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Nelize Sep 2016
I look up to the mountains
where does my help come from?

sliding rocks, slithering snakes
Life's patches, wailing winds
thorns in my flesh
cliffs taunt my feet
Serpent hisses all the while

all I see is steep punishment
all I feel is lactic burn
the air thin
I have no fleshly kin
"carry me Eagle, fly me high!" I yearned
but Eagle responds echoeingly
"your footprints carried you all the way,
but through the Way you will have learned"

I look up to the sky
His words  lifted me
I look up to the sky
where does my help come from?

Eagle, how high now am thee?
gone is the Serpent
Eagle's cross shaped shadow sweeps over me
bright light above me
"well  done  my  faithful  servant"
said the Source where help cometh from

I soar on wings like Eagle,
lactic burn leaves my soul
I run and don't grow weary

I saw where help came from.
Nelize Jul 2016
anthems sweet as honey
a cup overflowing
break the power of money

it is now or never
a short life i have
the width of my hand
oh YHVH save this land
from now until forever

drag the thorns from our flesh
make us whole
our parched souls now fresh

our governors hunger for power
they mimic mammon
but the Lord our satisfying Power

bring my heart to tears
make it after Your own
a love that tears all fears
to save the lost at any cost
bless those spiritually in arrears

oh YHVH, i beseech Thee
you have been so good to me
parch our land from greed
that we may wealthily drink from Thee

may this psalm that leaked from my hand
bring praise to YHVH in every land
"My life is no longer than the width of my hand" -- Psalm 39:5

This poetic psalm may be used anywhere - whether you want to send it to loved ones, colleagues, or even for lyrics, you are most welcome to, as long as you don't claim it as your own and keep it anonymous. May this prayer bring many blessings to our countries.
Nelize Jul 2016
I was on the edge of jumping
to my fate
but there You were sitting
in the sunrise, so late…

between the rays of grace
sitting and staring upon Your face
You saved me
You saved once again

the false and broken strings of this melody
I can no longer ignore
my heart it felt so dizzy
broken between the waves
of what would seem
like a fast approaching door
a fast approaching floor…
but then I felt
a feather dusting at my heart
lighter than my body weight
would feel in mid air…
it was Your Love, your neverendin’ love,
Bridging my way back
to life
jumping my way back to life.
Most of us have reached a point where we thought of suicide - much fewer have actually gone to attempt it, and fewer that pull through with it. When I was in high school, I was sitting on a bridge one day, staring down at the oncoming traffic on the high way, thinking how quick my death will be here. When I looked up, the sunrise was in front of me. The Lord felt very present within it. He lifted my brow, my heart, and I felt very relieved.
Nelize Jul 2016
a silent deep breath
gazing up at the sky
He now sees death
hammers fly up high

lay Him down on lacerated spine
little do they know, they mock the Divine
soon this sky will show darkness
prove He's King, none will deny

nails hit wood
through miracle hands
a violent wail is His reply

spit glides down His heavenly cheek
sour wine runs down burst lips
'forsaken I am' 'tis now His brood
in His side spears now pry

a single tear drop lands on His face
not from His eye
but from the Father's sky

a single rabbi brings sin to defeat
as death comes by

His absence will be fleet
for us: not yet goodbye
Nelize Jul 2016
math equations do their part
but how did existence find its start?

galaxies spin in aqueous tornadoes
twirling and swirling and on it goes
so elegant, perfected like Ballet Russus
yet furious with gravity's selfish pulls
like clutching claws of greedy fools

your unending motion, such loyal devotion
despite no praise from the silent darkness

births and deaths of stars alike
Fibonacci directs the nature's psyche
to form and destruct,
gain and deduct
my conscience results of the conscious
and conscious results from existence
is it the code of science,
or the laws of a Godly alliance?

this never ending bafflement
results in my soul's temperament.
I wrote this back in the days when I was uncertain of the universe and it's origins. The universe is indeed a fascinating place!
Nelize Jul 2016
how great is Your love for rock solid relations
yet in time rocks part through deep canyons

Your waters remain stilled;
Your mystery lies deep
Your raptors fulfilled
Your mountains so steep

how could man survive Your greatness?
even the eagle admires Your vastness!

Your tangerine gaze stares back at the sun
reflecting Your majesty where erosion has spun
its webs of beauty
cold veins are rare
the desert's peace treaty
with the hot bright glare
This is written in pure admiration of the vast and mighty beauty that can be seen in the Grand Canyon. I am in awe of our Creator's ability.
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