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Fidgety Midget Jun 2015
I feel like I am drowning, but there is no water
I feel like I am falling, but my feet are on the ground
I feel like I am suffocating, but my lungs fill with air
I feel like I am dead, but still my heart beats on
This is what I feel like, now that you are gone
Fidgety Midget Mar 2015
My heart yearns for what's past
its like a dull ache
I tell it not to be silly but it doesn't listen
My head may speak logic
but my heart cannot deny my true feelings

I know I will never get you back
I know that there are no spells
to to wake you from your eternal slumber
but still my heart yearns
Fidgety Midget Feb 2015
Grief is like a broken mirror
At first you may be smashed to pieces
you may find all the pieces
and glue them back together
however the  cracks will still be there
your reflection will never be the same
Fidgety Midget Feb 2015
For you suicide offered quick relief
For those of us left behind
nothing but grief
Fidgety Midget Feb 2015
With your eyes you saw deep into my soul
at that point, over me, you had complete control

With your hands you explored me
in anticipation of your touch
you were the lord of me

My ears heard your words of love
and made me let go,  all inhibitions of

Your mouth smothered me with tender kisses
Now as my mind wanders, of it often  reminisces

With my nose, I smelt your skin
which sent my head into a total spin

When my heart skipped a beat
I knew my love  for you was concrete
Fidgety Midget Feb 2015
I don't believe Heaven and Hell
So why I am I talking to you as if I do?
You can't hear me anyway
Fidgety Midget Feb 2015
I just freaked out
What the **** was that all about

that's who

My first date since your death
I stood on my doorstep
it took a moment to catch my breath

I wanted to run back  inside
to go under my quilt, sob and hide

Guilt plagues me
but my determination aides me

The first step is done
but this was only a dry run
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