there are lots of things i don't know about you
yet there are more that you don't know about me.
i'm bipolar, i know you know that.
i'm somehow moody... obviously
i'm this close to telling you everything but,
i won't
or will i?
then what?
will you still let me do anything the way i wanted to?
will you let me smoke my lungs out?
will you let me have another tattoo and
will you still love me the same?
every moment i spend with you is another memory
stored inside my head
there are times i forgot how you used to smell...
even though that it was the smell that wanted to fall asleep to...
there are moments i forgot how you look like,
how you talk, how you walk, how you smile or laugh..
how you say i love you
how you cry when you say it...
there are times, i cry alone thinking that there are special moments
that i'll forget.
there are special memories
that i'll never remember after.
then, there's... *you
i'm actually hoping this is not going to happen...
but i would never regret the days i made memories with you.
don't worry, i'm doing my best to be better.