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That moment when your brain betrays your heart

It happens in slow motion

and all you can do is watch.
These moments are not easily forgotten
You must be perfect
Never mess up

Be beautiful
Never average

Be smart
But not too smart

Be silly
But not ridiculous

No you're too fat
Too tall
Your hair is too frizzy
And what's with the bangs?

What are you thinking?
You look like a nerd
You want to look smart
But not that smart

You're far too quiet
Be louder
But not so loud you're annoying
You'll never fit in

Just be perfect
Don't make any mistakes
Oh wait
It's too late for that

You stupid human
You're too human
You're supposed to be perfect
It's what everyone expects
But you're failing miserably
Keep your friends close
But your enemies closer

It's a good rule
But here's a better one:

If you want to survive
Keep 'em all at least
An arms' length away

Because if you let them in
When they leave
And they will leave

It just might **** you
I know from experience
Dear old best friend,

I am fine without you
Things are going well
I'm fine
Really I am
I don't need you


P.S. Everything above was totally a lie

P.S. I'm so not fine

P.S. I miss you

P.S. I need you

P.S. This pain is killing me

P.S. I loved you

P.S. When I said goodbye I meant it

P.S. Tell the world I'm sorry

P.S. I'm leaving now

P.S. Please stop me if you care
No I'm not committing suicide
To make a poem is simple
All you need is

Nights of tears
A bit of blood
A lot of pain
A touch of peace
Heaps of feelings

All you need is

Pure exhaustion

All you need is

A whole load of

Then when that explodes
Out of your body
You just need to somehow direct
All of it onto
A piece of paper

That's how you make poetry
Not that I would really know.... To all the true poets, I'm sorry, I don't mean to be cocky by assuming that I can write poetry. I know that I can't, I'm just trying to summarize how I write, no matter how bad it is
I wish I could hate you
I honestly do
Then maybe I'd eat something
Or perhaps I'd feel something
I love you though
I wish I could stop
I wish I didn't stress myself out
Trying to be everything you want
I wish that I wasn't depressed
Maybe I would've been
I wish I could **** myself.
I wish I didn't have to remember your embrace.
I wish I could still have it.
It was never mine.
It's not like I was important enough to be given that.
I'm gonna start drinking again
I don't care
Let me waste away.
I don't want to hate you but I wish I could to help me mend
But no thanks

I don't want your wings
I don't want to fly

I've been dropped on my face
Too many times

So thanks,
But no thanks

I don't want to soar
I don't want to own the sky

I'm scared of heights
You see

So thanks,
But no thanks

I don't trust you
And I never will
So just leave
I have trust issues
 Jun 2015 Jennifer Stewart
do not compliment me
or speak in tongues of hope
because I am not worthy of such reassuring things

I am constantly reminded by every other
that I need to work
for worth
and I haven't even
punched in
on the clock
with you yet

so instead of letting me relax
and ease in gracefully
put me to work like a slave
because that is all I know
and anything else
must be fictitious
I'm sorry that I cry
And that I want to die

It's not like I asked to be this way
It's just who I am

I'm sorry that I lie
It's not like I try

It's only when I have to
To hold my cover

I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
This is so stupid, sorry
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