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Leila The Kiwi Sep 2020
Why would I want to learn you,
When you don't even want to know yourself?

Why would I want you in my mind,
When you don't give yourself a second thought?

Why would I listen to your speeches,
When all you have to say is nothing of interest?

l.v.s and IM
Leila The Kiwi Nov 2017
It's not that they
Can't accept you;

They want you
To fit in a box
That suits their
Little lives
And their
Minuscule minds.

Leila The Kiwi Dec 2021
From here to there
And back again

The birth
Of something new

Is the evolution
Of oneself.

This poem just came out and it reminds me of my flatmate's descriptions of reincarnation.
Leila The Kiwi Apr 2020
It's been a while now
I don't know
If I remember
The sound
Of your voice
But I know
I'll never forget
How you made
Me feel

I hope you're
Flying high
My sad swallow
With the breeze
In your feathers
And a soft song
Filling the sky

Inspired by Remember by Isak Danielson
Leila The Kiwi Jul 2016
You said your friend was joking,
I believed you.
It may seem stupid to other people
But it's not to me,
I always trusted you.

You said I could be with him,
It made you happy that I'd found someone better.
Even though you were jealous,
You only wanted
The best for me.

You wanted to be the same as before;
I was still your girl.
Only, I wasn't...
I am my own girl
And soon,
I'll be his.
It hurt you to hear that
But you understood
You wanted me to be with him.

You said you wanted to say good bye forever,
It may have brought tears
But I feel the same way.
Sliding our crowns
From our heads
We step towards each other,
Place the symbols of
Our devotion on the ground
And step away.

With no hesitation
I turn around,
And run straight into his open arms.
Burying my face
In the comfort of his chest.

Taking one last glance back
I lock eyes with you.
We share each final fragment of
And commitment
We have for one another.
With a slight twitch at the corners of your lips,
You look away.
It's official;
We'll never
See each other

Leila The Kiwi Jun 2020
Something that has long been gone,
No longer remaining,
Lost all care for it.

Don't compare me
And the connection
we have
To that of strangers

We've known
Each other
A while
Let me see
Who you are.

l.v.s and IM
Not sure why I didn't post this one
Leila The Kiwi Jan 2020
Sometimes we have to
Be our own filter

Denying ourselves
In order
To experience

At it again with word generator poems.
Leila The Kiwi Feb 2020
If you're going to
Step up to my table
I hope you realize
This time you're
The toy

I'm tired of being used
Covered in bite marks
Making Squeaks
And entertaining
Someone else

Now it's my turn
I'm going to have my fun

So, what do you say?
Did you come here to play?

Leila The Kiwi Jan 2021
You provide
The illusion
Of shelter

But without
A solid foundation

I can only
Stand this
For so long.

Leila The Kiwi May 2016
You must not -ever- forget,
Spring is just around the corner.

With Spring comes
And young rose buds.
Who open their shells
To bask beneath sunlight
And display their bright colours.

They are far from foolish.
When blistering wind and frost
Swallow the land,
They nestle their delicate petals
Within their shells
Placing trust
In their thorns
For protection.

But, come Spring;
They will flourish once again.
Having become far more vibrant,
Their fragrance sweeter
With magnified youth.

This youth I speak of,
Has no relation to age.
For these rose buds have been
Bruised and
Age is not important.
This youth
Is seen in each newly gained
Spark of hope,
Shimmer of love
And strength
Received while buried beneath snow.

Tales are still told:
They have become the word of legend
During bitter winters.
No, my dear,
These tales aren't expressed through words.
They drift from the shriveled lips
Of the Wise Oak,
Who has been stripped bare
During Autumn,
As he whispers encouragement
To new generations of
Rose buds.
For he,
Witnessed the legendary roses
Battle then thrive,
Battle then thrive...
Year after year.
And he hopes
The tales
Will help these frightened
Rose buds survive.

Lets hope,
They won't forget:
Spring is just around the corner.

Leila The Kiwi Jan 2021
There I was
Trusting my mind
And having faith
In you holding on
Having hope for us

Here I am
Crushed by realization
My intuition and heart
Knew better
I ignored the signs
Now I'm hopeless

I guess you
Won the wager

Maybe from
Now on
I'll stop
Betting myself
On the odds
Of others.

Leila The Kiwi May 2020
I've met many people
Grown close
And intimate
With only
A few

Each individual
Holds a
Special part
Of me

Some are hidden
Amongst the fog
Some others
Are held close
To my heart

I've been
But that's

a word generator that made me realize I have been thinking about the most recent person I cared for again
Leila The Kiwi Jul 2020
You make me feel young
I witness a shining self
As our story together is spun
For the first time
In a long time
I've become

Leila The Kiwi Sep 2017
Frantically tug
The tracks
Prevent progress
Of the most
Volatile transport.

Leila The Kiwi Nov 2017
You said I may as well
Be in jail
Because I spend
So long in my room.

I didn't go outside today
You said at least
Prisoners go outside
For fresh air once
A day.

Well sure,
I'll be a prisoner,
If you'd like.
I practically am.

This house is a prison
I'm monitored
Asked to work
Do this
Do that
If the things I do
Are "nothing" to you
Or not up to your standard
Of being worthy
Then I'm punished.

My room is my cell
It's my space
I've personalized it
I've made it mine
It feels safe
It's my choice
To spend time here.

But you still barge in
Even when the door's closed
You still demand things
You judge how I've made it
The way things look
The state its in
My own touches.
You prove it's not mine
By violating it.

I could go outside.
But that's only
A larger
More diverse prison
Where I'm judged further
By the guards of society
I have to be alert
So I'm not abused
Or harassed
By fellow inmates.

Thanks for the metaphor,
But it doesn't matter.

I'm content
Being confined
In my cell.

Just a little bit of a vent from last night hahaha... haha.... ha.
Leila The Kiwi Jun 2020
We've been down
Many roads together
We've lived
Many years together

Once we were
Each other
Just enjoying
The ride

But we hit
A crossroads
And grew apart
There are parts
Of myself
That I hide
It breaks
My heart

I'm so sorry
That we
Lost our bond
With each other

I don't know
How to fix things
I don't know
How to be close again

But you mean
The world to me

You're wonderful
I miss you
And I love you

Your sister.

A scene in a movie reminded me that my twin brother and I aren't very close anymore, that made me sad.
Leila The Kiwi Apr 2020
You've been shaking
Your whole life

Your voice trembling with uncertainty
Your hands trembling from overuse
Your whole body shivering
From cold and emotion

Come here
Come rest
I'll watch
Over you
No need
For fear

Leila The Kiwi May 2020
Damaged goods
Are still good
Regardless of
The broken parts

Leila The Kiwi Feb 2020
When you take my hand
If it trembles
From your touch
Please don't let go
Just hold me in your gaze
Pull me into your arms
Show me safety
Show me that
You're trustworthy

Because I want to
Because I want you
But it won't be easy...

Leila The Kiwi Nov 2020
I gasped for air
When you came near
For I had
Held my breath
A while

I braced myself
For when
You'd disappear

But instead,
You chose
To care.

Leila The Kiwi Jun 2021
We can deconstruct it
It's not a castle
It's just sand.

Leila The Kiwi May 2020
It's one of
The hardest things
To let go of those
Who were
But good
To you

The type
Of people
Fill a room
With warmth
And bring
A smile
To your face
Such delicate
So needed
In the world

But sometimes
You have
No other

Want to be
Left behind

But as
I turn
My back
I feel
My heart

I want
To hold him
I want him
To know
And utterly
He is
But I can't

So I simply
A pillow

I hope that
He knows
I hope that
He's safe
I hope
He has

I miss him
I wish him
The best.

Thoughts about the most recent person I cared for
Leila The Kiwi Mar 2020
I feel like
Every second
Is a

Just high thoughts 2020.
Leila The Kiwi Jun 2019
Can be
Composed of

Leila The Kiwi Jan 2020
I would scream for you if you would hear me.
I would burn this place to the ground if it meant you
would see the smoke.
I would ask for you to set me free.
I would because to you, I'm no more than a joke.

l.v.s and j.r.b
Leila The Kiwi Mar 2020
Trace your thoughts
Along my thighs

Engrave your secrets
Into my spine

You don't have to
Say a word
Just make me
Feel something

After all
We're told to

Leila The Kiwi Mar 2021
Such a delicate
Man you are

Sobbing at the sight
Of scuffed skin

As if you've never
Seen blood before

As if we weren't
Born within it

As if women haven't
Bled for thousands of years

A woman's blood
Is bountiful

A man's blood
Is brutal

But you're the one complaining?

Word generator poems
Leila The Kiwi Jan 2020
You leave a bad taste
In my mouth

There's no more to say.

Leila The Kiwi Feb 2017
May I take sandpaper
And use the rough edges
To scrape away
Each memory and thought
Till only lessons remain
From time spent with you

Leila The Kiwi Mar 2019
There's much potential
For kindness
But it doesn't happen
As often as it should...

It's such a reserved
World that we live in.

Leila The Kiwi May 2020
Don't just
Throw your

Don't turn me
Into somewhere
That holds
The things
Not sure
If you'll

Don't make
At home
If you

A word generator poem
Leila The Kiwi Nov 2017
Get off my back, ok?
I've got heaps of homework
I've got a practice internal
which looks completely difficult
I've got to pack for a field trip
even though I don't have all the things, but I'll make do
All of which has to be completed in two days.

I've been exhausted,
Haven't been getting enough sleep
I'm not ready for the pressure of school
My mind isn't on that level yet
Woken up this morning,
Nagged to do lots of things
As if this pressure isn't enough already.

It's only 9:50AM,
My day's starting to go down hill,
It's turning to ****.
Can't you see that I'm stressed out?
Can't you see I've got enough on my plate?
Can't you see I'm fighting back tears?
Can't you see I'm trying to motivate myself to do everything else?
Are you trying to bring me to my breaking point?
It sure as hell feels like it!

It makes me want to scream,
Throw things,
Yell and hit,
I want to have a break from all this,
Get away until I calm down
Can everything just be easy?

But I'll square my shoulders and hold my head high,
You won't see me cry.
No one will see me cry.
I'm not going to lose it,
I won't make a mess.
I'll handle it
Do my work,
Prepare everything
And try be positive.
I just need my headphones,
That's all I need
To block everyone out
And get things done.

Stay off my back?
All I ask for is two days.
Two days
Without extra pressure,

I found a poem I wrote about two years ago(?) and realized I hadn't posted it on here.
Leila The Kiwi Apr 2020
With each
Passing year
We're expected
To have
Our lives
Figured out

But at
The same
We're given
Mixed messages
                     Along with

I don't know
About you
But my life
Is a shambles

I've reached
The ripe young
Age of twenty
Which is only
A quarter
Of my life
If I am
Safe and healthy

So why?
Why must I
Feel guilty?
I've only just
Lost my
Training wheels

How could
I be
To have
A structured

Another word generator poem
Leila The Kiwi Jan 2022
I'm already the rainshine,
I come to our connection with my light
And dark coexisting.

I share myself without fear
Because I've learnt how to feel safe here.

But you're not quite there,
You're becoming.

You're beginning to realize
That blinding sunlight does not
Give the opportunity to see.

Through our collision
Perhaps you'll let some
Drops pitter patter and
Understand the magnificence
It can create.

Leila The Kiwi Sep 2020
You could hold me for the rest of your life
But if you don't tell me why you want to
It won't touch me as much as it probably should.

My love language is words of affirmation, physical touch didn't feel as intimate as it should have.
Leila The Kiwi Apr 2020
You've brought
Me to
Many heights

The air
A care

I didn't

Word generator poem
Leila The Kiwi Feb 2020
I'm fumbling
Don't know what
Key to pick
This chain
Is too heavy

I barred the door
To protect myself
What am I doing?
Why do such a thing?

Now these
Walls are crumbling
I can't believe


Leila The Kiwi Nov 2018
When things feel
Both so very wrong
And so very right
At the same time

It becomes
A fight
Within yourself.

Leila The Kiwi May 2016
The aggressive wind,
Doesn't knock softly on the door
He doesn't check to see if I want company
No, he's not that considerate.

The aggressive wind,
Wants his presence to be known.
He tackles my house,
My fighters spirit
And every last ounce of joy
To the cold hard ground.
Leaving me no other choice,
But to claw and drag
My way out.

The aggressive wind,
Is paying a visit tonight
Spitting hail in his wake
My body starts to quake.

The aggressive wind,
Never comes alone,
He's always joined by his
Dearest friend.
And I'm willing to bet
That the ice is going to set in
On the once sacred grounds
Of my heart.

So, aggressive wind,
Come on in,
Slide off your jacket
And take a seat.
Make yourself comfortable,
Because it's going to be a long night!

Leila The Kiwi Mar 2019
Bitter waves lap at my feet
Pleading me to come closer

Just a few small steps
And I'd be swept away.

A random thought I had after waking up.
Leila The Kiwi Mar 2020
I'm usually overlooked
Sitting beneath this willow
With a tin can at my feet

Many just carry on
But sometimes
Only sometimes
People share
The wealth
Of their smile
And kind eyes.

Leila The Kiwi Feb 2020
I can be
I'll bring a smile
To your face
It'll feel as if
You're next to
A soothing fire
Warm and comforting

But look around, please
Notice the bare trees
And snow falling
I hope you have a coat
Because things can be cold
Your teeth may chatter
You might be shivering

I hope you
Make snowmen
And have snowball fights
With me

We can lay before the light
But we can also find
An adventure in the elements

If you come here
For the cheerful soul
You were told about
I must prepare you
For me being a woman
With many seasons

If that's something
That you can bear
Then you can come near
I'll welcome you
With open arms

The title inspired this poem, I got a mental image of a cottage in the snow glowing from within.
Leila The Kiwi Jan 2019
Everyone has their story
I'm just trying to figure out
How mine goes

I just have to make sure
To keep moving forward
As the river of life flows

With some help from my cousin Matt
Leila The Kiwi Apr 2016
A thin sheet of ice borders the warm sea
You may ask:

"Logically speaking, wouldn't the ice melt away? The water would envelope the ice until, like the sea, it became warm. Your statement doesn't make sense"

I often ask myself that exact question
But, if there's a sudden cold snap and the mighty wind bites at the water,
Cooling it and allowing the ice to take hold
Why doesn't the warmth of the water fight to remain?
Shouldn't that large mass of water be able to swallow the ice before it's smothered and frozen?
If the water is so warm, surely it has that strength
Unfortunately, once the ice is joined by the vicious wind
That warm sea- which had created much joy and laughter, for those lucky enough to witness it- becomes overwhelmed and beaten into submission

Listen carefully, boy
When you gaze into the vast ocean of those eyes, into the very soul, of the woman you love
Maybe, just maybe
You'll realise that some things are more powerful than logic

When I wrote this I was in a writing mood but I wasn't sure what to write about. I decided I'd write about my eyes, which is what the first line is describing. The rest of the poem just flowed out and it's one of the few poems I've been completely happy with form the very beginning.
Leila The Kiwi Feb 2020
With his warm eyes
With his warm hands
With his worn days
When he looks at me
He sees who I truly am
And I let him

I didn't ask him to wipe his feet
When I welcomed him in
I trust him not to leave
A mess

I've invited him
Into my home
Invited him
Into myself

I hope he feels comfortable here.

Ahhh the joys of having a muse again
Leila The Kiwi Apr 2016
A soft caress of tears
The only source of comfort
In this hollow room
There's furniture
There's simple treasures
There's pictures on the wall
But none of it matters
Not at all

Where did everything go?
The laughter,
The warmth,
The companionship,
The love,
Why aren't you here?
This room is bare
No one's near

Once again,
I'm left alone.
In this room

Leila The Kiwi May 2020
I gave you the clothes off of my back,
And with nothing left-
Stitched you a sweater made out of my own veins.
Blood sweat and tears remain inside the fabric.
Effort that I put in,
Love was what I'd call it,

I watched
As you tossed
Aside my sweater
Swapped it out
For a store-bought coat

Leaving behind
Parts of me
As if they were
Just something
From another fool
To fall to his knees
At your feet

You once held my heart
And the majority
Of my mind

And now my sweater sits in the closet,
Strung up on a plastic hook.
Showing just how artificial your love was for me.
And when I'm cold I stare at it in temptation,
But it doesn't keep me warm anymore.

l.v.s and IM
Leila The Kiwi Jan 2020
I must
Stop dreading
Letters that
Have not

Leila The Kiwi May 2019
My cat smooched me
Resulting in
An idea

I should copy him
And let go
Of loose ends

Watch them fall
Upon the ground
Never to be

Just a random thought, he's letting go of a lot of things and I should too.
Leila The Kiwi Aug 2019
Stop looking down
Why do you decide
To walk a fine line?

There's more to this world
And you deserve better
Than tiptoeing a wire
That limits
Your direction

And another...
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