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 Nov 2020 rage
broken art
 Nov 2020 rage
I was born a blank canvas

Now I’ve been painted with scars

Scars in my mind

Scars in my heart

I was born an empty sheet

Now I’m broken art
I was born, empty like space
meant to be filled with stars
Instead, my skin is littered with scars.
 Nov 2020 rage
Cadence Patterson
Steam surrounds me
The sound of the water splashing
A voice calls out, a sad voice
The steam gets warmer and warmer as I wander
The voice brings me to a mirror
A small crying child is stuck inside
"H-Help me"
A sadistic smile forms on my face
"Silly boy, you don't need help. You just need to suffer."
The mirror suddenly breaks and images are plastered against the falling shards.
So many emotions
They all shatter
And all that remains is the anger
 Nov 2020 rage
bad weather
 Nov 2020 rage
He cried like rain
And screamed like thunder

And I

I was a quiet river deafened by his storms
 Nov 2020 rage
If you cut me open what do you think you would find?
Two gasping lungs?
A beating heart?
What do you expect to find inside me?
I'm so very sorry to disappoint
I've beaten you at your own game
Truth is I opened myself up a long time ago
Just to see what flesh looked like below skin
And as it would seem
I'm empty inside
 Nov 2020 rage
If i don't make it through the night, don't hurt yourself. There are alot of people that can replace me.
Can i just not be in pain fore more than 8 hours.
 Nov 2020 rage
The pills work great
I still kinda want to cut myself
But I’ll fall asleep before I can unsheathe the knife
They make my brain all fuzzy....
And I breathe nice and slow
My heart rate is gentle, steady
Like I can feel my blood pumping smoothly, slowly
And I’ll feel like this tomorrow
But I’ll ignore it
Take some more pills
And I guess that’s life now
Sedated and aching
 Nov 2020 rage
self care
 Nov 2020 rage
sometimes self care is
polysporin and bandages
tending to the wounds
of your own self destruction
 Nov 2020 rage
 Nov 2020 rage
And over time,
My pen stopped bleeding
But my heart didn't
 Nov 2020 rage
Rupert Pip
 Nov 2020 rage
Rupert Pip
Break my bones;
cut my throat.
Pull me open,
learn the ropes.

Breath me in;
taste the fear.
Shank my skin;
stand and cheer.

Kick my head;
let me bleed.
Unbolt my veins;
enjoy the read.

Gouge my eyes;
punch my face.
Wrap me up
in your embrace.
Get to know me like I do you; inside and out.
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