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Jan 2015 · 7.9k
regrets (10w)
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
the thing is
i loved you
than i should've
Jan 2015 · 465
Let me sleep (10w)
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
the **** reason
i'm still
at 3 am
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
Put your feelings into words and they will be magnified.
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
I'm sorry, okay
I'm sorry for breaking down
I'm sorry for showing my weakness
I'm so sorry for showing you that I, too, cry
That I, too, am human
That I have exactly the same feelings as everyone else and crying is how I choose to let it out
I'm sorry for showing you my tears
I'm sorry that I showed my vulnerable side to you and that you'll never see me the same way again
I'm sorry that I was tired of being strong
I'm sorry that I need to cry just to get back up stronger
I'm sorry that on that day I couldn't stop the tears from falling
I'm sorry for not bottling up my emotions
Jan 2015 · 595
Fire and Water
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
I was as pure as water and you were raging fire
We tried so hard to stay together
but look!
Even nature's telling us that we should be apart
only ended up hurting each other
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
Take risks
Accept the challenge
Grab the opportunity
Test your limits
Push your boundaries
Find the joy in hardships
Find the light in the darkness

Climb that mountain
Take an art class
Learn a new instrument
Take that Zumba class you've been dying to go to
Discover - or rediscover - your passion
Take that leap of faith
For what's standing in between the you now and the you you want to be
is fear

Find your passion*
Because it is *so
important to have something that drives you everyday
Discover your strengths and even your weaknesses
Find your passion and hold on to it and when you find it,
Promise me, you'll hold on to something so precious
because some aren't lucky enough to recognize their passion
Pursue it
Be the best in your field
Be the best you can ever be
Be the best teacher
Be the best chef
Be the best astronaut
And if you fail, it's okay
If you fail again, it's okay
If you fail once more... well, it's still okay
Because what matters is that you stand every time you fall
You get back up and try again
Never let one failure keep you down
Be stronger than the weight pulling you down
Rise to the top
but never step on flowers just to see the sunrise
And I assure you, once you find your passion
And you pursue it
You dedicate every waking moment to it
You will feel better, do better, think better, be more inspired
Use this to inspire others and help them find their passion
Jan 2015 · 686
Resolution 2: Acceptance
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
Accept all the things that come your way
Walk into each day with arms wide open ready for whatever may come

Accept the *good

and rejoice when you do
Accept all the love that gravitates towards you
and allow good feelings to flow through each vein in your body
and allow each nerve to be energized with this feeling
Go for that free hug on the street
Eat that molten chocolate lava cake you've been eyeing for weeks
Be good to yourself
Take a break from all your worries
And reflect this good into the world
Because the world is just a big mirror
Everything bouncing back to you

Accept the bad
because what is living without the challenge?
Accept your losses and come back stronger
Accept your bad feelings, for they make you human
Make mistakes and most importantly, learn from them
Accept that you can't be perfect, no matter how hard you try
Embrace that imperfection, you are beautiful
Accept every challenge, hardship and bump you encounter
Approach it with your heart as your armor, ready to conquer it
Accept the bad, and learn to use it in a good way

Accept everything
For they complete you
They make you you
They give you lessons you'll never learn in classrooms
They give you this new perspective on things that makes you understand everything just a tad bit better
And maybe by next year, I would've learned how to accept.
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
i found myself
when i lost you
Jan 2015 · 615
Leave (10w)
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
find your way
the crevices
of my
Jan 2015 · 814
Pope Francis
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
he gives me
that there are still
people left
in this world
of darkness
Jan 2015 · 2.0k
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
How important it is
To have a friend
A bestfriend
Someone who won't leave you
No matter what
No matter how hard or complicated thins get
They'd always understand
They'd always be there

Someone who will catch you
When you free fall into the unknown
Someone who will be there to say
"I told you so!"
When you go don't listen to their advice
Someone to laugh with
And more importantly, someone to cry with
Someone who knows you better than yourself
Someone who will know your type of guy
Someone who can smell trouble
Someone who will defend you and will stand up for you
Someone who will stand in front of you and take all the pain in the world just so that you wouldn't get hurt
Someone that is worth keeping and
Someone that is worth fighting for
Jan 2015 · 338
Please don't
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
If you ask me out
Through a poem
I might not have the power
To resist and so I'll have to say
Jan 2015 · 587
Resolution 1: Find love
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
Find love
Learn to recognize it in the vast forms it may take
From a simple smile from a stranger
To meeting the one

Be ready to accept it with open arms,
As it may come unexpected
Receive love and most importantly
Learn to reciprocate it

When it does come,
Do not be selfish with it
Do not hide it or keep it to yourself
Plant the seed of love
So that you may produce more flowers, showing its beauty

When it wishes to leave,
It will hurt you
You will want to hold on to it
You will want to do everything humanly possible to make it stay
But it just won't
It can't
It wouldn't
It shouldn't**

Let love go
Release the selfish grips of your arms
That may have hurt you
And let someone else receive it
Let someone else experience
That magical feeling that love once gave you
And I promise,
Love will come back to you again someday
And hopefully by that time,
Love will be here to stay
Inspired by Phil Kaye and Sarah Kay's When Love Arrives
Jan 2015 · 441
My ex-favorite song
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
There was this one song
I knew by heart
that I used to love and
No matter how many times I heard it
or no matter how many times it replayed
I'd never get tired of it
I'd sing along to each lyric
Memorize each beat
But ever since that day
You ruined my favorite song
Jan 2015 · 2.0k
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
Being in gymnastics
Is like being in an abusive relationship
Everything just tells you "NO"
But you still stay

From the bars,
And how it releases the grips of your hands
To the beam,
Which only aims to make you wobble and fall off
To the vault,
Running full speed to it only to make you miss the vault
To the floor,
Wherein you try to flip and twist only to be defeated by Newton's law of gravity

With the stupid scoring system
Pointing out every flaw
With a deduction
Just cause your bra strap is showing

And how we are trained to achieve the unachievable —
How every move is supposed to be precise
Every muscle squeezed and tight —

And the fact that
You'll never actually be the best
There's always a harder skill
After you've achieved what you may think
Is your "hardest"

It pushes you
To your breaking point
Forcing you to be
This perfect formed strong gymnast
Which pays so much costs
Literally blood, sweat and tears

It tells you that
Every ******* time you fall
You just gotta get back up
And try again
That no matter how much sore you are
You gotta **** it up
And do it again
And again and again and again
Until you finally get it

But there are these magical moments
those little moments of pure happiness
When you get a skill you've been working on
When coach praises you for your improvement
When you get over your fear
And when you stand on top of that platform
Knowing you gave it your all

These moments
Are what keep us going
These moments
Are what we come back for
Time after time after leaving the gym saying
"I hate training!"
There's just something about
These moments so special
That keeps us wanting more

And I will never
Stop loving gymnastics
No matter how many times it hurts me
Jan 2015 · 304
Love is a choice
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
What I should've realized
Long before
Is that
Loving you
Was always and forever will be
A choice
Which was mine to make

And this time
I choose not to
Jan 2015 · 1.2k
ten words of moving on
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
but true
I have learned
to live
Jan 2015 · 1.8k
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
Tanga! Manhid! Pangit!

Mga katagang ibinibigay ko sayo
Sa pag-asang malilimutan ng puso ko
Kung gaano kita minahal
Jan 2015 · 988
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
I dreamt so big today
That it literally
Gave me the chills
If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
it can get so
devastatingly &
having no one to run to? or talk to in the middle of the night? no one to understand what you're going through? no one to be there no matter what even when you grow older? pretty **** lonely.
Jan 2015 · 375
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
to live without the pressure to exist
is the true meaning of freedom
Jan 2015 · 615
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
What is there to be ashamed of in poetry?
Jan 2015 · 379
first move
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
Make the first move
Go on, I dare you

Make the first move
Before I lose control, ****** I miss you
Jan 2015 · 349
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
If you're so bad for me
Then tell me, why
Do the best parts of me
Come out when I'm with you?
Jan 2015 · 388
six words
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
i miss you
and it hurts
so. effin. much.
Jan 2015 · 517
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
I hate how you inspire me,
Enough to write poems about you
And to write words
That encompass your beauty

But mostly, I hate that you don't seem to care that I think about you in this way.
Jan 2015 · 584
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
I would rather
Use short, shallow, and everyday words
Which epitomize my feeling
Use big, deep, and unusual words
In which my feelings get lost
Jan 2015 · 298
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
It's so selfish
to not want
to go to school
while others work
so hard
just to get some education
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
bhebhe luvs
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
you know dat feel
when your heart goes
tibok tibok
and your hands
become pasmado
and you get jabar
and da butterflies
fly around in ur tiyan

its dat feel
when u see
Jan 2015 · 82.9k
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
we aren't mute
we aren't shy
we aren't strangers

yet we remain with not a word escaping our mouths, staring into little rectangles of light.
Dec 2014 · 663
For Granted. (10w)
Gwen Pimentel Dec 2014
I was there when she wasn't

Gwen Pimentel Dec 2014
my new year started
the moment your eyes met mine
the moment your lips met mine
the moment our bodies intertwined

and that's when the sparks flew
our sparks flew
brighter than the fireworks within my view

and that's when I knew
that this is forever
Dec 2014 · 3.0k
Gwen Pimentel Dec 2014
Pursuing your dream with no excuses
Aiming for the best while
Staying humble
Stay grounded to your roots and
If you are brought down, stand up and keep going
On and on and on and remember,
No one else will help you, but yourself
getting the feels because i'm about to quit my sport and i just want to hold on to every single training hoping it would never end
Dec 2014 · 861
one last question (19w)
Gwen Pimentel Dec 2014
If you knew
it would end like this,
would you still have loved me
as much as you did?
Dec 2014 · 345
Gwen Pimentel Dec 2014
Look closer and see
The flawed, real me
And if you wish,
Stay, give me a kiss

Look closer and see
The goodness in me
Like no one else has
Maybe this time, it'd last
Dec 2014 · 270
Gwen Pimentel Dec 2014
I feel like a writer
Trapped inside a body
Which has absolutely no idea
How to put
Thoughts into words
Dec 2014 · 10.2k
Gwen Pimentel Dec 2014
I play,
And my world disappears
My surroundings fade
Until there is nothing but my piano
Perfectly echoing my voice without words

I play,
I play to the beat of my heart
Letting it direct me
Letting the music flow through my blood
And through every vain in my body
Until every inch of my body is aching to hear the music
Making me feel alive
Like nothing else can

I play
Because the piano calls me
And we become one
With some broken keys here and there
That produces the perfect imperfect sound
With every key hit and a piano string pulled,
My heartstrings get played in harmony

I play
And the sound engulfs my world
Note by note
Measure by measure
Piece by piece

I play
On a broken piano
But I have never felt so whole
Dec 2014 · 264
Gwen Pimentel Dec 2014
How funny is it
That I found my own comfort
With merely my ears
Nak ng humuhugot dahil sa piano.. Dis is wat xmas break is all about
Gwen Pimentel Dec 2014
O, how nice it feels
To let out my all to you
And yet you still stay

To have a love beyond words
Nov 2014 · 326
thank you
Gwen Pimentel Nov 2014
The truest you is the you when you were a kid
I was a writer, mom said
"Poems by the age of 4!"

Growing up, I seemed to forget
How to arrange words into stanzas
How to express myself

But you
oh you
You awoke the sleeping poet inside of me
Someone whom I thought died a long time ago
Someone whom I thought I'd never see again

You awoke me
And made me feel things
I never thought I could feel
And write things
I never thought I could write

Because of you, I found my way back to myself
Sep 2014 · 863
You and the outdoors
Gwen Pimentel Sep 2014
Your eyes
As blue as the sky
Your smile
As bright as a sunny day
Your body
As breathtaking as the view
Your voice
As sweet as birds chirping in the morning

Comes the rain
Everything comes crashing down
We come crashing down

Your eyes
As angry as the lightning during a storm
Your smile
As fake as that plastic floating in the flood
Your body
As powerful & hurtful as a typhoon
Your voice
As loud as the raindrops falling on my roof

Goes my feelings for you
Sep 2014 · 212
Gwen Pimentel Sep 2014
I often think of endings for my poems
But I just don't know where to start
Maybe because that's what matters --
The end, not the start
Sep 2014 · 599
Gwen Pimentel Sep 2014
If I had diabetes, you’d  be the sugar
If my blood pressure was high, you’d be the fried food I'm dying to have
If I had colds, you’d be the ice cream
If I had love, you’d be the one wishing I didn't

You’re my poison
You make me weak with your toxins
Spreading them to my body
But why, after all you’ve done,
Do I still love you?
Aug 2014 · 12.0k
Gwen Pimentel Aug 2014
Nakakapagod gumising sa umaga.
Maliligo, magbibihis, magpapakain ng aso
Pagkatapos ay papasok sa eskwelahan

Nakakapagod pumasok sa eskwelahan.
Paulit ulit ang ginagawa
Nakatunganga sa pisara buong araw
Pinoproblema na ang takdang aralin na gagawin mamaya.

Nakakapagod gumawa ng takdang aralin.
Lalo na pag nagsabay sabay ang mga ****
Nagkahalohalo na ang mga presentasyon
Hindi alam ang gagawin

Nakakapagod ang buhay ko
Alam ko bata pa lang ako, at ang mga problema ko
ay tila maliit lamang sa mata ng nakatatanda
Pero para sa akin, ito ay mahirap

Halos wala ng oras para sa sarili
Galing sa eskwela, darating sa bahay ng gabi
Maglilinis ng bahay, pagkatapos any gagawa ng takdang aralin
Matutulog, ng pagod na pagod na pagod.

Sa gitna ng kaguluhan Nakita ko si Hesus
Tumigil ako, lumuhod, at nanalangin
Pagkatapos ay tila nawala ang hirap ko
Para bang lahat ng dinadala ko ay inangat mula sa akin
Sabi ko "Hesus, ikaw talaga ang number one sa buhay ko!"
At napagtanto na kailanman, hinding hindi ko kakapaguran Ang Diyos.
English translation to follow. In line with Buwan ng Wika of the Philippines. Mahal ko ang aking wika.
Jul 2014 · 9.3k
Gwen Pimentel Jul 2014
Pinapanood malunod ang mundo
Mula sa aking bintana'y natatanto
Bayan ko'y dahan dahang inaanod
Inaanod na rin ata ang puso ko

Walang daang madadaanan
Walang makatutulong sa nasasaktan
Dahil ang tutulong dapat, ay nasaktan na rin

Sinagasaan ng bagyo ang ating bansa
Binanyagang may pinaka-masayang mga tao
Bakit kaya tayo pa ang napili ng Panginoon?

Siguro dahil alam Niya na makakabangon tayo
Siguro dahil matibay ang ating pananampalataya
Siguro dahil may leksyon tayong dapat matutunan

Kahit ano pa man ang dahilan, salamat Panginoon na muli Ninyo kaming ibinangon
Song turned poem (or is it poem turned song..) during the supertyphoon Yolanda. #throwback

Creds to Marco for the first stanza
Jul 2014 · 1.4k
Gwen Pimentel Jul 2014
A word to describe you
A word that encompasses your being
Especially your voice

Oh, your ohhh soooo amazing voice
Where do I even begin describing such a voice?
I feel like when I say anything about it
It would underestimate the majesty that your voice is...

You make me melt with every word, every note
every strum on the guitar every, every breath
Your voice is perfect

If your voice is the pizza
I am the 3-cheese melting on top of it
May 2014 · 307
Gwen Pimentel May 2014
So today I saw your instagram
I mean not that I'm trying to avoid it

Ok fine maybe I am
And maybe I miss you
Just a bit kinda a lot not so much

Maybe I still think about you
When I shouldn't
May 2014 · 379
Gwen Pimentel May 2014
Smoking is dangerous to your health
Millions of times I've heard that line
Of course it's too late once they realize it
Kissing death, breathing in little murderers
Intoxicating yourself, paying companies to **** you
Nothing good comes out of smoking
Gambling with life and death

Killing you, breath by breath by breath
It's never too late to quit but if you dont,
Life will eventually catch up with you
Letting you know your time is done but just remember
Smoking is dangerous to your health
Read the capital letter of every line going down
Jan 2014 · 537
Cliche but true
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2014
I want to love and be loved
I want someone to sweep me off my feet
I want someone to hug
And I want someone who will love me

I want someone who'll take care of me
And hold me, when times get rough
I want someone who'll tell me
Everything will be alright

I want someone who'll be there for me
No matter what happens
I want someone who'll make me laugh
And cannot bare to see me cry

I want someone who will teach me how to live
Teach me how to smile on the darkest days
Teach me how to love unconditionally
And teach me how to live myself

Lastly I want someone who will love me
And all my flaws and insecurities
I want to be someone's everything
And he will also be my everything
Yes I repeated 'I want someone who will love Me" twice
Jan 2014 · 334
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2014
How do you look at the man you love
and tell yourself "It's time to move on
there's nothing here for you"
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