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Janica Katricia Oct 2016
bodies' warmth as the sun heats up the sky.
we continue to move while we were burning
into the flames
once we thought was dangerous to play with.
Janica Katricia Sep 2016
i've always dreamed of sleeping in your arms
from the day i was conscious enough.
i dreamed of smelling the breakfast you made
and the scent of the detergent you used to wash my clothes.
also dreamed of going home to warm hugs and

"how's your day?"

sometimes, i wished you saw me singing on stage
with the friends you told me to stay away from.

however, they became my family instead.

i wish i get the love i expected as a child.

but it never happened as far as i can remember.

never happened to get great hugs from you when i feel sad
never happened to get enough appreciation on things i sacrifice for you.

i never got the simple things a daughter like me
could ever ask for.

never did. *maybe
this is just a short note of things i want to say to my mom. i may appear as a bad daughter but all i wanted was to be treated like a good daughter too.
Janica Katricia Sep 2016
silence was her music
when it was his best friend.
she became the light
when he rose from the darkness.

dim lights caressed him
with her scent sweet as rose
they may have some differences,
yet, love was found when their roads crossed.

now every thing is colorful
all that was black and white.
still they made grey their color
its the starting point
when they started

*living life
Janica Katricia Sep 2016
no one but the demons
that kept me down.


caressing me with darkness

that's all they can offer.

and with no hesitations.

i took it.

The whole thing
Janica Katricia Sep 2016
i'm just tired.
not giving up.
emotions mixing up.
they never left.

the temporary feelings.
they seemed to grow.
but not for good.
but they will be staying for a while.

i tried to stop them
yet they won't listen.
i tried to scream for help
but no one cared to listen.
Janica Katricia Aug 2016
there are lots of things i don't know about you
yet there are more that you don't know about me.

i'm bipolar, i know you know that.
i'm somehow moody... obviously
i'm this close to telling you everything but,
i won't

or will i?

then what?

will you still let me do anything the way i wanted to?

will you let me smoke my lungs out?

will you let me have another tattoo and

will you still love me the same?

every moment i spend with you is another memory
stored inside my head

there are times i forgot how you used to smell...
even though that it was the smell that wanted to fall asleep to...

there are moments i forgot how you look like,
how you talk, how you walk, how you smile or laugh..

how you say i love you

how you cry when you say it...

there are times, i cry alone thinking that there are special moments
that i'll forget.

there are special memories

that i'll never remember after.

then, there's... *you
i'm actually hoping this is not going to happen...
but i would never regret the days i made memories with you.

don't worry, i'm doing my best to be better.
Janica Katricia Aug 2016
you gave meaning to the songs on the radio.
making your favorite song be my jam.
you made those simple city lights glitter
though i haven't seen you all my life,

we wasted time wishing
we wasted time talking
yet you gave me lessons i couldn't forget
and you became a mistake i wouldn't regret.

you somehow made me the person who i am today
you somehow became the reason to wake up everyday

to wake up and hope for a better day,
gave me reason to smile even you're the one who got away.

from a far there are moments we almost have met
but yet you just destined, it's just not that moment yet.

we kept and wished for every day...
you said you almost loved me...
but you went away

thank you for walking away when i finally wanted you
thank you for leaving when i needed you.

thank you for letting me realize and have him do your job.
he does it the best by the way. Now, it is him that i love.
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