it's been two years since I've set my eyes on you but I'm still shedding tears and still feelin' blue because i know deep down I'm a bit slow and you got your crown from your queen a long time ago having a teen crush is never easy
i crave to have friends when i am alone crave to make amends for myself but i should've known i would want to be alone when i'm next to my 'friends' so i just scroll on my phone igoring the loose ends i'm leaving every single day
anxiety doesn't suddenly appear it's there because of others and when we look drear we try to drag our covers up and up hiding our tired faces because we don't want to cleanup and show others traces of our weaknesses
i love writing in a cabin next to the warm fire as the ashes blacken and my hands tire but there's always warm soup on cold days as my eyes droop and i know it's time for me to sleep
the urge to somehow **** myself painlessly and allow myself to walk around aimlessly is starting to creep up and up as shampoo dripped down from my hair and i say to myself when...?
snow is pretty. why? because it falls from the sky and pause when it lies on the ground i get drowned in the endless white where the light ceased to exist
feels like everyone's angry at me but i ain't aiming my gun at them because I'm done being mad all the time and i just wanna have fun so i felt light and happy and went for a run for the first time in a few weeks