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spilled tears
Once you drew me naked,
And I did not recognize the man,
A stranger in my skin,
I couldn’t trace where I began.
I know you have the picture
Tucked between your pages
I know I have your heart
Tucked between my teeth
Marc Morais
She stands, embraced, in a vast field
where she can both lose and find herself,
where sunflowers lean, shoulder to shoulder,
faces tilted, ready to listen for things
she can’t bring herself to say—
a slender figure in white, barefoot
among the whispering stems.

The sky spills wide, endless and tender,
and she—just one small part of this silence—
listens to the earth keep quiet.
It is enough, she thinks to herself,
here, where questions scatter like seeds,
where the wind remembers to help carry
what can be let go—a cool hand
brushing her cheek, carrying the scent
of wild grass and the songs of unseen birds.

Beneath her feet, the soil breathes,
as if to say, stay—just stay.
She knows she’s small here—
but so is the sun’s last warmth,
so are the petals, one by one,
catching the day as it drifts away.

She could speak, let her thoughts
come out into the open,
but for now, this silence is enough.
A pause in her voice as the evening
hugs her like an old, trusted friend—
and she finds herself, somehow,
held gently in this quiet moment—
this, she admits, is plenty.

This is where silence blooms.
McKenna Christine
i’m wounded. I can’t tell where or how bad it is but there’s blood and, a lot of it. i think this is called shock. there’s no way this is real. there’s no way you’re holding the knife. there’s no way i’m still finding comfort in your sick and twisted smile. those hands were just on my thighs. those hands just engulfed my entire being, and then ripped a piece of me to take with. In all reality, i  didn’t know i had anything left to give. With you i go. No questions asked. You could (and have) led me through hell, i had no idea that it’d be up to me and me alone,  to lead us both back. (i wouldn’t change a thing) where did you go? i can still feel your lips on my skin. a nightmare that i never want to stop, i don’t even know when it began. We were euphoric. Too good to be true. i gave you all i had left. I’m sorry. I’ll take it back. I’m not your burden to hold.  F*, i I never thought you’d decide i was too much for you.
Lost Indeed
Today was a good day,
but I missed you by my side.
Yesterday was a bad day,
and I longed for your hand in mine.

Now tomorrow is on its way too
I don’t know what it will be,
but I know I’ll be missing you.
in soft hours when your heart’s
awake dreaming
and you feel a soft whisper
gently tracing
your skin, your spine to your soul
that’s me loving
K J McCarthy
What choices led to this?
I lost track in track marks
Lined arms and veins missed
Addiction happens quick
Cant live without my fix
Infatuation with intravenous bliss
But theres a constant fear of being sick
Restless legs peeling skin from dry lips
Why cant I just overdose and end it?
Better people than I didn't make it
I just can't seem to die my empty life ticks
Rolling back my eyes staring deep inside where I like to hide my bruises
If the good die young then I'm eternal as the sun rise
But I don't shine, my darkness is a blinding solar eclipse
The blood rushes in my syringe the plunger delivers me to the heavens
This feeling feels too good to overcome I just accepted my life for what it was
Even if this feeling that I love
Makes me lose it
trying to get a little dopamine—
In somebody’s lap.


Beauty sits next to her ugly cat, to look more pleasant, but the cat knows otherwise.  -cec
; )
Paul Glottaman
There is blood red bitterness
blooming like a time lapse flower
in cold, hard rivulets
exploding like popcorn
from a kernal with the
same intensity of a sudden
summer squall or a casual
unkindness from a onesided
object of abject obsession.
There is a blood-quick
dull throb at the temples
and a sudden drunken
lack of reasonable inhibition
filled with buzzing curse words
boiling deep in the throat
and deeper in a history of
neglect and pain that ache
to burst through to visit
rewards of anguish.
There is fire and then there
is calm and then, finally,
there is regret.
Pristine waters along the new morning
Eating away at the shore’s lips
Licking the grains of sand that stray
Into the dark ocean
Crystals of colour floating in the sea
Aligning upon foamy waves
Never unmoving, forever free
Have you ever seen a pelican?
Marc Morais
I used to build words
like a carpenter—
lines hammered out
plank by plank
word for word,
like bridges
spanning waters
for anyone
eager to cross.

And now
I write to meet the page
like aching skin,
like quiet water
hesitant to ripple—
careful to bear a mark.

All the words
I’ve sent off—
paper boats,

I let them all go,
and bridges alike,
let them sink or rise—
and let the tide
bring the words
Eduardo Edmundo
The sound of water falls asleep…
and within me, there is a sweet silence…
I dreamed you were a dream…

Ketika rindu lebih besar dari lelah,
kau biarkan malam memelukmu lebih lama.
Ketika kecewa lebih tajam dari kantuk,
kau temukan sunyi sebagai pelarian.

Bergadang bukan sekadar menunda pagi,
bukan pula kebiasaan tanpa arti.
Kadang ia jadi obat asmara,
kadang ia jadi ruang paling jujur bagi yang terluka.

Di balik layar, tawa dan kata berpendar,
menghidupkan rindu yang tak bisa dipeluk.
Di balik sepi, air mata jatuh tanpa suara,
melepas kecewa yang tak sempat diungkap.

Malam tak pernah bertanya kenapa,
tapi selalu menerima tanpa syarat.
draft from 2020
favorite color
without such life quickly ends
a most healing light
flames of faith burn bright
faith destroyed my life
still I have a little, but
when all the stars align
I won't start a forest fire
the flames of faith burn bright
I contain them with my skepticism
As a child we’re told
It’s sticks and stones
That will break your bones
And words that will never hurt
But what happens when
Those words continue to ring in your ear
From the sharpest of tongues
Progressing through life
Still haunting you at every turn.
maria nicole
I lived with it.
the nails that was not trimmed for a long time.
the cuts i never knew i had.
the blood that i bled.
the dirt.

the unnecessary, uncomfortable.
the nightmares.
the pain.
the failures.

I did not have to die with it.
so i trimmed my nails, and wrote this after.
Her long hair cascades upon
Her face like silv'ry threads.
Her curious eyes wander
At everything she sees.
Her mind on her head,
Her nose buried in books.
I truly never knew what
She always searched for.
You'll never know what I wrote this about until you played.
You look but don't see
the universe
and we
are one.
I can count the
Freckles on your face
While your fingers can
Follow the pattern of the
Slashes on my back
I'm afraid you may take a while, though...
You like me
But do i like you?

Your nice to me
Am i nice to you?

You always talk to me
Do i do the same for you?

You make my face go on fire,
But is it from you
Or the attention?

You say we’re perfect.
But do i think the same for you?

I dont know.
Jeremy Ducane
I need to find a way of celebrating every breath.
The train of day will leave my bedroom soon.
I will board, and, walking up the aisle
Watch fields and starlings fly.  
And will forget my breath.

Not so. No more could I forget my breath
Than I could you. Comingled
With the depths of self
Of life wellsprings and watery cells.
The grace and faith of the synapse
Being, binding blind in blood,
Test at any level
Oh would I could prove positive for you.

And so like Gods of battlefields remembering soldiers prayers
When they in cannon's mouth are blank with fear.
Do I not forget.
Do I not forget..
For Bev after all these years

"Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls." Kahlil Gibran
Brwa S Rasheed
The rope slumps—an unstrung throat.
Pills rattle like broken teeth.

The mirror unmouths my name,
gulps me in glass, spits static.

Outside, the city chews its own tongue.
Streetlights pulse like exposed nerves.

I step forward.

Or maybe I don’t.

The night swallows.

Nothing shifts.
Baby, I’m a mess over you.
A beautiful, emotional mess over you.
A loving, heartfelt, tearful mess over you.
A caring, longing, heart-stopping mess over you.  
An “everything about you” kind of mess.
You just make me so happy; I smile, cry, breathe fast, tingle, shake, and get nervous—almost like it’s our first date.
Baby, I’m a mess, but baby, I’m a beautiful mess over you!
Kelly McManus
Suspended in air
humming birds at a feeder
sipping sweet nectar
Eyes so sweet as light,
Yet black as night  
An intense gaze ,
That stirred her soul ,
Her emotions untold .
and falling
it comes so natural

getting up

not so much
I waited in the summers,
For the breeze of yours
I waited in the winters,
For the warmth of yours
I waited in the springs,
For the scent of yours
I waited,
But you were at someone else's door
You waited,
Not for me,but someone else's odour
I want to be the brightest star in your sky,
sprinkle stardust over your world,
Let me be your pathfinder,
Let's be moon and earth
kind hands
dont feed me
to the vultures

im already
skin and bone
Half moon eyes before me
Illuminated my hidden means
I can see you, darling
Even in my highest vanity

Was there ever the need to worry?
We felt the fire of hell
Yet we picture it
In a heavenly way

Give me the soul at my fingertips
Give me the blood!
What a night with the bright stars
Burning all of my desires

We were once one,
But for tonight...
Give me the freedom of wanting you
Like how they want you too

Come lit my moonlighted skin
Come on, come close
Half moon eyes before me
Paint over my white collarbone
Nishan Niraula
An eclipse right at noon,  
Daylight faded in swift.  
The whirl of life, haphazardly, spun—  
The night came before the shade could lift.  

He picked a mask he liked;  
Never did he take it off.  
Blood changed, adrenaline spiked—  
By a stranger, he himself was kicked off.  

This stranger lived with a new face;  
Some were disturbed by his change.  
In every test, he'd ace—  
A lock one would never hinge.  

He exists still, but not there;  
Doesn't care about the world.  
Yet thinks himself to be fair,  
A repeated mistake too old.  

And he shall know  
Of the mishaps he conceived.  
The melancholic days—a fierce blow;  
In no respect was he healed.  

That, he knew too, very clear;  
His soul had long been tainted to care.  
When asked for "the real you"—a sharp spear  
On masks of previous spin, could he stare.  

One day, a new air—  
This stranger was then caught.  
He sought an urge he couldn't bear,  
Struck by the truthful Failnaught.
Once you start wearing a mask, you lose "you"
When you take the mask off, a question arises—
Is this also a mask?
hannah miller
do you know the weight of it?
clawing your way up
test after test,
year after year,
to be the perfect reflection of the dreams they have for you,
those that are now your own.
where your worth now hangs.

when they see the prize,
they say, 'oh it comes so easily to her'


i bled for this.
i screamt for this.
and my mind?
it whispers
'this is just what you're supposed to do'
you are 'gifted'
its your mere responsibility.
nothing to celebrate. nothing special.

isnt it?
when there are two voices in your mind
one scorning your inadequacy,
the other a desperate, fragile echo of perceived success,
constantly vying, and battling to beat the other;
you yourself get lost in the middle.

7th mar, 25
Unpolished Ink
Torpid sea, of stone cold blue
and grizzled leather gray,
It looks like you can’t be bothered
to rise from where you lay,
if you won’t make an effort
I’m not prepared to stay,
now get out of bed stop moping
and send some waves my way,
I'm Old
I Haven't Heard 1 Story
The Flames of Death
If You Seen Them
You Know
The Flames of Death
Explain Please
1 Match Ghostly Spirit
The Flames of Death
God's Real
Speak It
I Just Did
You Won't
I Faced The Lord
You Faced Lies
And Fairy Tales
The Flames of Death
Floating Around US
Explain Front Page
Yonah Jeong
I think
all works of art
at their best
when they reach
their purpose
without setting a goal.
Dennis Willis
I have wide ranging
and unsupervised
fantastic ideas
dancing with
confusing urges

just another sign
thee entrained vibe
from a string pulled
and a call made
so other is unmade

your interaction here
your entanglement
if you are dancing
somewhere with vowels
spelled out aye aye
is preluded after all
The Princess
The zombies no longer scan what
They pick up to watch or read

Even with the warnings glaring from Under them like angry children

Finding the simplistic and naturalistic concepts disgusting and offensive
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