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a ghost on fire
chasing wind
chasing sun

a heart of desire
in someone
done to none

the clown weeps
where's the fun ?
where's the son ?
i'm already awake
smile, here it comes

the stranger melts
in someone's head
black on the road
back from the dead
keeps me up at night
noises beneath my bed
and sleep never returns
turns my mind instead

and now i'm nothing more
absolutely sure,
that this world isn't for me

i'm searching for a door,
to lock me in,
inside with my soul
that burns in me
if not for poetry, where else would the lonely ever be ?
When you fall asleep at night
your mind goes into an eerie flight
You can open the gate with they key of thought,
and don't have to do what you've been taught

You sing, and dance, and prance all day,
and you act so happy and also gay.
You run in circles and run into trees,
and cut your elbows and scrape your knees.

But sometimes you open the wrong gate,
and find yourself facing a terrible fate.
There are monsters, ghouls, and also grouches,
and then you wish you were on comfortable couches

And when you're done and almost through,
your mind knows exactly what to do.
You go back through the eerie flight,
it maybe day it maybe night

And when your mind comes back to you,
you may wake up and have a flu.
You could leave for school very late,
and find out that it's the wrong date.

And you could play outside in the streams,
but you will know that you entered,
"The Land of Dreams ".
 Apr 2017 Moonshine Noire
ill take you slow
over the long night
it could be our own party
of tender kisses and blood letting
your coos and soft whispers
a cut
oh daddy
another mmmm
kisses that drool tears
your ******* soaked through
do you have any idea how sweet that is for me
its the perfect wordless compliment to a man
like when i ***
deep in your sweet *****
or looking into your fire eyes
your mouth
blood on white teeth pearls
loves trove
how could it ever end
sweet languishing
bloodalicious tongue
coos and oos and tender cries
as i undo you my sweet darling
your belly and **** blood soaked
for kisses and licks sake
turbulent mouths
as it drizzles and pools at your pretty feet
after devils play
i cinch you up with soft gauze
your **** death skirt
red splotch print
my **** down your throat
a bloated jelly lozenge
you look up so bright
knowing the coup de grah is coming
your in the mood you said
i grab the shank of your hair firmly
and slit your neck wide and deep
you blink and shudder
as your smile morphs
to exquisite horror
a baffled grimace
o sweet surprise face
an eye floating in mud
then darting wild
skull sockets like melting moons
a ****, like twisted metal
your new world
in ten seconds, a dim smudge
a ghastly pleasure
sets my soul feral
disavowing lifes clatter
you feel  a dark caress
but whos
dissolutions embrace
oh **** witch
terrors grace
to fall through
the ******* hole
as i flood you
with ***** white rushing panic
butter butter butter
and watch you squirt rhythmically
the last quart of blood you've got
your arteries
empty tunnels
your mouth plush red
hysterical mutterings
only gasps
bewilderment dissipation
till you slump
a ruined creel
your **** and ****
a stained camellia
your womb silky kisses steadfast
caressing **** till dark
your sworn promise kept
black candles flicker
until last light
i would whisper
my beloved
and cu cu cu cu cummmmm
only a few beats to go now
you widen your haunches
and make ready
for last *****'s wave
last thump
blood pulse
your surrender
gasum tsunami

then deaths rattle
pyres and fires
like a small house
a blazing ruin
collapsing in on itself
popping cherry red embers
smoke and ash
my beloved a memory
held forever
tears tears tears
My poems remain explorations of the subconscious ******
If i where a film maker or a novelist  you  would see me telling a story not judge me  although i admit to my paraphilias  
These poems  are lunar anamorphic streams of consciousness from the deep chaotic subterranean glitz of transgressive  impulses we all share
Read them if you dare...You might find that part of yourself that you don't want you to know about
Abadan was small those days
Maybe my mother doesn't remember
Dolls dream too
In her flower designed skirt
She doesn't like the war
The sky of Isfahan is not blue
Doesn't know any dolls with
blossomed eyes
I wanted my red shoes
You take the weapon this time
Since it's not the war of Jasmine's eyes
It doesn't smell as Eglantines do
Demanding heads
A shining star in his open eyes
The sky of Isfahan is not blue
The city of turquoise domes
and livid mosques
The resonance of the song of
Azan at noon through those high skies
That doesn't know my mother
You just saw them as stars
Their skies are so high for wishes to reach
The city of the livid dames is said to be beautiful...
Your laughs were beautiful those days
This city
Doesn't know my mother
Her Abadan was so small

آبادان آن موقع کوچک بود
شاید مادرم یادش نمی آمد
عروسک ها هم خواب می بینند
دامنش طرحی گل دار را دارد
جنگ را دوست ندارد
اصفهان آسمانش آبی نیست
عروسکی نمی شناسد
... که چشمانش تازه شکوفه کرده
من کفش های قرمزام را می خواستم
این بار تو سلاح دستت بگیر
که جنگ
چشمان یاسمن نیست
بوی نسترن ها را نمی دهد
سر می خواهند
چشم هایش باز
ستاره ای در گوشه ی چشمش بدرخشد
اصفهان آسمانش آبی نیست
شهر گنبدهای فیروزه ای
مسجدهای کبود
پیچش اذان های ظهر در آن آسمان های بلند
مادرم را نمی شناسد
که تو آن ها را ستاره می دیدی
آسمان هاشان بلند اند
آرزوها نمی رسند
شهر گنبدهای فیروزه ای
...که می گویند زیباست
خنده های تو در آن موقع زیبا بود
این شهر
مادرم را نمی شناسد
خیلی کوچک بود
in my country ( Persia) war took place in 1980
and because of that my mother had forced migration
she moved to Isfahan and she lost her land ( Abadan )
i love my mother :-)
I was passing through my childhood
on a bike
to the delight of flying with the balloons

من از کودکی هایم می گذشتم
بر چرخی که می راندم
...تا شوق به پرواز درآمدن با بادبادک ها
Looking for my train
In my lost clothes
And I having no story anymore

در لباس های گم شده ام
دنبال قطارهایم می گردم
و من دیگر قصه ای ندارم
 Apr 2017 Moonshine Noire
As the night creeps in under the stars,
There she goes sleeping with scars.
While she sleeps, the wind came slowly,
Brushed her cheeks and took her sanity.
And in her dream there stands a Man.
They danced all night; then it all began...

She is a rose
Hidden, protected, and fragile
I'll tell you what I know about her, so listen for a while.
This rose that I speak of likes to be all by herself.
You can always see her reading all the books on the shelf.
Feeling like the darkest shade of blue,
Yet you can still see her showing a genuine smile at you.
I wonder if she knows that she is loved,
Most especially by the Almighty God above.
I wonder if she knows that she is enough,
I can see that she is strong when life is tough.
Then this Man came and told her what she needs to know,
"My child, My rose, you are a flower that needs to grow."
© 2017
We are but art
Our words
Falling in love but a thousand times daily
No less than worded Geisha
Black Butterflies to flutter the ears
Dark diamonds to dazzle the eyes
Though we lie and hope
Hope for dryer setting normality
It may break even our own hearts,
that we so desire all that can NEVER
be attained
We live in shadows of shimmering dreams
We may write for you, speak for you, display our talents
Flutter our blackened wings
But we can never really be touched
Our dark diamonds slice flesh and dreams
We can never love more than page and pen
Causing hurricanes with a mere fluttering of a black wing
We love
But never give ourselves
Only our words
We are poems unspoken
Black Butterflies
Dark Diamonds
Ladies of Poetry
Oh yeah! For all my Ladies of written heartbreak, insanity, tears, longing, hatred. My very own Bella Mafia! You. I love you. You've held my hand in cemeteries, whispered in my ear, let me cry on your shoulders, we have wandered through each other's dreams and nightmares. Thank you, my black butterfies, my dark diamonds.<3
Some dead things just won't lay down
We keep walking
Long after we've died
Wreaking havoc upon the living
what little of ourselves that remains alive in
Tears and shame
Throwing up on sidewalks
Bringing the occasional young stranger home
To get that little drip of pleasure
From his heartbreak at dawn
But apparently
This kind of "self help"
Isn't working
Tomatoe juice with celery sticks
And people behind desks in
Ugly polyester suits with framed papers on their walls and a prescription or two
Is now
Rehab for the dead
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