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Mims Sep 2017
They say,
It will fix all of your problems,
All your broken,
All your pain,
Will take that all away,
All I can honestly say to that,
Is how can you put that kind of pressure on someone?

heal me
fix me
save me

Because "you're all I have"
Or "I'm lost without you"
Will fix everything wrong with me
Don't care if it makes everything wrong with you.

Someone told me,
That love,
Is a lie,
And that we only think we need it,
Because everyone tells us we do,
And we do,
But not from her,
And definitely not from you,
We need love
Because society convinces young girls,
That it will fix everything
And it will.
But its not the kind of love
That is taking over 13 year old girls,
The love,
From another human being
Isn't what's gonna fix you,
you have to,
Because yes,
Love will fix everything,
If you love you.

And believe me,
This is something that I wish I knew long ago,
Because I went so long,
Hating myself,
And wanting love from someone else,
When all the healing I needed to do,
Was inside of me,
When I figured out,
That love for yourself is beautiful,
It makes everything clearer,
Makes sense,
My love,
Your love,
Is what'll fix you,
That's not something I can do.
Said love so much, it doesn't even sound like a word anymore
Mims Sep 2017
Did you know?
That it's raining down the halls?
I started a fire,
And set off all the alarms.

So moisture sinks into the carpet and it remains there,
long after we've cleaned up.

So whatever hadn't burnt,
Has begun to rot.
Mims Sep 2017
how do you know she's a poetess?
she'll mess with your brain just for inspiration.
just in case you were confused.
don't get cocky
you're not special
not the way he is.
Mims Sep 2017
Fall asleep in my lap like tangled jewelry,
I don't know where you begin,
And I end,
And it doesn't matter really.
The TV glows,
harry potter fight scenes
some random 80s movie
'Cause I love those.

Lace your fingers,
And my fingers,
And your toes,
In my toes,
I'll put my head on your shoulder,
And you'll inhale slowly,

You play with my hair,
And I'll tell you,
You don't really know me.
I feel like almost no one has ever really known me
Mims Sep 2017
On my toes,
Hand on the barre
Your hand has my waist
I find comfort in your embrace
I lift my toes to rest in the crease of my knee
you can let go
Is what everyone tells me
I take my hand off the barre
I trust you To hold me upright 
Or at least catch me

*I fall on already bruised knees.
It takes a great deal of trust, trusting someone with the safety of your body, perhaps even more, with the safety of your mind.
Mims Sep 2017
Dear oxygen,
I've found i do my best writing at 4am
Welcome back,
I missed you,
And when you graced my lungs,
You swept over the flickering flames,
That licked at my throat,
You threatened the knives,
In my chest,
Until they left,
You blew through,
The tears,
All my fears,
Have been shattered by my lady oxygen,
So have my body once again,
And leave me beautiful,
Not broken.
You scared me
Having Depression is like finding out that mermaids are real
It doesn’t make sense to you until you’re getting dragged to the bottom of the ocean
And then you think
That’s what this is
And I’m drowning now,
That’s just……… great
And eventually, with your last vestiges of breath left
You float back to the surface
And you’re fine.
And that’s it.
Mermaids stop existing again.
Because you never actually saw what grabbed you
You only felt the claws around your leg
The cold, clammy hands tugging
With a force that you could never fight against
But you never saw her
So it was all a dream
And it happens again and again
You are drowning again and again
Until the water begins to feel like home
And the only thing reminding you that you are alive
Is the burning in your lungs
And when everything you had balanced so very carefully starts falling
Off the shelves of your life
When your “mild” depression starts deciding it wants to be more
When being alone makes you feel dead inside
And when losing your cool for one ******* second makes you contemplate your own demise
When do you admit to yourself that you are slipping
You are sinking and just because you can slow your descent
Does not mean that you’re not still drowning
And at the end of the day just because it took you longer to get there this time
Doesn’t mean you aren’t still lying on the ocean floor
Devoid of light and sound
And if you had just climbed onto that now distant boat and sailed away
You’d be fine.
But climbing was too hard
And sinking is so much easier
And you’re scared that if you reach out
Your hands will feel clammy and cold
As they wrap around your friends throats
And drag them down with you
And you would rather rot at the bottom of an endless sea
Than let that happen
So you lie in darkness and wait
For a sound
The singular resounding sound
Of failure
And you slowly float back to the surface
Take a deep breath
And you’re fine.
Because mermaids aren’t real
It’s all in your head
This is normally performed aloud, but I wanted to share it with you all, as well
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