunday that didn't include her boyfriend. So super fun turned to super stubborn in a snap.
Feb 2014 · 381
We could live forever
Renae Feb 2014
If flowers bloom in the snow
if life peeks through concrete
If the earth continues to grow
come what may
If trees stay rooted so deep
If new life is found in oceans
& the study of our surroundings
is unending treasures
Since such is the case
We could live forever
If we were never melancholy
If we could stay busy
If there were only happy things
to do or say
that would keep our interest
If money were non existent
If nothing had a price
If sickness & death were of the past
and age stayed in the prime of life
If energy were abundant
and love ruled as king
We could live forever
& we'd never want for anything
Feb 2014 · 734
Renae Feb 2014
It's undeniable the intricate design
The beauty of
The complexity
Take for instance the honey bee
Seemingly irrelevant yet
Invaluable to humankind
or have you noticed the water cycle?
Could you duplicate the impossible?
The perfection of creation
It's undeniable
I'm so sick of people giving perfect creation the evolution title. If you created something, would you want the credit? How would you feel if people gave credit to any or everything else but you?
Jan 2014 · 337
The sky of ice
Renae Jan 2014
Melancholy skies cry out in agony creating
A slick sheet of ice to cover over necessity
Slowing down moments and hours but not time
About the ice rain we had
Renae Jan 2014
Starting with Dear,
no starting with Sweetheart,
no starting with Hello or maybe just your name,
I love you, didn't you know?  
I try so hard to tell you but you'll never read about it;
the secrets are in
love letters I'll never send.
I read them over and over again.
Sentiments like remember when and I'll always begin the outpour of  my undying emotion,
my confusion; my heart.
I am forever yours and always I will dream of your face. I believe in love, in sacred,
unadulterated, three fold chords that last beyond
and through the impossible.
My divine love, you hold it, you are my longing.
Until my fingers grow old, until my dying day,
you will be the only recipient
of the love letters I'll never send.
I regularly write out my feelings to my husband but never get the courage to send them. Separation is like the infection, divorce is the disease.
Jan 2014 · 985
Renae Jan 2014
one thing
I appreciate
it's honesty,
I mean honestly
let's be forthright,
let's be straight forward
and decisive
& most of all
let's be honest
for without this
nothing is real
Renae Jan 2014
The waters are calm and icy, moonlight glimmers across the vast blue sea but the fog is thick up ahead
This world cold like an icy sea in darkness they stay seemingly calm as they stray into dense fog so that they cannot clearly see their way.
"Speed it up we want to make it a day early!" the bribed captain tells the crew. With a smile and a laugh they gladly obey.
Faster now and a little too late, the unsinkable cannot turn sharp enough to slide by unscathed.
Just like the titanic the world is anxious to speed things up, to get ahead, to progress in anyway possible in order to make more money or fame. Very little is done to make good choices, until all of a sudden it's too late.
Unafraid they proudly announced she would not sink. With so much pride the rich remain in denial.Time seemed to drag on as they got the rich to safety. Enough lifeboats to save 1500, yet in their disbelief and unwillingness to unite only 700 made it out alive.*
The world still believes only the wealthy should remain. There is no unity in humanity, hence,... this system is a lot like the Titanic.*

2 Peter 3:3&4
"First of all know this, that in the last days ridiculers will come with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: ' Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as they were from creations beginning'"
Matthew 24:37-39:
"For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. For as they were in those days before the flood eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be."
Jan 2014 · 422
Renae Jan 2014
Is it really possible
to follow the wind?
Capture it in a jar, in a box,
In a picture
Does it still whip around
Inside captivity?
It is frozen
coming to a halt
Inside walls
Left alone
Winds are ever changing
Whipping this way and that
finding no safety in the storm
limbs break and some entirely crash down
leaving leaves to scatter the ground
Aimlessly tossed
landing then flying again
some torn to shreds in the brutality*
Vanity is striving after wind
Ecclesiastes 1:14
Jan 2014 · 538
Renae Jan 2014
"It is unthinkable for the true God to act wickedly, for the Almighty to do wrong!" Job. 34:10
"When under trial, let no one say: 'I am being tried by God.' For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone." James 1:13
"Throw all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7
"Jehovah is not slow concerning his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentence." 2 Peter 3:9
This is not a poem, only scriptures from God's word.
Jan 2014 · 563
10 Commandments
Renae Jan 2014
Every law mankind has made today is based on these 10 commandments (besides of course the commandments about gods. As church and state are trying to be separate):
1.Thou shall have no other gods before me
There are far more gods today, mythical, animal, musical, paper,etc. Than ever before
2.Thou shall not make a carved image or a form like the heavens above or on earth or in the waters. You must not bow down to them nor be enticed to serve them.
Mother Mary, Buddha, Hindu, The Cross....and many more images are carved and worshipped.
3.Thou must not take up the name of Jehovah in a worthless way.
This would be futile
4.Keep the Sabbath day sacred
How many work on Sunday now?
5.Honor thy father and thy mother
Tragedies of children and violence are in abundance more than ever before, children are having children and children are committing suicide at alarming rates.
6.Thou shall not ****
War is rampant and soldiers are deceived and lives are ruined while priests bless weapons and send who should be brothers off to **** each other
7.Thou must not commit adultery
Well we know most disregard this as insignificant and some view it as entertainment
8.Thou must not steal
This goes without saying
9.Thou must not commit purgery in court
I rest my case
10.Thou shall not covet another man's wife, house, or things
*Homes are broken into now by bling rings, thieves who covet lifestyles and things and then are made famous over their Actions.
God does not change. (Malachi 3:6) Jesus did not die for nothing. This is not a poem. This is truth.
Jan 2014 · 361
Renae Jan 2014
I could stretch out my fingers
I could reach so far as to grasp
the hand that's reaching back
I'd hold on just tight enough
To give the support needed
to help you stand up straight
and keep going
the rest is in your hands.
To say a prayer
to answer the door
to ask a question,
to make up your mind
To take a stand.
Jan 2014 · 457
Short story
Renae Jan 2014
"Well that's yer opinion" she shrugged and turned on er heels, she was downright determined to be right. That's all she really cared 'bout, was her. I don't recollect  a moment she wavered any other way. I suppose that's the country girl in er, never back down, never let em' see you cry. Er daddy taught er that and ta get back up on that pony even if you done skinned yer knees. So she stood tall all er life, she showed er smilin' side, she's a proud one that girl,  through and through. Weren't no tears in er less she was breathin' in poison or cuttin up an onion or sonethin' like that, well y'all know what I mean. Mad as a wild dog inside but you'd never know it. She'd carry the weight of ten men. I just wanted to see a bit of er bein', what's the word,  uh vul-ner-ble or sonethin like that. So I tried, I tried to be a consoler. I tried ta listen when she wouldn't talk. I could tell there was alot ta hear. **** it she just wouldn't see me. She just say "that's yer opinion". She was stuck. Stuck bein' strong, but what more could she be? It's all she knew.
Jan 2014 · 447
Think about it
Renae Jan 2014
Dear God please forgive me
as I do the things you hate
For it's not about you,
It's about my sinful state
They say you died to forgive me,  
so forgive and forgive again
Because I am not sorry for the things I do
but I'd still like to be your friend.
Even though you came they say,
to show us how
to live the right way
I think my way will suffice
because it makes me feel alright
For the here and now is all I see
so how about I'll show you
instead of you show me
The attitudes of many makes me smh. I am in shock at the idea of God conforming to mankind instead of mankind  submitting to the one who deserves to be obeyed.
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
Renae Jan 2014
Supposing it is my way, although that is never the intended effect. Shaking the irrational awake is difficult as insensitive as words may seem, instead of causing adverse reaction the hope is to open eyes and ears alike, kindling a desire for change in thought and action. A new system of thinking. A new order of hope found in something real unlike the mythology of today. The idea of ignorance is faulty and study is imperative in order to dig for treasures stored in heaven. Love is real and attainable although blind love will lead to an unstable view of lose ideas of kisses and backing that doesn't exist. A realistic view is sometimes blunt and hard to even take a peek into with squinty eyes. I apologize.
Jan 2014 · 3.1k
Renae Jan 2014
Enter the designer:
"Move gracefully while ties bind you suspended  with 2 swords pointing at your throat
don't forget to show your fierce face while upside down and flopping uncontrollably
you must be my definition of perfection.
Now lose 5 pounds for my needle and thread cannot conform to your body!
It is my garment you must fit not the other way around!
Walk the catwalk and toss your hips to and fro, you are not good enough!
Chin down darling it is so much more becoming.
Oh how I'd wished you wore a shorter top making your legs run on for miles and miles.
Your plunging neckline becomes you since you have nothing up top.
Stick to greens mostly, a little mint and sage should spice up that lettuce bowl and drink nothing but water now I wouldn't want you to spoil the seams I've sewn for you"

Bone structures and pouting lips,
thigh gaps and protruding hips,
tiny waist lines and judding shoulders

You are Barbie, plastic as can be
you are a paper doll majesty

Dressing you up, dress you down  
Don't dare grow old so don't let your hair down
There shall be no relaxing for you
From your high cheek bones to your flawless skin tone.

**Modeling icon of anorexia for generation upon generation
for little girls with dyslexia of the natural body image
Creating dysfunction in societies views
of what health and beauty is to all girls.
Jan 2014 · 869
Renae Jan 2014
This background music is killing me
it's much to unrealistic, too sweet, too easy to dance tapping toes to the beat, I'm lost in the repetition
Changes come and go, switch it up a bit faster now, slower
Is talent an excuse for stupidity? It makes everything
alright I guess, no worries, no cares kid
You've got talent what more could you want for?

Such a wicked crown as the lights of fame
Neon smear streaks of sin city from the sunroof of a limo
Cruising the strip, half lit, unknown lovers, broken families behind tall walls with only enough cracks of light to let everyone know a secret or two, journalists hopeful of a downfall for a real story that makes the "normal"
seem alright
Don't forget to put on your mask before you ride that magic carpet into oblivion
Jan 2014 · 388
Renae Jan 2014
I caught a glimpse of you today
In a moment of reminiscing
shared in a word

I longed for yesterday today
The sound of your smile
on the line; I was buried  
in a blanket thought of comfort

The smallest hint of satisfaction
came through today,
after my expression

Today your sound
runs through my senses
Jan 2014 · 1.5k
Positively Positives
Renae Jan 2014
I like to stay on the sunny side
I like my eggs over easy
If I get shady or foggy or gloom
Please send me straight away
to my room
If I'm going crazy
There's where I'll stay
I shan't want to spread ugly
Over anyone's day
Jan 2014 · 528
Renae Jan 2014
If we can be nothing more to another we can be inspiring. To bend the brain a bit and juggle thoughts, is to create a fine painting in an open mind. As I spill out wisdom they'll clean up the spots and vise versa. A chain reaction of sorts and in my face palm I'll sip my coffee and smile to myself. We are inspirational.
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
Renae Jan 2014
Colorful thoughts, whispers in a snicker, sharing with a kindred in the warmth of closeness. This is what it is to be human.

To love completely, healing sobs of heartache leaning on a trustworthy shoulder, arms tightly wound around souls.

To care, desiring peace for all, comfort for the helpless. Genuine gestures of  courage, lending manpower and strength, to build and build up the less fortunate.

An image of love

This is what it means to be
Jan 2014 · 246
Renae Jan 2014
It seems slow, time does,....but he will sneak right by you, before your eyes begin to see
One day you find life is wild like white water rapids, most all highs and carelessly crashing, tossing you aimlessly this way than that, the next day you're dry as the desert plain, cracked and hopelessly deserted.
You won't find time crying for you. You won't find him waiting, but in a moment, in a smile or in a kind word, with every passing hour; time might pull you through.
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
Renae Jan 2014
I can still write words
Words unseen, unappreciated
I can still pen my emotions
In black & blue
twisting syllables and sentences
So you won't understand
How it feels to be lonely
Abandoned & rejected
I can write words
You'll have to find
Through dictionary pages
And perhaps you might not
Have the time
So instead you'll sigh unimpressed
And close the book
Jan 2014 · 610
No Chance
Renae Jan 2014
With trembling fingers she decides to leave. It's been fun and all but this I don't need. judging eyes, shaking heads, stating with confidence *she's better off dead, the past doesn't count, we don't care what she's been through, you don't deserve a chance, there's no room for you.
Bullying is unacceptable in any way shape or form. Ever.
Jan 2014 · 530
The world to me
Renae Jan 2014
Rolling eyes
Rolling by
Looking down
Looking to the side
Over pain and over me
It's not okay for honesty
Keep it light
Tread carefully
Easy come easy go
Is all they be
The world
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Renae Jan 2014
Parting, bittersweet memories of lonesome days; different paths going opposite ways, we drop interlaced fingers to our sides, looking over our shoulders, you let go with time. I hope she makes your world beautiful as you've desired & submits to your every whim as she loves your fire. My wish: she is your comfort, your hope and your world, as she fills the empty void left by this girl.
Jan 2014 · 516
A finished product
Renae Jan 2014
shaping, molding
building like clay
forming with eloquence
polished as with silver
shining like gold
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
Renae Jan 2014
I       would      like       to pick up the pieces

    I'd    create      a mosaic work of art   


     trying     to fit  them       back together       won't work.      
      It would    show
                             every    flaw

      every line   /  every crack

It     would     show

just how broken

what should be one and whole  

The      glue

would goop up   

   & each piece       they'd


                                           apart                                                 again

Only   this time  it       would


create         a       mosaic.
Jan 2014 · 3.0k
Renae Jan 2014
Bending forward trying to read the tiny print on the screen; I'll work it out. This shouldn't be so hard, as far as I can see it's a simple twist of the fingers here, a steady hand there; I can do this. Confidence will lift, pamper, use the razors edge & streak it's way to independence and stability.
I am going to be a hairdresser and esthetician
Jan 2014 · 622
The climb
Renae Jan 2014
It has been 12 days since parting and though I feel the weight sorrow has placed on my shoulders, I am slowly standing back up. Time may not heal me completely yet it creates scabs then scars to close over my freshly opened wounds . In this way I may continue climbing and not buckle. I reach up and clamp my ring;  pull the rope tight. Careful now, steady; I watch my footing. My strength is scanty still I keep looking up.
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Renae Jan 2014
Pride is a hardened killer
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Renae Jan 2014
Clear streams slide quietly
down without a sound
reflecting on what might have been
or never was
Jan 2014 · 769
Renae Jan 2014
Imperfection is a part of me
though I am not worthless
I fight the fine fight in spite of me
this gives my life purpose
Just because life gives me misery
doesn't mean I don't try to rise above
The answer I find that conquers all this pain
is only through real love
Love is not in all we see
Only in creation here below
and in everything above
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
wouldn't it be awesome if
Renae Jan 2014
Wouldn't it be awesome if
life was like the show friends
a group of 4 or 5 sitting around
BS-Ing  all day
"I'll be there for you" rings true
unconditional acceptance  
life is easier to bear
heartaches heal with a few good laughs
oh wouldn't it be awesome
If TV were real
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
Renae Jan 2014
It was no exquisite dance between royalty from the get go. Truth is I am no princess, then again you never claimed to be a prince. Our story began in tattered ruins so there was no glorious white gown for jaw dropping expressions, no 3 tiers with fondant or butter cream flowers. Righteous reasoning was all we had and a strong sense of holy legality. The only wonderful part was the giddy excitement of having a new last name and someone to love......

So here we are at the end of it all, nothing left of us but 2 amazing personalities; half of eachother. Innocent smiles and oblivious happiness, their laughter gives us reason. We could never dream of tearing them apart.
Ending in civility
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
Dreams are funny things
Renae Jan 2014
As I drift I find myself looking down at a beautiful copper fox coyly staring upward. Head cocked to one side, he is unafraid of my presence. I crunch through the snow to the chain link fence beside where he stands and he does not run. Through the diamond shapes I can see my belongings....a set of car keys, some credentials and my leather covered Bible. I cannot reach them. I look up slightly to see a police woman ranting on about how she found my camp nearby and confiscated my things. I realize I must get to them but how? I am cold. I begin to run and my path turns to a reddish brown. I no longer see the fox or the snow, I am aware that I am completely alone. I feel a panic and begin to imagine a wolf and what I might do in the instance he appears because I am unarmed! So I imagine I would roar like a lion and of course he would run scared. Ahead and to my right there is a tall rock. It is completely grey in color with possibly some greenery. A beautiful grey puma sits atop the rock. Is it possible for a puma to be grey? I do not know but somehow I know this large grey cat is a puma. I am nervous. I begin to jog. My path is soft, I am worried I may fall....the cat jumps from it's perch. I am running now, my heart is beating fast and the cat is gaining speed. He is right behind me now! I can visualize his body much faster, more agile than mine. I turn for just a brief moment and to my fright the cat places his paw to the back of my shoe and gently pulls my shoe down off my heel. He is toying, playfully. Time seems to slow down and I see the picture in slow motion. As he licks my heel I am lost in confusion and fear; my mind tells me he is in for a treat which is me, but somehow his actions seem harmless. I am terrified. Suddenly my heart speeds up as my eyes open! For a moment I am stunned then I breathe out, a sigh of relief.
Dreams are so strange. I rarely have them but this was my dream this morning and I remember it vividly.
Jan 2014 · 596
I'm cold this winter
Renae Jan 2014
A home mostly cool with a slight constant breeze makes me uneasy.
The fire rages but my arms are weak to lug and haul anything substantial.
The trips are often and the pieces are misshapen, still they create warmth and for that I do not dare make a complaint.
Always I am surprised at how the wind seems to find it's way through the painstaking MacGyver'ed covering. The seals do not seem sealed.
I do hope my bones can rest by the firelight long enough to make the rest worth it all. Then again my choices are lacking. I think I'll have a coffee with my blanket.
Jan 2014 · 886
Renae Jan 2014
Insomnia is a terrible thing causing one to become sequestered from reality.
Jan 2014 · 481
Broken glass territory
Renae Jan 2014
To tell or not tell you...... this is my dilemma
If I open up my heart  again, will you disapprove?
Perhaps it will be a step up or possibly a step back
Will it change anything in the moment you're made aware?
My mind tells me to walk cautiously for this is
broken glass territory.
Jan 2014 · 758
When you fall
Renae Jan 2014
Love is confusion; deliriously delicious.  Running across the highest high wire, we end up falling endlessly. It  happens once. Agape is possible twice or more... only Eros  happens once in a lifetime. Romantic bliss is innocence, innocence that cannot be duplicated. Bliss that blinds the owner of your heart. The burn consumes, missing deeply when it fades yet lingers in memories forever, never allowing true freedom. Love can leave you broken when you hit the ground. Coming to,  you try to lift yourself up.... only to find him in every song, in every picture, in every laugh. Sometimes love catches you when you fall, 50 years later embracing out of memories, attachment unbreakable. Passing within weeks of each other out of sheer heartache..
When you fall it is completely.
Jan 2014 · 505
Renae Jan 2014
Violently swinging his hammer he laughs
He's thrilled with the power in his hands
He could build something strong if he so chose
Or he could rip it to shreds
This is the power of DHS and child protective services
Jan 2014 · 621
Renae Jan 2014
Nothing less than incorruptible
Unsearchable in wisdom & power
Majestic is the beauty of your creation
Unequaled in love and compassion
Immeasurable is your mercy
You are a lover of justice
you are the happy God
Perfect in all your ways
Jan 2014 · 311
Renae Jan 2014
I tried, I attempted
Does that count?
I tried to open your mouth
I only longed for emotion
Hopeful of an honest response
You dropped my feelings
Into silence
And left my hand alone
Your eyes are empty
Lost in some memory
Or  perhaps you've forgotten
Until there is nothing
Only you
I attempted
But you let me go
Jan 2014 · 588
Renae Jan 2014
I fall weightless into space and time
The clock ticks unaware I am timeless
unexplainable dreams open doors to worlds,
places I've never been, then again they seem familiar
someone from the past walks through
I must have been reminiscing
Jan 2014 · 893
Let your kingdom come
Renae Jan 2014
Heavenly Father we are so grateful you gave
your son as a ransom in exchange for many
An example at everything, especially when he taught us how to pray to you when he said:

"Our Father in heaven
let your name be sanctified"

Jehovah is your great and powerful name

"Let your kingdom come"

No one else can compare to you
The master of heaven and creator of paradise
Nothing would be better than Your love
Your generosity, Your perfection

"Let your will be done as in heaven, also upon the earth"

When you cast Satan out you cleansed the heavens. Please bring peace to the earth as well.

"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others"

Please help us to put forgiveness into practice so that we can be forgiven by you

"Bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from the wicked one"

It is all we need.
Dec 2013 · 612
Distance is like....
Renae Dec 2013
Distance is like a friend
not that I prefer solitude
Isolation is lonely yet comforting
When privacy is secure
making betrayal impossible
I begin believing
distance is like
an unconditional friend
always there for me
Helping me sort out my feelings
without humiliation
My tears don't seem so irrational
My reasoning's feel sane
When I keep my distance
The storm subsides
until I can see clearly enough
to show my smiling side
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