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 Apr 2017 Moonshine Noire
Brush your hair back behind your ear
Pull my blankets to your chin
And kiss your cheek
Most gently
Just before I let you drift off to sleep

Because this is where the long day ends
And my loving care for you begins
And renews again
Over and over
Just like all of your dreams
Which my unbroken heart always wanted to mend

For as long as you need me here to sleep
I’ll wait for you most patiently
Be it by your side or a distance away
With a cup perhaps in the hallway
To sip until the break of day

Because I am yours
As you are to me
One meant for the other
And purposefully made
This way to be
Like coffee and her beloved tea

Yes I am your tea
And pleased so to be
Dark and rich like indian spices
Warm and soothing as a bubbling bath
To cut the edge of the winter's night
And to warm you to me

Oh dearest future
See only me
And know that I read not just for me
But for all of the stories which are yet to come
And for all of the secrets you may wish me to speak

How I wish that this sound could be more like me
Like the last lingering note
Of the lullaby we’d always sing
And I’ll sing once more one day to my kids
Which I hope one day you would give to me

And so in this momentaneous rhyme
I give you what's left of my lifetime of time
My eternity
My everything and all of me
With every sentiment and subtle though
Which ever passed through this imperfect mind

As well as this comfortable bed of mine
How lonely it's been
Here without you within
Oh dearest girl
Oh darling of mine

You're the future that I
Most every day desire to see
But must stop myself from picturing in mind
So goodnight dear future
You're far to beautiful to begin to describe
From a future guy to a future girl. :p

Who am I kidding... I'm just rambling. Good night.

Why did it stop?

I'm tired.

 Apr 2017 Moonshine Noire
It’s that moment in the parking lot
When you realize that it’s all over
That the end is here
Your future is near
And your present surroundings will not always be
I never really tell the backstory behind verses. And there is a reason for that. Sometimes I don't really want to own to it or take the time to explain the situation in its fullness (so as to do it justice). But I'll oblige here.

This one is about the end of an era. That moment when you realize something is over. High school, college, a sports venue, a relationship, a job, or whatever it may be. It's that awkward intersection which can either appear promising or terrifying. The future unknown and all of your old comfortable memories stretched out behind you.

I wrote this verse with a particular location in mind. A particular time. Back when I wasn't aware that all good things must come to an end.

 Apr 2017 Moonshine Noire
The real question is not
“What will they do for me, once and when?”
But throughout the years
Throughout the struggle and the turmoil
Which is this human existence

I ask of you

“What instead have you been doing for them?”
To prepare yourself for this honest moment
In order to give something back
Instead of just having hallow words
To send and rescind

What then will you do?
When you finally understand?
And stand alongside this  
The deepest realization known to man

In my mind it's this. To realize that love... Is not about you. It's not about your fleeting feelings (which may wither and fade). But it's all about the choice, and the realization of what you can do for them. But there are always more questions even after this...
 Apr 2017 Moonshine Noire
I want you back?
I openly laugh
I’d like to have you at all
Because *that
would be the end of *that
Three little words Burt....

*profuse, yet appropriate, laughter*

Mostly at myself
 Apr 2017 Moonshine Noire
By the time you get
What you so badly wanted
Within this world
Within this life

You probably won't want it anymore

That is a consequence of life
Of the long hallway
And the time that it takes
For you to commit
To walking through that distant door

Whatever it is

By the time you get to that fame or fortune

*You might not even want it anymore

By the time you get the fame you desire... You probably won't want it.
traffic in dreams
the deeper the love
the longer it will be to pay it off
deeper the diamond to carve from your heart
the darker the desire
the more cold cash
the harsher the wind in the lonely night

take sandpaper to your luxurious soul
but you keep its stain from your pretty eyes
pretty face barter for fish n chips
pretty words barter your bed and breakfast
dress it all in fashion from magazines
the strange combination of gloss and paper thin disguise
the strange combination of truth and lies

the greasy haired stranger
peers with all his might into the mirror
trying to find the man hidden within
he traffics in dreams
will sell you a plot of land
and the rainbow that comes with
ten by ten souls wide
ten by ten deep
sell em to you for a taste of the pretty
sell em to you for a touch of the tender
so rancidly reflected in his greasy smile

you thought the weight was easy to bear
thought that the lie you tell yourself suffices
but dreams are brittle thin walls you hide behind
watch the cracks spread across the pretty picture
it is painted with
watch the colors fade like sweet summer sunshine
the sweet wine turned bitter like tears
he sells you a dream that must be forever replaced
with an ever darker version
he sells you a lie that you will come to see vividly
it won't taste so sweet for so long
it will taste like dust
it will taste like loss

you seek him out once again in the dark city passage
his greasy hair fallen long ago
skin gone gray
he found the man in the mirror
he found his answer in all the chaos
tastes like dust
tastes like bitterness
seek him out to find he is gone
only a shell remains
a brittle shell

no-one gets cheap seats
without paying the price
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