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 May 2018 Inkveined
Rae Harrison
It's a contradiction, I know
I have to close my eyes to see you
When the lights go out, it feels the brightest
because I can see in my mind better with eyelids pressed tight
& I'm not scared of the dark but I need some imaginary light
And in the same way nights feels bright as day,
daytime is dark as midnight
because when I open my eyes
...I can't see you...
Though the lights turn on, it's still dark because you're not here
And it's a contradiction, I know,
**but I still see you even when I don't
at night my mind thinks all at once and this is probably the product of that.
 May 2018 Inkveined
Rae Harrison
Love- Rx
For medical and recreational purposes only
Pill and liquid form available
Take once a day until you start to feel the effects. You will start to feel incredibly lovey dovey! Your love of things can range from many options: books, hobbies, places, animals, etc.
WARNING! Falling in love with a human is very dangerous. We aren't liable for any damages done whilst under the influences of love with one.
Side effects- increased heart rate, increases of body temperature, excessive laughter, stomach flutters, distorted sense of mind, possible face numbness from smiling too much, etc.
Signed, Doctor Leigh
what if you had to take love drugs just to feel it? Probably an alternate universe concept.
 May 2018 Inkveined
The Letters
 May 2018 Inkveined
i gave you
your two letters
two days ago

the letters
that explained

how you
simply made me trust
how you
simply made me feel
how you
simply were genuine

and now i have
not heard a single word
from you

and i
am on my own

once again
not surprised i guess
 May 2018 Inkveined
 May 2018 Inkveined
the fear of emotion
got me here
walls white
like the movies
no sane soul in sight

the fear of emotion
got me here
my soul has
turned to stone
nothing hurts
me anymore

the fear of emotion
got me here
lifeless rotting away
at the core

i am ready for it all
to be over now

life without emotion
is not a life worth living
 May 2018 Inkveined
Lana D
What do you want to do, they ask me?
I want to teach U.S History. I reply
Professor? They ask
No middle school
You know that doesn’t pay well is their last answer to me

Don’t they think I know that
I ask them the same question,
What do you want to do?
They reply: Lawyer, doctor, politician.
They give me answers underlined with dollar signs
They don’t know what their passion is so they
Peruse the merchandise, and look for the one with the biggest price tag,

In my school there are academies
Where you train in your future profession
Is it a wonder that everyone runs to the medical field
Because of the long line of zero’s on it’s room number
While they all sprinted, I casually walked to the one with the big fat zero on it’s doormat.

What do I want to do, what do I want to be?
I want to be a zero dollar teacher.
I want to be a broken gumball machine
With no need for shiny quarters, continually shoving out chewy spheres of knowledge
Spheres of joy, spheres of wisdom, spheres of truth.
I know I don’t make much green
But I’ll make a million smiles
I’ll be payed in laughter and gratitude.Which I’ll earn from the things I have taught, and have been taught to me. While you map out the brain as gray, I’ll be mapping out the U.S.A
And while you stare at frowning faces, I’m gonna look at thirty or so smiling faces
When you go home to your mansion to grumble on your throne of a couch
I’ll be in my cottage thinking of how blessed life can be,
I know I don’t get paid much.
Because I only cost
Zero dollars and zero point zero zero cents.
 May 2018 Inkveined
there are so many of you
that i would love to sit down with;
maybe over a milkshake and a plate of fries;
and just talk.
i want to ask you about the boy that hurt you,
about the anger you feel deep inside
over a father who said he’d come back...
and then didn’t.
i want to run with you through pages of words and say
“oh that’s right, what a lovely metaphor.”
i want to see all your smiling faces and
thank each and every one of you for showing me kindness,
for saving my life.
i want to collaborate on novels of poetry
and laugh with you through the tears of our pasts.
so until we sip those milkshakes and eat those fries...
thank you, to
some of the most beautiful people i have never met.
to all my HePo followers/friends/ fellow poets! you have all given me a beautiful escape from Life <3
 May 2018 Inkveined
Seeing you
makes me
miss you
A cyclical poem, one of my all-time favourites.
Having a million
Stories to tell
But lacking the
Proper words

Having a
Brilliant vision
But unable to
Paint it

Wanting nothing
More than to create
But the motivation
Is absent

But we try
And we try
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