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Jul 2016 · 843
Attention Deficits
Mandi Drake Jul 2016
I know I should most likely be
Doing something else...
However, I can't help myself
is* what I want to do right now.
Wait. What was I talking about?
****. I don't even know.  
Should we be talking about you?
Because I just feel so selfish for
Hogging the conversation,
Disrupting the silence
With nonsense.
With random facts I read somewhere
With the weather reports that are. . .
. . . . . . .
****. I'm doing it again.
I'm sorry. . . . . . . .
Was I staring off just now?
I couldn't help but think about
How the pattern on that gentleman's shirt
Looked just like my grandmother's couch!
I wonder if it also smells like moth *****...?
Um, yeah. Salad sounds great for lunch,
How is your dog doing?
This was written on a day I did not take my Adderall and based on an actual conversation with a co-worker.
Jul 2016 · 792
Mandi Drake Jul 2016
Rosé makes me romantic
I guess
Because it's pink
And it makes me tipsy
Like love should
I guess...
And it reminds me of
The wilting pink roses
On my coffee table
Cute love
I guess...
It becomes less than cute
I bought those flowers
For myself
Oh, by the way.
Jul 2016 · 960
Mandi Drake Jul 2016
I remember
& Phrases
So I can
Pretend to be
Informed on subjects
I could give a **** about
But people
I'm trying to impress
Or please
Totally think that
I'm abreast of things.
But I'm not.
I just don't care. Seriously.
I don't give a ****.
But I dont.
Sports are dumb.
Football, golf, baseball, basketball...
Don't even get me started on
Anything you care about.
Odds are I honestly
Care less
About it
Or anything
For that matter.
Jul 2016 · 434
Are You Though?
Mandi Drake Jul 2016
Do you even like my poetry?
Does it sound good to you?
What about it sounds good to you?
An inside glimpse into my head...
Does it even make sense?
This inside glimpse?
Stop trying to answer questions with questions.
Why do you like reading it?
What else?
Why am I doing this?
So I can show people how I feel...
So I can express things...
In a way you can understand...?
But tell me why you want to hear
What I have to say/wtite...
I know that I'm being ridiculous.
Are you actually interested in what I'm thinking?
Are you, though?
Jul 2016 · 610
Social Anxiety
Mandi Drake Jul 2016
Don't even think about it...
No. Don't say a thing.
It's stupid anyway and
nobody cares anyway.
Seriously. Shut up.
Your mind is too loud.
Your thoughts are annoying
to them. So. That's that.
If you speak your mind...
People will;  
Look at you strangely,
Think you are stupid,
Tell you to take your meds.
You worry too much.
Don't freak out.
Freak out internally,
but don't do that either.
Smile. Don't smile too big.
Worry. Don't Worry too much.
But do. But don't. But do.
Calm the **** down...
Jul 2016 · 1.3k
I Have a Feeling
Mandi Drake Jul 2016
Instead of inspiring a feeling,
I want to share a feeling.
Never mind what you wanted
to feel when you read this.
I'm selfish.
Feel what I'm feeling
as I write
and not what you feel
as you read this right now.
I should probably share with you
how I'm feeling.
I should have probaby have
told you before
we got this far.
I bet at this point
you don't even know
how to feel.
Neither do I.
Jul 2016 · 406
Depression Meds
Mandi Drake Jul 2016
Intertwine my troubled mind
With simplicity and blind
Me from the morose truth of things
Be the very thing that brings
Out the best of this world so dark
Open up my heart and spark
Up a life that will be better
Than this listlessness I'm bound to weather
It's no secret that I'll miss
The comfort of my deep abyss
Though it's become so familiar to me
I've longed reach beyond and see
Things without the stormy haze
So ready to step out and blaze
A brand new path to feeling well
No longer do I wish to dwell
On everything that could go wrong
I understand that I am strong
Enough to handle this and in spite
of it all I'll be alright.

— The End —