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2.5k · Jun 2016
The Love Of My Life
Nexus Sammy Jun 2016
You're are the love of my life
The lyrics to the happiness of my life
The fertiliser to my joy
Paradoxically the more I look at you the more beautiful you become
I'm a mic You're my amplifier
You're the love of my life
The destiny to my journey
I will never leave you
So that I can have children like you
Because beautiful is the reflection of who you are
I look at your heart its written fragile
So I  will always handle you with care
You're are the love of my life
The antidote to my anger
You are my other half
Without you am incomplete
Your warm hugs feels like heaven on earth
Forever you are mine so am I
You're the love of my life
My jersey in winter
Words cannot completely describe my love for you
But always remember that I can die for you
No matter who you are you have at least one person you love very much in this life
1.9k · Dec 2016
untitled 2017
Nexus Sammy Dec 2016
The world is aging
It's years are increasing
Goodbye 2016
The year filled with
Doubts and bad choices
How can Britain exit?
How can America vote for trump?
How can Zambia re-elect Lungu?
Zuma and Rousseff are corrupt
Ali,Castro and King Adulyadej are dead
Is this not the Apocalypse of
The downfall of humanity
And good morals?
In a few days this world
Will be turning 2017 years old
On the first everybody will celebrate
But for the bad choices made
No body knows
What the year has for them
That's why I entitled
This poem untitled 2017.
Think deep and you will realise why its untitled
1.9k · Jul 2016
Nexus Sammy Jul 2016
It all began like a session
Not knowing it would lead to an obsession
I couldn't understand my emotion
Because my mind was fed with wrong information
Like a gossip in its motion
I couldn't control the situation
Now I have been left helpless with no solution
But to continue with my obsession.
Fatal Attraction
1.4k · Jul 2016
To The Emigrant Child
Nexus Sammy Jul 2016
They say if you are born poor
Its not your fault
But if you die poor
Its your fault
Well my darling child
I have tried all I can
Made long journeys to the west
Mistreated and thrown away
Left stranded at boarders
Seen the struggling of emigrants
Searching for better lives
If Briexit was because of us
Then our future remain a bleak
But be strong my child
Cry not my cute baby
Once I noticed that
A rainbow only forms
After a storm
One day our journeys will make sense.
Let's treat one another with gentleness and respect then the world will be a better place for mankind
Nexus Sammy Sep 2016
Lord you have give me a solution
Yet people in interior Africa
Consider politics as a"***** game"
I try to express my views
But I'm highly misunderstood
Because masses are uneducated
Languishing in poverty
Yet blessed with many resoures
Many have got eyes
But few use them to see
Many have got brains
But few use them to think
For how long will we be like this?
Young people going on endless journeys
Just in search of greener pasture
For how long will our people
Fight each other for no reason?
My heart bleeds;my eyes cry
Lord please do not forsake us
I try to fight for my people
But some of them fight me
But I worryless I came for justice
Many have got visions
But don't translate their pictures into reality
Many have got a heart for the people
But they don't use it to serve people
For how long will nights pass without food?
For how long will my people stay homeless?
Yes crimes do happen
But to some that's the only way to survive
Revive us God,make us useful creations
Let's embrace brotherhood
For even in tough times God still exist.
Let's make ourselves proud by improving the living standards of everyone
1.1k · Sep 2016
Rising Stars
Nexus Sammy Sep 2016
Its a Sunday
Let's see the Sun
But what of if
You do not shine
Does it mean
You can't see the sun
Or you're too dull to shine
No,you are simply
A rising star
The one that shines
When the sun is asleep
Talents are different
But soon your trail
Shall shine like diamond
Who said"for you to shine you have to do what others do"simply be you and leave a trail.
997 · Jul 2016
Real Gentlemen
Nexus Sammy Jul 2016
Bad or good
     Useful or harmful
         Beautiful or not
           Venomous or lovely
             Real gentlemen
                 don't hide their feelings
The Bravest man is he who don't hide his feels
917 · Jun 2016
The Dirge Of The Greatest
Nexus Sammy Jun 2016
What an astonishing moment
What a great loss to humanity
This is the dirge of the greatest
The deceased legendary boxer
You fought for equality
In time when others had no hope
You loved mankind in harsh times
Time they couldn't love themselves
Greatest was you
So fighting was yours
Rest in eternal peace
857 · Aug 2016
The Similarity
Nexus Sammy Aug 2016
For once in a while
I never understood
What people meant
When they said"Love is like Hate"
But now I do understand
It takes a second
For someone to notice you
A minute
To say they love you
The entire relationship
To prove it
With the same measure
They use to disown you
It takes a second
To look through you
A minute
To break you
The entire memories
To hurt you
But no matter how similar
Love is not Hate
And Hate is not Love
830 · Jan 2017
Emotion Touching
Nexus Sammy Jan 2017
I can't describe the happiness I felt
When your mom told me she was pregnant
Yes you were unplanned
But to me you were a blessing
I loved you before I met you
Made scenarios in my head
How happy I could be with you
I knew we were on the same page
You couldn't wait to see the world
You imagined how caring your mom was
And how life on earth was like
One day your mother was emotional
She was planning to get rid of you
You overheard their discussion with the doctor
You were very happy and joyful
For this is the moment you have been waiting for
You wanted to see your mom very much
Once gotten rid of from the dark environment
She took some pills as prescribed
After sometime strange things happened
You heard a sharp piercing in your ear
Next it was your stomach and intestines
Looking helpless and aimless
You wondered what you did to deserve all this pain
Little did you know it was your last breath
I expected you to come in human form
But you came in blood clot form
I have kept your bones
And only imagine how pretty you could have been
If only you were allowed to be born
688 · Sep 2016
He Asked What Went Wrong
Nexus Sammy Sep 2016
She trusted you with her heart
She was proud of you
She was loyal to you
But you decided to break her heart
You cared less of her scar
Now she's happily married
And you're stranded like a *******
Where are the women you left her for?
Results are stronger than history
653 · Nov 2016
Beyond The Flesh
Nexus Sammy Nov 2016
What is Racism?
But a notion
That has existed
For centuries
Trying to divide us
You are white
And happy
I'm black
And i'm happy too
What is skin?
But a covering
To our similarities
Beyond the flesh
lies our similarities
We all consist of
Same skeleton
Same muscles
And same blood colour
Beyond the flesh
Is our true identity
No matter how different
We think we are
We are all the same
Beyond the flesh.
i dug million graves and found skeletons which i failed to group according to its race
503 · Jul 2016
The Hope Of Glory
Nexus Sammy Jul 2016
Have you ever felt Helpless
Walking Aimlessly
Broken with no hope of Healing
Living with no crew of the Future
Hoping just to Die
Cause all day come with Shame
Well my brother my sister
Here is the solution
Repent to Jehovah
Confess your sins to Christ
Accept him as your Saviour
He will gather your Pieces
Fix then together
Give you Hope
And answer your Questionaires
Of your found Hope
By quoting Psalm 23
But do this with Gentleness and Respect
As guided in **1 Peter 3 vs 15
Nexus Sammy Jun 2016
Early in the morning I wake up from my new room
I see two big windows on the opposite sides of my bed
I take my first view from the window on my left hand side
I see very excited people
Singing obscene songs;they see nothing wrong with their lyrics
People are drinking and smoking continuously but they don't know why
They find pleasure in insulting
Men are changing girls like clothes
Young girls miss classes to meet their lovers
Most people here are drunkards
The good part of the view is that people on this side are very close to
each other and share their things
Then I take my second view from the window on my right hand side
I see very serious and determined people
Studying very hard;as if tomorrow are exams
People preaching and praising;as if heaven is tomorrow
They find no pleasure in leisure
Men are working very hard to make a better future
Girls try all means not to miss classes and have early curfews
Most people here are hermits
The bad part of the view is that People on this side are not close to each
other and they rarely share their things
But the choice remains for the viewer to choose which part suits him.
Its either you are good or you are bad,you can never be both.
467 · Jun 2016
Before She Said
Nexus Sammy Jun 2016
Before she said
I was afraid
Afraid although,I could tell
From the way
The way she behaved
like a dove
Like a dove,she was in love
With who?I didn't know
Before she said
It was me
421 · Sep 2016
Moment Never Desired
Nexus Sammy Sep 2016
In times of need
I remember being a kid
Go through my deeds
And let love lead
Take me to the seed
Seen not without ****
Often grown beside the bridge
Next to reeds
Just like the beads
I have decores on the fridge
Which can't satisfy my needs
Not knowing the lover's creed
Makes me feel like a rigde
Causing my heart to bleed
Destroying the desire to read
Craving to feed
I never new people could be this greedy
With all hope gone indeed
My problems i want to get rid
But all i am left with is to plead.
growing up means you have to start solving your own problems missing being young
Nexus Sammy Sep 2017
This is not the life I planned of living
When I was in my caring mother's womb
Like a flowing river,I keep changing direction
Yesterday I was straightedge
Today I am a drunkard
The wine and whiskey I saw on Television
Are now brewed in my backyard
And fermented inside my aging stomach
Born in the ninety's
I grew up not socialising with women
Like a confession l keep changing
Yesterday I was a monk
Today I am a womanizer
The females I used to admire
Now satisfy my desires
Life involves changes
349 · Aug 2016
Nexus Sammy Aug 2016
Life; merely a boomerang
What you do always
Comes back to you
What you reap
Is what you sowed
This is not an illusion
It is called karma
Life is like a parabola
It has three phases
The early age;for learning
The teenage;for reflecting
The late age;for concluding
This is not a mystery
It is called "life cycle"
But most people
take it as a carbon
they live thy life
but copy it from thy friends.
most people have failed to recognize that it is an error to copy their lifestyle from thy friend.
314 · Jun 2019
Nexus Sammy Jun 2019
Dear you its me
Its been a while since we talked
I know sometimes life gets hard
Sometimes things don't make sense
Nor do they add up
Sometimes you feel like giving up
Sometimes you don't feel the will
You feel like death is calling
But you keep pushing
I want to assure you I will never leave you
I will forever be beside you
I will motivate you
Untill things get better
And definately death do us apart
268 · Aug 2016
The Healing Phrase
Nexus Sammy Aug 2016
What is joy
But the absence of sadness
"I love you"
Is the cutest phrase to hear
With few words
Its made up of three words only
But capable
Of healing a thousand souls
It falled on my ear
It excited me and still is
How happy could people be
If "everyone"living
Had the courage to say
"I love you."
217 · Sep 2020
Loving From A Distance
Nexus Sammy Sep 2020
Most say its easier to fall in love
Than to fall out of love
Love is an emotion
Falling is a decision
It is easy to decide
But not easy to control emotions
I have a crush on my biology teacher
And my hot shy neighbor
Any among them excites my emotions
But contradicts with my decision
I love them both but I can not fall for them.

— The End —