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Talk to me
let the words that have been colliding in your mind
As you wring your hands
and as a crease forms between your eyes
I will be here
simply listening
I will always be here
This ones for you and you'll know who you are.
Not you like ive written about before, but you who I wish to address right now...

You have suffered and you have fought,
Yet your determination is so well-wrought.
If these are the times in which you hurt most,
Then life is a demon and you are its host.

Don't let this world around you depict who you are,
You can make it out, the end isnt far.
There is strength in you where others saw none,
Fight these battles knowing you've already won.

If that tree is to fall, there are those that would hear,
If you fell in that crowd, I amongst others would tend to your care.
I am but a stranger to you, as you are to me,
It takes the aid of another to help the "blind man" see.

To you Nicole, yes this is for you
You shan't deny that my rhymes here are true.
No longer shall you, be held together by glue,
But wake up tomorrow to skies full of blue.
~ For Nicole ~
In my country, in the native tongue of 'Te Reo Maori" we have a saying
"Kia Kaha" and I say it to you now. Translated it means simply "forever strong" and you, are, forever strong
I have a knack
For putting babies to sleep
No one knows how
Or why

But I have a
Slight idea

I believe
That babies
Can hear my
Invisible tears
When no one else can

And they mistake that
For the sound of
Soothing rain
And that is why they sleep
I wish
There was no gravity
So people wouldn't get hurt
When there's no one there to catch them

When they fall

It is always our mind that separate us from our own soul.
Bombing every district with our words
Burning every houses with our sentences

Why it is always;
give and give -- if your kind
take and take -- if your greed

Did actually there is no give and take?

We live this world with an open mind
Believing that if we could explore more
Our world will expand into something bigger

Did they even realize that we live now in a bigger world with a bigger heads but narrower minds?

Wake up world
We've got bigger heads but narrower minds.
Why there is always a boundary between our heart and mind?

China | war| Philippines

It is just a piece of a land

Why not sharing instead of battling?
Be aware* of thy words

You could be a killer

Through the sharpness of your words,
You stabbed me.
It hurt so much knowing that it cut deep through.
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