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 Jul 2018 Khar Yang
 Jul 2018 Khar Yang
I struggle to hold on to you.
With love comes decay.
 Mar 2018 Khar Yang
Loose yourself in nature
Fly with the winds
Of possibility
 Feb 2018 Khar Yang
i feel like time is

i feel like there is more i could have done yesterday. 
i regret not kissing you enough yesterday,
because now i realize i can't tomorrow.

today i missed you,
it came in waves like water clashing against rocks.

yesterday i said "tomorrow you'll be okay."
and again i will tell myself, tomorrow.

yesterday wasn't as bad as today is or will be,

yesterday and tomorrow.
does it make a difference if i feel the same?  
i kinda fixed this one up a bit but it's pretty old - think i'll edit it again later to actually mean something because i really like the ending. sorry if my stuff doesn't make sense.
 Feb 2018 Khar Yang
Knock Knock
 Feb 2018 Khar Yang
Knock knock.
I've been knocking on
your door
for a while now.

A question, a haunting thought,
"how long can I keep doing this?"

From a dark corner,
heard a whisper;

"that door will never open
if you have no place to
dwell inside."

My heart sank, like a rock
thrown in a lake.

I already broke my heart waiting.
I don't want to break my hand,
if I keep trying.
Knock knock. Drunk.
I just wanna drink
plenty of soda.

So that I can dissolve
the butterflies and flowers

You unknowingly

In my

I just wanna end this infatuation early
So as to not give me hope
And u will not hurt me

Give me some coke please

..Im back!!!
Who miss me?
I guess none  :(
 Jan 2018 Khar Yang
Rochelle R
I wish I could just
Slowly fade and fade
Until I was no more.
He was the sun.
And she was the moon.
The distance took a toll,
the timing hindered their potential,
and their differences collided.
You see, their paths rarely crossed.
But when they do,
they could not get enough of each other
We are little more
than the fevered dreams of atoms,
you and I.
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