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If we never saw the sun,
Would we think the night is dark?

Or if we never felt hope,
Would we still feel such pain?
Now would be a good time
To simply
This suppposed to be longer, but I'm so confused right now that nothing was making sense
There are 10 kinds of people in this world,
and binary accounts for them all.

They're happy and sad.
They're ones and zeros.
Villains and heroes.
Villains, yet not all bad.
Despite everything life decides to hurl;
Despite every brick ball of fear
Through the stained glass windows of their minds,
Through it all, they survive.
They're angry and glad.
They're happy and sad.

And in their duality, they're still smiling there
at your sharp hasty words
at your venomous hurt
that you wish so desperately they, too, shared.
Love thy enemy.

Special thanks to Kelley A Vinal for the binary inspiration. You can read her poetry here:

It's pretty solid.

Edit: Holy Daily, Batman! Wow, I'm so honored. Glad you all like it so much! :D
I feel like my words are failing me
My thoughts are simply not there
What I write is not what I want it to be
My mind has become blank and bare

I'm lost in this nothingness
Feeling empty with nothing to confess
My fire becomes less and less
These words and rhymes are more a mess

No matter how hard I try
to put down my pen
I always look back
and lift it again

I must gather myself and collaborate
Look at my words and rhymes and elaborate
Make them more in depth and intricate
Expand my heart and make it infinite

I must become the words I scribe
Using them on my demons as a bribe
To break a piece off my existence
To incorporate it into my poems with persistence

I must truly write how I actually feel
nothing obscured, it must appeal
To the minds and hearts of the readers who care
hoping to cause a spark, arc and a flare

I will open my mind and dig in the dark
And through
All the Words and Rhymes
On new journey I will embark
Digging to places I rarely go within myself.
Of all the things you mean to me,
I don't feel like we're best friends anymore.
There are too many unspoken truths between you and me;
Too many mixed up lies.

Now I want to tell you everything
I've been hiding for so long.
You've been here since the beginning.
Please don't forget me in the end.
Truth is
I'm getting bad again
And your the only one
That helps me genuinely
Makes me happy
I can't tell you this
Your slowly slipping away
And it hurts
But I can't let down my wall
The laws of gravity are simple

What goes up
Must come down

But what goes down
*Keeps going down
Why there are so many closed doors than open one?
People dying than living?
People crying instead of smiling?

Closed door means:
Closed minds
Closed hearts
Closed beliefs
Closed perceptions
Closed values
Closed rights
Closed freedom
Closed Justice
Closed truth
Closed Equality
Closed peace
Closed religions
Closed ...
There are a lot of things we should stop, and even more things we should start doing.
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