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Hussein Dekmak Nov 2019
If you go through a raging storm,
Have your life colored with sorrow,
And taste the wine of pain;
It is all good!

If you go through a bad experience,
Have your heart broken to pieces,
And your rosy dreams shattered;
It is all good!

If you go through a venture of failure,
Suffer through a dreadful  hardship,
And struggle to make ends meet;
It is all good!

After all, “What doesn't break you makes you stronger.”
Sorrow, tears, and pain will shape
Your personality and make it shine
With beauty, love, and humanity!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Nov 2019
You are the whisper of love.
You are a thousand roads to kindness.
You are God's image and daily prayers!

You are the color of spring.
You are the fragrance of the flowers.
You are the smell of freshly baked cake!

You are all of the beautiful melodies of the birds.
You are the charming smiles on the faces of people,
Painted with a rainbow of inspiration and optimism!

You are the  twinkling stars.
You are the new dawn wrapped
with renewed promise; the sunshine!

Your soft words are a sweet song that touches hearts,
Makes faces glow with smiles,
And fills minds with hope and inspiration!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Oct 2019
I am black with a beautiful heart.
I am brown with a beautiful heart.
I am white with a beautiful heart.
I am a man with a beautiful heart.
I am a woman with a beautiful heart.
I am old with a beautiful heart.
I am disabled with a beautiful heart.
I am Judaist with a beautiful heart.
I am Christian with a beautiful heart.
I am Muslim with a beautiful heart.
I am Hindu with a beautiful heart.
I am Buddhist with a beautiful heart.
I am foreign with a beautiful heart.
I am a human with a beautiful heart!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Oct 2019
Eye contact,
Unspoken letters on the lips,
Soft smiles on faces;
Entwined hearts for eternity!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Oct 2019
Soar above your pains by coddling them.
Rise above your wounds by embracing them.
Ascend above your sorrows by accepting them!

Intertwine them, hold tight to their emotional charge,
Convert them to positive energy, and
Make them a part of your prayer temple!

Your wound is the place
Where flowers will blossom
With a rainbow of spring colors!

Your pain is the place
Where your cure will emerge
with the birth of a new dawn and renewed purpose!

Your sorrow is the place
Where joy will bud
With a life full of hope and optimism!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Sep 2019
Always Remember:
Hope comes after despair!
Cure after pain!
Smiles after tears!
Laughter after cries!
Health after sickness!

Love after hate!
Joy after sorrow!
Healing after forgiveness!
A newborn life after labor!
Eternal life after death!

Light after darkness!
Dawn after night!
Blue skies after storm!
Spring after winter!
Beautiful landscape after rain!

Hussein Dekmak
Hussein Dekmak Aug 2019
When a housekeeper pours her heart into her work, making your home Clean and shining,
Say thank- you!

When a waitress greets you with a warm smile, and tries her best to Provide you a quality service,
Say thank- you!

When a mailman struggles to deliver your mail, fighting through Challenging weather,
Say thank-you!

Make others feel valued,
Express your gratitude,
Lighten their day with words of appreciation,
Embrace them with humanity, and treat them with kindness!

Hussein Dekmak
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