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 Dec 2015 JWL
Joseph Paris
Some place where fame

holds no sway

Some world where violets

never fade

Somewhere someday...

Lies a dream reborn within a dream

Dreams overturn reality

When your thoughts flare with the stars

It's impossible to be an artist

With your feet on solid earth

In all the antiquity of art

we live in a time that barely notices

that while our ideas may levitate

the course world keeps our feet pinned down

We can try and float above the expectations

But the tyrant label will tie us to the earth

Shamed with the name of “struggling artist”

Which you don’t rise above

Instead you sit

With a copper coin cup at your feet

Selling your soul daily

In the torments of time

When I look into the deep eyes of art

I see this lack and struggle and longing

and I am thrown back into despair,

into the starved storms of any fading morning

The best we can do

Is turn the despair

Into something worth admiring

Take the past

And display it

On our present-day canvases

The world is stacked against the very idea

of taking creativity seriously,

except as a hobby,

yet we try anyway

although we know this from the start,

because the alternative,


does not satisfy our restless minds  

I clench my fists in the corner of the room

As the eyes stay fixed to silicon screens

Everything turns a hazy shade of blue

As social media fills the air

All I want to do is write a poem

One filled with imagery that contains no character limit

About how the eyes of the lonely

Stay glued to phones

Dominating our reality

But is the scene truly filled?

Or is it a vast emptiness?

How real is real?

That tells me that we, the sensitive different types, need one another

Or they will surely clone us

In their own image

So I encourage you

Breathe poetry

Cry paint

Do not let the world turn you monotonous

for the second we lose

Those colorful tears

And those darkly beautiful words

We lose something more than a hobby

We lose a life worth living

Or else it's a black and white reality at best

Although some see style in the monochromatic

I prefer colors and light

Enough to see

It's a black and white world without you,

It's a black and white world without you

Sarah Kersey
Joseph Paris
 Nov 2015 JWL
Brandi R Lowry
She weeps not for the shore
As distance creates a shadow
She embraces the current
Becoming the wave
And gently pushes her sea home

She chases not the sun
As the day is put to rest
She is the moonlight
That cradles the stars
Tightly to her *******

She yearns not
Her pain-streaked tears
That fall below her feet
She is the soil beneath her toes
Her pain now colors the tree

She worries not
The flowers' bloom
Or the leaves that fall like rain
She is the wind
That will kiss the ground
And sweep it all away
 Nov 2015 JWL
Jesse Davey
I often picture you and I, in my minds eye.

What we could have been? Where we could have gone?
What we could have done?

When I picture us, we are together in the perfect union. A flawless partnership.

My strengths are the pillars to support your weaknesses, and yours to mine.

Our love is the indescribable force which motivates me to do better in times of challenge and That support us in times of pain.

Why can't you see? It is a true injustice that you cannot!
I long for an end to this limitation.

I yearn for you to be able peer into my minds eye, even for but a moment. To see what we could be.
 Nov 2015 JWL
Jesse Davey
Soul Mate
 Nov 2015 JWL
Jesse Davey
It's Dark in here.

I feel the Cold against the pores of my skin. Raw, Numb.
I draw a breath. The air - Icy, Damp and Wet.

I'm trapped inside the forgetton area of my Heart which beats so slowly, almost stopped.
The space in all our Hearts which we do not acknowledge exists.

It's Dark in here.

I'm locked, jailed, forbidden to leave.
I'm a prisinor of my own soul.
Despair my Prison Guards.
Hopelessness my Warden.
Loneliness my Executioner.

It's Dark in here.

I'm beginning to fade. I want to be free, and I think there is only One way. One way to stop the Cold. One way to escape. Yes, there is only One way to find any peace.
I am enveloped in a darkness that is strangling the spark from my existence.

It's Dark in here, without You.


You, the one who is the Light to my Darkness.
The Solution to my life's question.
The Laughter to my sadness.
The Fulfilment to my utter emptiness.
The Warmth to my bitterly cold existence.
The Cure to my terminal sickness.
The Soul Mate to my heart.

It's not Dark here anymore. For when I think of you, I am Free.
 Nov 2015 JWL
Jack Thompson
 Nov 2015 JWL
Jack Thompson
Have you ever stumbled upon someone life-shatteringly special?
You lose your breath and can't think straight.
But somehow they've stuck around.
Feeling like a stunned vegetable to your innocent charisma.

Like divine intervention we met in the most unlikely of ways.
We hit it off and spent hours together, confined and stressed.
How did we get along so well?
How did we manage to learn more together than alone?
How did we manage to find each other in this big world?
I'll always wonder if there is more to this story.
Answers to my plaguing questions that rule my emotional state.

I don't know how to describe what it is I feel in a rational way.
It doesn't serve rationale.
Writing it all down or saying it only compounds how crazy I must sound.
But I'm not a loony bin. On the contrary, you are just infinitely more special than you realise!

But I'll not skip a note nor bump a chord.
Because I see you so finely in all your elegance.
A beauty which radiates in an innocent manifestation.
I can't tell if everyone else can see it also.
They must?!
I must have no chance here.
I know I should cut my losses and move on.
Hope to find this feeling once more.
But something from beyond the blackened ether of midnight skies and space dust tells me to keep trying.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2015
She thanks him for the scars she got
As they helped her become numb
She thanks him for the tears she wept
As they helped her become strong
She thanks him for her crushed hopes
As they helped her to grow up
She thanks him for the words he threw
As they helped her build her walls
She thanks him for the worst years of her life
As they helped her appreciate the years later

Yet she curses him for all the innocence he tarnished
As she now sees the world and its reality.
Time can heal wounds but can't make you forget them
 Nov 2015 JWL
Holly Peppy
 Nov 2015 JWL
Holly Peppy
She Has wishes
Like everybody does
She has a Dreams
Yet to be fulfilled
She has a Plans
which she thinks for
She has a Hope
A broken Hope
About her wishes
About Her Dreams
About her Plans
But here she wants to decamp
Far away :
Where no one finds her
No one looks for her
Yes! She is trying to run away
From all her Dreams,
From all her plans and hopes
Because She is a distracted girl
A hopeless girl, A failure
A broken and betrayed girl
From her ones, but once
May be twice, thrice or more!!
 Nov 2015 JWL
Best friend
 Nov 2015 JWL
Ambitious and cheerful
She smiles
And fills our days
With giggles
And contagious laughter

But as you look into her eyes
Her beautiful brown eyes
A bird stripped from its wings
Yearning to be free
Free from all the sorrows
Sorrows of today
And maybe of tomorrow

She's a warrior
Who never gives up
A sonnet
Beautiful and graceful
A diamond in the rough
Waiting for the perfect time to shine

She's my inspiration
My reason to look forward to the day
My partner in crime
My **best friend
I love you H ❤
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