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I'm not sick, i don't have an eating disorder and i'm not getting "too thin"

It's not like i lose a lot of weight.. Maybe 3-4 pounds a week.
But then i gain it back and lose a little more the next time.

My demons laugh, everytime i resist a piece of food.
They're proud of me, cause i'm still standing. Even after being empty for so long.

I'm not sick, i don't have an eating disorder, and i'm not getting "too thin"
I'm becoming a better me
 Jun 2015 Jennifer Stewart
You say you want to kiss me
And I'm sure you really do
But you only want to kiss me
So I can admire you
You don't love me at all,
Obviously you're with him
I'm tired of being someone to use
It's terrible. She only wants to kiss me to try. She doesn't love me. And while she kisses me she has someone to go home to, cuddle, love. But me, I have nothing
Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But words will never hurt me

That's true


Broken bones
Give pain that causes strength

And words will not just hurt me
They will be what kills me

It's all about
Your *interpretation
Random, but hey, whatever.... Title ideas?
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