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 Nov 2015 Jessica H
Katie Ann
I would have waited for you
if you had said
I would have waited for you
if you had said
other than
 Nov 2015 Jessica H
Katie Ann
people know what they are capable of
you knew that you would ruin me
before you even knew me
and yet,
that didn't stop you
 Nov 2015 Jessica H
Don't break my heart and walk away
Then come back and expect me to welcome you back

Don't think that my heart is your stool (seat)
You can sit on and relax and watch me make a fool (of myself)

You may have run out of your supply and need a naive like me
But don't expect that fools will not grow wise one day
Your behavior's so predictable,  stone blinds shall stare
 Nov 2015 Jessica H
Don't make me laugh
Your not in love with me
Let me tell you why
It's just your fantasy

Cause this is not love
You surely are mistaken
You've never felt love 
or anything close to it
Cause you never had 
love to under stand
You were too busy with pleasing
Standing up to expectations
Trying to fit a larger than life figure
Chasing dreams that were impossible
You drove yourself harder 
Hoping that somehow you'd make up for the affection you did not receive.
Your running on empty 
And empty is all you can give.

Love is not keeping yourself bottled
And taking flight for the smallest threat.
To your grandiosity.
Love is not sending cryptic clues
Trying to gauge responses
Love is not in hiding
But in making itself felt
Love's presence is silent
Yet the warmth radiates.

So I have nothing to expect from you.
Your tethering is not astonishing
I can understand the see-saw you feel inside.
An emotional wave you fear to ride.

So it's best we let bygones be what they are meant to be.
Don't start the process all over.
Try not to kindle the spark
Cause the fires have blown over.
I've healed myself, of the emptiness you've left behind.
I am not turning back this time.
My resolve is deep,  my mind made up.
I have promises made to myself.
To live a full life and always be content.

So, heads up I walk into my future
Closing the door of my past.
Letting go of the riddle of a relationship
And leaving the hurt behind.
You are now a closed chapter.
The book I could not complete.
Sometimes they just don't get it when it's over.
The narcissist asked the mirror......

Mirror mirror on the wall
who is the fairest of them all

Not you said the mirror
with brutal honesty

No amount of make up
will cover your "fake" up
your life needs a shake up
and you my dear, need to wake up

My dear the mirror went on,
You want to hide your ugly personality inside
I see you for who you really are
Not some bright shining star
That you always seem to think you are

Your poor husband who is dead
to whom your ******* was fed
worked his **** off to provide the daily bread
and YOU alone are responsible for his bloodshed

My dear as Reality bites
why don't you stop with these stupid fights
said the mirror
 Nov 2015 Jessica H
Katie Ann
Maybe if you liked yourself a little less,
You could have liked me.
 Nov 2015 Jessica H
just the idea of you loving me
makes me love you
I wonder if that makes me a narcissist
or just someone who’s been lonely for a very very long time
 Nov 2015 Jessica H
Silby lline
I wish it were easy to forget
the nice things, such small things and yet
one nice word keeps me hanging on
I forget all of the things you've done wrong
Those times when you called me a *****
and all of that nasty *******.
When you smile, your words get swept under
and I forget that the bad guy exists.

Your soul is so weak it seeks me to defeat
and I allow it to win every time.
I'm a sucker for every punch line.
You couldn't know how I feel
or maybe you do and you're loving the deal
I never stay angry for long
with me you can have what ever you want.
So now when you pick up my calls
I'll know its not me that you're wanting at all
Just a promise of somebody there
And me, silly me - I love you
and you -
Just love,  how much I care.
 Nov 2015 Jessica H
Oliver Twist
Changing molds
so i can force myself
through a you shaped hole.
I cut myself Down
to the image that I think you see in me.
In the mirror I can't see myself,
Much less imagine actually being me.

Who am I?
Well, This is it.
I'm a mess and a misfit.
the one who's got it figured out
but really doesn't know ****.
I'm the people pleaser
who never gets what she desires
and then wonders why the emptiness continues to transpire.
I like to deny the fact that I'm a liar.
I like to create
comfortable places in my head
where feelings can go unfelt
and things can be left unsaid.

Just a million little pieces.
My faces.
switched off and on in different places. Different phases.
A million little pieces of you
and every one I knew.
Now I can't find who I am.
Just what I was in my memories.
I can't decide who i was
ever even trying please.

At ease.
I pray for God
to break me down to my core.
To give me strength to stand up
For the things I love and adore.
To never hide behind lies,
sit back and slip
Right through your fingertips.
To be true to my soul
and really start to exist.

— The End —