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 Jan 2015 Margaret
She prepares her kit
To turn into someone else
She's done this for years
Not knowing how to be herself

She smears her lips
With a bright bold Mac
Drawing an artificial smile
Hoping she wont crack

She grabs her eyeliner
And traces her eyes
As strokes of mascara
Send lashes toward the sky

She dips herself in powder
And draws two circles for blush
She irons her natural hair
With every bristle and brush

With this new mask on
She could now face the world
Yet I still wonder
Will I ever meet the real side of this girl?
Simplicity is beauty.
 Jan 2015 Margaret
Wrapped in a corset
Made from society
Unable to be free
Suppressing my identity

I mask my personality
With everyone else
But it is only around you
That I can be myself

Who else will I unravel to
At the end of the day?
For only you,
Actually listen to what I say

And only you
Judge me not
With your bold presence
Marking each room
With your personal essence

I follow your every move
With great admiration
You give hope to the quiet ones
With courageous inspiration

And where would I be
If God had not gifted you to me?
And how would I survive
Without you in my life?

Sometimes I swear
You're the older one
With wisdom so deep
You were born to stun

Taking no for an answer
Is not an option for you
And you stand your ground
Regardless of what they do

So I'll sit back and aspire
To be as rooted as you
With you alongside me
This world will make do
Dedicated to my sister and best friend in the whole world. My other half. Love you always, Sarah.
 Jan 2015 Margaret
We said
It won't stop
But it's too late
I pressed the brakes
Threw away
Everything we gained
With all at stake
Out the window
No more crying
No more pain
All that we knew
All our beliefs
Tossed em out the trash
For my own relief
Yet I'm the one
Filled with sorrow at night
Rereading the letter
Thought I was making things right
How long will it take
To accept the end?
How will I view us
As just friends?
People always sympathize towards the person who got dumped, but they fail to realize, the person doing the dumping is going through pain as well.
 Jan 2015 Margaret
You have a spark that blazes past my ice cold eyes,
you're the six on a weathered pair of bad decision dice.
You're the smoke in my lungs; my hip's friction's delight,
and you're where I want to be at the end of the night.

So pull me by my the clasps of my black leather coat,
past the bar, to the back, to the room that Aidan keeps aside.
Whisper in my ears, past the roar of alcohol and smoke,
these words that I've longed to hear for some time.

"You are the cherry on a cigarette; the blade of a knife.
You burn me and turn me to melting when you enter my sight";
I'll say:
"Your lips are my addiction, your *** is my television,
and your eyes are where I want to be at the end of the night."

Then we'll explore love and bad decisions on the table and the floor.
You'll pull me closer, bite my ear, and whisper. "Shut the door."
What would it take to get on that level?
I've done so much.
Been there.
I'd do anything.
And all I want in return is to be thought of,
To be on that level, too.
And to not be taken for granted, ever.
 Jan 2015 Margaret
burned up
I heard you say once
that you were "making it"
Now I know what you meant
 Jan 2015 Margaret
 Jan 2015 Margaret
Sometimes I think we are all a little lost.
Not in life.
And not in love.
But in ourselves.
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